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484 · Oct 2014
30,000 feet
sincelastjune Oct 2014
at 30,000 feet in the air
i collapsed
my heart sank
my legs gave out
and i stopped breathing
you filled my thoughts
you filled my veins
you filled my eyes
you told me
that i would never see you
ever again
and that was enough
enough to **** me
at 30,000 feet in the air
i realized that love
is about never wanting to lose
the person who makes your heart beat
480 · Sep 2014
sincelastjune Sep 2014
the people who i used to laugh with
don't look at my face anymore
they don't look into my eyes
the same people i used to eat with
don't care if i'm starving
the same people i used to spend all night with
don't care if i'm alive or dead
i guess that's how it is
people act like they love you
but then act like they never knew you
477 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
she was like snow

beautiful, but cold

even in the summer

especially, in the heat

she was like snow

so beautiful, yet so cold

even when her heart healed

especially, when it broke again
474 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
She gazed at him
As if he was a sunset
Not knowing
He would one day
Set fire to her heart
And leave it in ashes
For the next boy
462 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
she lost herself
in a boy who loves himself
more than he loves her

a boy who needed to please
more than one girl
immaturity at its finest

when she lost herself
she couldn't find herself again
when he left for good

she became a shell
of her former self
now she was nothing
but flesh and a broken heart

she longed for him
to come back to her
and make her feel alive again
because now she was dead inside

she didn't fall in love
she ran headfirst into it, with tremendous speed
and no caution at all
unaware of who she was giving her heart to

now the lost girl
somewhere out on a swing set
where they spent long nights together
is imploding, while swinging back and forth
456 · Oct 2014
it never leaves
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i think about you
even though i shouldn't
but it happens
heartbreak doesn't go away
it hides sometimes
but it never leaves
it always comes back
to haunt you at night
or dig into your thoughts
during the day
heartbreak is forever
and there is no way around it
454 · Oct 2014
proceed with caution
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Those who have
a hard exterior
Have been
In a war
Either with themselves
Or with someone else
They know what the gates of hell look like
Proceed with caution
Extreme caution
449 · Oct 2014
we should
sincelastjune Oct 2014
We should not teach women how not to get *****
We should teach men to not ****
We should teach men to respect all women
Women do not ask to get *****
It does not matter
How they are dressed
How they are acting
Or how they interact with you
We need to start teaching men not to **** women
We should not have to teach women how not to get *****
446 · Oct 2014
stay back, stay away
sincelastjune Oct 2014
stay back, stay away
walk away from my core
i will never let anyone in again
the last time i did
it ended in disaster
and i'll be ******
if i have to repair my heart again
so stay back, stay away
walk away from my core
it will remain closed
tomorrow, the day after
for the month, who knows
445 · Oct 2014
the heart
sincelastjune Oct 2014
the heart
wants it wants
there is nothing you can do
but give it what it wants
or make it suffer

the heart
is so fragile
handle it with care
don't give it away blindly

the heart
is a vessel filled with love
that love can soon turn into hate
if you let it

the heart
will forever be your best friend
or your worst enemy
but then again, it's all about perspective
434 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i keep on running

from people and priorities

and what really scares me

isn't what i am running from

but what i could end up crashing into

because the faster i run

and the farther i go

the more i lose connection with

who i am and what i want to do

and being swallowed by fear

is a fate worse than death
433 · Oct 2014
no how, no way
sincelastjune Oct 2014
today is the first day
of the rest of our lives
me and you, girl
lets hold hands
and never let go
lets promise to never leave
no matter how hard it gets
no matter what
lets promise to never give up
we can't be another statistic
we can't be a part of the 50%
no how, no way
so until we get arthritis
lets hold hands
and never let go
until death do us part
428 · Oct 2014
throw away your fears
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I would rather do something I am afraid of doing
Than never do it and always wonder what could have happened
That is what we are here for, right?
That is what we are put on this earth for, right?
To do as much as we can while we can, right?
So throw away your fears
Light them on fire if you must
Or keep them on display in your bedroom
So you can laugh at them every single day
As you go out into the world
418 · Oct 2014
no time left
sincelastjune Oct 2014
all we have is tonight
we have no time left
lets explore
lets make love
while we still can
because the clock is ticking
and my heart is
doing the charleston
while trying to breakdance
and all i can think about
is how i might never see you again
and how that will affect me
and if it will even affect you
i never know why
but i never think the person i love
really loves me
and they never think
that i love them
even though i would do anything
just to see them smile
just to hear them laugh
even if all we have is tonight
even if there is no time left
414 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
are you out there?
this girl is driving me insane
why do i love her so much?

