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Dec 2023 · 847
Lonely Night
silentwoods Dec 2023
A candle flickering with light -
The comfort of a lonely night,
Where melancholy shades of me
Blur with the raindrops perfectly
And where my soul, seeking to nest,
On scribbled page discovers rest.
The air is thick with scent of pine,
The heart is merry with a rhyme,
The storm outside keeps on, despite,
The comfort of my lonely night.
Jan 2022 · 254
The One-Upper
silentwoods Jan 2022
You mention that you're tired.
They tell you that you're weak.
You say you had five hours of sleep,
They say that's what they had all week.

It's not that your day didn't ****,
It's just that theirs was worse.
Your uncle's in the hospital?
Well, theirs is in a hearse.

You share a funny story, then,
Some memory you miss,
Only to have them respond with,
"Wait 'till you hear this-"

It's not that you're not funny,
You may be humorous.
It's just that they happen to be
A little more hilarious.

At some point, conversation,
On your end, goes bone dry.
You're left feeling dejected
And don't seem to know why.

The motive of the One-Upper
Is still an open question.
Just make sure you aren't one-
Is my one suggestion.
Based on Theophrastus' Characters
Oct 2021 · 195
silentwoods Oct 2021
The wind exhales, it’s exhilarating
breath howling through
the streets. For a moment, it is exalted
and revered by nature. Even the sun prostrates at its feet. Though invisible,
it escalates, leaving destruction
in its feat; lifting and ejecting anything unfortunate enough to stray in its path.
The wind inhales and the leaves tremble,
bracing for the next peril.
Sep 2021 · 600
The Cemetery
silentwoods Sep 2021
The dead rest and I rest with them
under the shade of the maple leaves.
Their world is cold, eternal, cramped;
mine: sunny, free,
We share a home but they are confined
while I am free to roam and wander,
or lie upon their mossy bed as I read
about yet another world -
Imaginary; existing somewhere in between.
People come and go as the day drags on.
Sunlight glints off the headboards.
They arrive slowly. Leave quickly.
We stay.
The air is fragrant with the scent of freshly turned soil; their blanket, my bedsheet. This is a land of peace
and I am a guest,
Sep 2021 · 2.6k
Moon Face
silentwoods Sep 2021
She watches me
as I illuminate her
head on the pillow,
still cornering the daylight
into the rear window.

She lays, outstretched,
filling the back seat of the car
with unwrapped thoughts,
too deep;
my rays can only reach so far.

Her sleepy eyelids blink
at me in question.
A suggestion?
I hide my face behind a cloud.
"'till soon," I whisper.
I'm only just a surface moon.
Jul 2021 · 215
silentwoods Jul 2021
Hate, Doubt
Uncertainty, Fear
Has crept in the hearts
Of many this year

Spirits have weakened
Love has grown cold
As we watch, with defeat
Revelations unfold

'One nation under God'
Now torn and divided
The 'States of America'
But no longer 'United'

Let us not place our faith
In the 'red' or the 'blue'
But instead on God's promise
Which we know to be true

Let us speak, unafraid
To be shunned or oppressed
For it's time that our faith
Be put to the test

Let God be our hope
And our refuge in fear
Let our hearts be made ready
For His coming is near!
Jul 2021 · 211
silentwoods Jul 2021
rejoice, oh rejoice,
who are weary and lost!
turn your eyes to the blood
that was shed on the cross

Jesus paid the full price
for your wickedest deed,
there is nothing to do but rejoice-
you are freed!

He was beaten and mocked;
unjustly accused,
and He died on the cross, marked
"the King of the Jews"

rejoice, oh rejoice,
for His blood has been shed!
accept it and live,
"it is finished!" He said
"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."  Mark 1:15
Jul 2020 · 130
silentwoods Jul 2020
how can I sit still when the world
just outside my window is
bending, twisting,
shedding its skin in a beautiful array of colors;
becoming more alive
with each passing moment...?
i long to be a part of its every sunrise and sunset,
to explore the depth of each mountain, to fill my lungs with its crisp, fresh air,
and to dance on its
soft green carpet
with my head turned up
to meet the rain.
Apr 2020 · 178
writer's block
silentwoods Apr 2020
my branch bends
with the weight of
ripe fruit
and my basket is empty.
Feb 2020 · 188
freedom in grace
silentwoods Feb 2020
when you perceive God's grace,
you simultaneously uncover
it's reward: flawless,
untainted Love
and the moment you begin
to understand the substance of it,
you can't help but
cease resisting the current
and allowing grace
to pull you to the surface
where you can float
in perfect peace
Feb 2020 · 143
mom and dad
silentwoods Feb 2020
the sun is a warm
blanket draped across
your shoulders

