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Apr 2014 · 506
Anomalous Ardor
SinisterS0ul Apr 2014
The beating concrete of mine has
thaw itself into the craving of the two
fleshy folds that holds every inch of
my affection, the sparkle in those
oval sights that takes me to a
journey that seem to be endless, the
caress of those hands that satisfy
not only the form of this unbearable
weakness and stone chest but also
the sentiment of yours truly, the
utterance of which mine ears evoke
who I endeared to.
4.8.14 4:43p
Apr 2014 · 350
SinisterS0ul Apr 2014
you're worth more than a message full
of words expressing my lack of merit

you're worth more than an unhappy
frown leading you to nothing but
sleeping with a throbbing chest
and melancholy

you're worth more than the strain
of the atmosphere choking you up
to the point where you can't see
your own words coming out
of your mouth

you're worth more than a spiteful
individual to have you grieve for
their altruism options

you're worth more than unnecessary
hurdles approaching you day by day

and you're especially worth more
than an assurance of words, but only
meant for you to feel the culpability
of my own.
3.16.14 1:26a
Apr 2014 · 284
It's you
SinisterS0ul Apr 2014
When I feel your warmth against my
flesh, my every sight turns into a
vibrant hue

it's you;
for which is the reason to the gaiety
of my soul

it's you;
that brings out the steam of consciousness within myself;

it's you;
that drained the very beat of my heart for
causing it to skip several times that, I,
myself couldn't keep up with the pace

it's you;
that gives me the feeling of worm-like-knees
when you speak to me with the weariness
of your breath

it's you;
that reminds me of every paragon views
which captures the exact profile
I wish to gaze at daily.
3.27.14 11:24p

— The End —