i wish she would just fall off the face of the earth and...
no, no, no, i take that back
why must everything be so difficult?

is this what love is?
this burning sensation in my soul?
this burning sensation running through my veins?

or am i just angry and unable to control my anger?
we will fight for a bit
then i will get over it, but she won't

so i will have to comfort her
and assure her that she is mine
and assure her that my love for her hasn't left the building

just because i get mad
doesn't mean i stop loving her
it means i am human and go ballistic sometimes
408 · Oct 2014
when your wings falter
sincelastjune Oct 2014
spread your wings and fly, beautiful girl
i will shout directions from the balcony
no, no, no, i will be the wind
that guides you to your dreams
and pushes you when your wings falter
because i know you may get weak
and you may get weary
even though you are a fighter
just know this, beautiful girl
that you might not see me
but i will always be here
always pushing you forward
like wild winds
407 · Oct 2014
as i lay dying
sincelastjune Oct 2014
As I lay dying
On this tennis court
My heart in my hands
My thoughts on the stands
Tears starting to form
And I realize it's over
But I still want you
Still want your love
And affection, and jokes
And your touch, and sarcasm
The things that made me melt
Made me believe that I knew
What love really is
But now I lay here
On this tennis court
At two in the morning
And I realize that I didn't try hard enough
I didn't call enough
Didn't show you off
Never told the whole world about you
Like I should have
And now it has come back
To bite me where the sun doesn't shine
Because as every person
Who falls in love finds out
At some point in their life
Love isn't the feeling
In your heart when you find someone special
It's the feeling in your veins
When that person you fell in love with
Is no longer a drug that you can fill your blood with
403 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
In the end
All we had left
Were shattered hopes
And broken promises
Mixed with fragile frames of mind
That held wild thoughts
About love and loss
Which we both found out
Go hand in hand sometimes
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Find someone
Who can make you laugh
Even when there are tears
Streaming down your face
Find someone who can make you laugh
Like a hyena
Even when you are mad
And feel like you are going to explode
Find someone who can make you laugh
Like a maniac
You know when you laugh loudly
And can barely breathe and you start clapping or snorting?
If they make you do that a lot
Hold on to them
Laughter is the most important thing
In a relationship
If your relationship is paralyzed
It's because you do not
Make each other laugh anymore
399 · Oct 2014
before i met her
sincelastjune Oct 2014
before i met her
i wasn't a morning person
i despised mornings
and everything about them
but after she crashed landed into my life
and built a house in my heart
i wake up every morning
and smile for a while
because she is my first thought
when i open my eyes in the morning
and now i love mornings
because i have her to think about
and that alone, is enough for me
374 · Oct 2014
a reason
sincelastjune Oct 2014
thinking she won't leave
is the biggest mistake
you could ever make
she will not stay
if you don't give her
a reason to stay
if you don't give her effort
she is as good as gone
367 · Oct 2014
if i wasn't a vampire
sincelastjune Oct 2014
is the best time
the time is always right
when the moon is out
is the worst time
the time is always wrong
when the sun is out
i would think differently
if i wasn't a vampire
but i am
therefore, i am in love with nighttime
and i am in hate with daytime
347 · Oct 2014
hot and cold
sincelastjune Oct 2014
She's not perfect
But she's perfect for me
She makes me weak
But she gives me strength
She is hot
And cold
Like lava and icicles
Like the sun and the sea
340 · Oct 2014
do not enter
sincelastjune Oct 2014
do not enter my soul, it is a black hole
you don't have a map, you won't know where to go

do not enter my heart, it is cold
unless you bring a jacket, because everything has froze

do not enter my mind, it is old
weathered by weary thoughts, that fall down like dominoes

do not enter my veins, for they are roads
leading to my heart, where everything has froze
336 · Oct 2014
late at night
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i don't sleep anymore
somewhere along the lines
my thoughts went past the margin
and refused to stop

late at night
i am swallowed whole
by my past, by the unknown
which creep inside my core

i hope this won't last
but it has been some years
since i last slept like a baby
and woke up feeling fresh
329 · Nov 2015
besides you
sincelastjune Nov 2015
i try to think about anything else
besides you
but it's hard.

how can i think about anything else
besides you
when you
were my everything?
327 · Oct 2014
those pages
sincelastjune Oct 2014
my soul has been screaming
since you left
and closed a chapter
in the book of my life
which i go back to  
and read from time to time

those pages seem endless
filled with anger, love, jealousy, poison
filled with sadness, naiveté, fights, memories

i read those pages again and again
they feel like home, and feel so close
though you are faraway
and i may never see you again

when the moon goes up
i revisit those pages
to see if they seem any different
than the night before
but they never do
and never will

love ate us both up
and spit us out
with no remorse
with no sympathy at all
320 · Oct 2014
she can't
sincelastjune Oct 2014
she cries tears
that hit the ground like hale
splitting the earth
like the most monstrous boulders would

tears fall every night
thoughts of him fill her head
while she tries to sleep
but she can't

her heart aches more and more
and as time goes on
the pain doesn't go away
she knows moving on takes time
but time is killing her slowly
sincelastjune Oct 2014
do not kiss me
unless you will miss me
you better cry every night
and cry every morning
when i am not around
i want it to hurt
in your chest
in your veins
that i am not around
do not kiss me
unless you will miss me
because once i have you
the tears will roll like waves
the pain will blitz like linebackers
once i have you
303 · Oct 2014
four in the morning
sincelastjune Oct 2014
the last time we ate together
we ate at a diner
i had eggs benedict
you had mozzarella sticks
it was four in the morning
and we didn't care about anything
but each other and our stomachs
it was sad
because i would be leaving you
and there was nothing i could do
but for that hour we spent
the world seemed perfect
even though it was crashing down
all around us
and there was nothing we could do
sincelastjune Oct 2014
How long they choose to stay with you
Will never be your decision
Nor will you ever have a say in the matter
They will leave you, if they want to
They will hurt you, if they want to
They will cheat on you, if they want to
They will love you forever, if they want to
They will make you feel so alone, if they want to
They will show you how much they say they care, if they want to
They will fight for you, if they want to
They will make you feel wanted, if they want to
None of that will ever be your decision
Nor will you ever have a say in the matter
Shackles are for slaves
Not for lovers
293 · Oct 2014
everything about herself
sincelastjune Oct 2014
her mind
is chaotic to say the least
her voice
is as soothing as the sea
her hair
is as soft as clouds
her laugh
roars like thunder
her smile
shines like a million suns
her eyes
see through my soul
her ears
can hear the slightest bit of uncertainty in my voice
her hands
hold my heart
her arms
hold me when i need them to
her hips
are wide and beautiful
her legs
are short to say the least
her toes
are her biggest insecurity
which bothers me
so i tell her i love them
a million times per day
because i want her to love everything about herself
as i do, and always will
292 · Oct 2014
i will always remember you
sincelastjune Oct 2014
In a year, I will not remember today
In ten years, I will not remember today
In twenty five years, I will not remember today
In fifty years, I will not remember today
But, I will always remember you
282 · Oct 2017
sincelastjune Oct 2017
New love has given me life.
It has given me new eyes and ears.
A new heart and fresh blood in my veins.

You woke up my soul.
You're an amazing alarm.
280 · Sep 2014
sincelastjune Sep 2014
i have no bridges
left to burn
around here
i torched them all
ashes flew across campus
trust left town
friendships fell in fire
bridges built from wood
had no chance at all
278 · Oct 2014
i can't do it
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i don't think you loved me
if you did
you wouldn't have broken me
the way that you did
i've heard that love is pain
but this pain will last forever
and i can't live like this
i can't live with this
i can't do it
i wonder if you loved me
because you said you loved me
but then you left me
and fell in love with someone else
while i was still madly in love with you
271 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
kiss her heart
cradle her soul
touch her spirit
**** her mind
love her forever
267 · Oct 2014
i see yours
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I hope you have trouble sleeping at night
I know I do
But I hope you do too
I hope you see my face when you close your eyes
I see yours
But I see it less and less these days
I hope I am getting better
I hope you are getting worse
266 · Oct 2014
like i need water
sincelastjune Oct 2014
i need you like i need water
like i need oxygen
like i need food
like i need shelter
does that tell you
how much you mean to me?
does it?
261 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
one plus one
equals two
but one heart
plus another one
equals magic
so trust love
it trusts you
so embrace love
it embraces you
so love love
it loves you
261 · Oct 2014
here i go again
sincelastjune Oct 2014
here i go again
pushing people away
hiding from the world
living in a shell
here i go again
refusing to talk to people
walking faster and faster
from place to place
here i go again
being who i used to be
who i swore i would never be again
257 · Oct 2014
cuts on her wrists
sincelastjune Oct 2014
A little boy
Looked at the cuts on her wrists
She quickly crossed
Her arms behind her back
Tears entered his eyes
And he said
“My older sister used to have those, she forgot how to be happy”
253 · Sep 2014
somewhere on this campus
sincelastjune Sep 2014
she is my life
so if i ever lose her
i will die
a horrible prolonged death
somewhere on this campus
they will find my body
under a bush
or behind a bike rack
i will be motionless
i will be breathless
i will be loveless
if i ever lose her
i will be lifeless
because she is my life
and everything she does
affects me like nothing else
250 · Oct 2014
they cannot read your mind
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Communication is everything
In a relationship
Knowing when to talk
Knowing when to stay quiet
Even when you are not saying anything
You are still saying something
Communication is vital
Do not hide things from your lover
No matter how bad it is
Tell them what happened
Communicate the truth
Do not lie to your lover
No matter how much you may want to
The truth will always be greater than a lie
Tell them your thoughts
Tell them your feelings
Tell them your dreams
Tell them your fears
Tell them your corny jokes
Tell them your childhood stories
Tell them your addictions
Tell them your heart is in their possession
Do not forget to TELL them how much you love them
Do not forget to SHOW them how much you love them
You must communicate your love for them by showing AND telling
Communication is everything
If something is bothering you
Or if your lover does something that bothers you
And you do not say anything
How do you expect them to know something is wrong?
As amazing as they might be
Communicate, communicate, communicate
And then communicate some more
243 · Sep 2014
rain falls
sincelastjune Sep 2014
rain falls
like waterfalls
from dark clouds
rain falls
like tears
from the sky
shedding tears
for misery, for pain
for unsolved problems, broken marriages
abandoned children and homeless people
rain falls
like waves
washing the world
243 · Oct 2014
sincelastjune Oct 2014
bullets don't **** people
neither do stab wounds or blood loss
people who say they love someone
then leave that person forever
are the only things that **** people
237 · Oct 2014
never goes away
sincelastjune Oct 2014
I'm not mad
At you anymore
I've realized that it's my fault
For not taking care of you
But your fault for cheating
I've realized that I'll love you
Forever and ever
Because love never goes away
It just leaves scars
237 · Oct 2014
i am who i am
sincelastjune Oct 2014
Caring about what people think
Such a waste of time
Why should their opinions matter?
I am who I am
I do what I do
Why should I care about what they say?
I will not remember any of these people
In five years
In ten years
They will not matter then
Why should they matter now?
233 · Sep 2014
the perfect storm
sincelastjune Sep 2014
she is just as crazy as i am
our relationship
is the perfect storm
the perfect balance
between calm and chaos
some days
we are waves that hit the shore
other days
we are shooting stars
but we don't give up on each other
we want to be together that badly
231 · Oct 2014
i can't tell
sincelastjune Oct 2014
there is a fire
brewing in my ribcage
heating up my heart
cooking it for dinner
i can't tell
if this is love
or if this is hate
or a mixture of both
i can't tell
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