you pedal faster
letting the salty wind
break on your face

the boardwalk
stretches for miles
and you catch sight
of him, pedaling ahead,
a red blur against
endless blue

he stops and looks
back over his shoulder,
waiting for you
to close the distance

and as you pull up beside
him, your hair
tangled, your heart racing,
you smile
because you're
Dec 2019 · 889
blind lover
silentwoods Dec 2019
the difference between seeking to find me and seeking to stumble into me is the guarantee of only one of those.
Dec 2019 · 237
silentwoods Dec 2019
solitude is a peculiar thing, for it is both freeing and bounding.
how can one be imprisoned by their own solitude?
Dec 2019 · 268
fleeting limitations
silentwoods Dec 2019
a blanket of white
descends slowly and steadily,
only to weave silky threads
through the evergreens.
it resides gently
upon its terminal resting place,
muting the muddy earth
with a barely audible "shh.."
and the finality
of an icy embrace.
Oct 2019 · 255
silentwoods Oct 2019
Thick, heavy raindrops beat against the window, reflecting the moonbeams as they chased each other down the window pane.
I watched, fixating my gaze on one rivulet at a time as it joined with another, and another, and another.
It was midnight, and I sat wrapped up in a fleece blanket by the window.  The steam rising from my mug mingled with my warm breath. My mind was blank, with only the steady rhythm of rain in the distance.
A concept
Sep 2019 · 411
silentwoods Sep 2019
patience is not just waiting. it is a practice of composure and humility. if hope is the thing with feathers, patience is a smooth riverbed stone: gentle, yet uncompromising.
Jul 2019 · 234
Calm before the Storm
silentwoods Jul 2019
The air is thick with anticipation.
Birds have quieted, their song lost in the darkened sky.
A gust of wind whistles as it whips up dead leaves on the sidewalk, stirring them around before letting them scatter.
All is still.

When at last, the first drop breaks through the heavens, it shatters the silence with it, and beats onto the ground like applause.
perfection in nature
Jul 2019 · 230
Home Alone
silentwoods Jul 2019
My family's gone, there's no one home;
It's only me - who's home alone.
I should not hear a single squeak,
There shouldn't even be a creak,

So what's that thumping that I hear?
It must mean one thing: death is near.
"You're an adult, you'll be just fine",
I tell myself as I dial "nine"..

Was that a knock upon the door?
My heart beats faster than before.
I know it's closed, I've checked the lock,
At least my killer knows to knock.

I cannot sleep, though I'm in bed,
I've made amends with God instead.
If He decides that it's my time,
Then this will be my very last rhyme.

I hear a bang, and then a break,
My head shoots up; there's no mistake!
I turn my music volume high
So I won't hear the way I die.

I run upstairs, desk lamp in hand
Over my head, ready to land..
And right before it did just that,
I remembered: I have a cat.
Jul 2019 · 801
A Simple Life
silentwoods Jul 2019
The light fades and the day drains;
Its secrets left untold
And whether the sun will rise again,
Is not by us foretold.

Today has been a gift to you
Despite its aches and sorrows;
Another chance for you to claim
Unlimited tomorrows.

So do what you can, with what you have
And give thanks to the One above.
Give more than you get, and leave more than you take,
And do all these things in love.
Jul 2019 · 189
how introverts fall in love
silentwoods Jul 2019
I'll know I'm in love
when the time spent with them
is better than the time spent alone.
Jul 2019 · 397
wingin' it
silentwoods Jul 2019
don't compare yourself to others
don't cut back to try to fit
no one knows what they are doing
everybody's wingin' it
out here surviving, just like you
Jul 2019 · 180
choose to grow
silentwoods Jul 2019
it's not
the fear
that stunts
your growth,
it's the
Jul 2019 · 192
silentwoods Jul 2019
Everyone you meet is fabricated in layers.
Their core is their soul,
and in order to expose it, you have
to penetrate the layers.
Although some people
require more digging than others,
the reward is all the same,
because everyone is the same that far down.
Jun 2019 · 733
vulnerable ability
silentwoods Jun 2019
vulnerability is
not trying to fill the silence,
and allowing yourself
to feel
Jun 2019 · 452
silentwoods Jun 2019
Listen to what people say,
Don't just wait to speak.
Listen closely and you'll hear
What it is they seek.

Listen to what people say
And hear the things they don't.
The silence in a pause alone
Will speak what the mouth won't.
Jun 2019 · 372
Dreaming in Color
silentwoods Jun 2019
I woke atop a bed of green
Enveloped in endless blue
Honey rays danced over me
Melting the morning dew.
Poppies all around me blushed
In scarlet and merlot
Daffodils and daisies peeked
Beneath the thawing snow.
I danced among the emerald hills
Tasting the wind’s sweet sighs
The rhythm pulsing in my chest
With nature - harmonized
I feared that I was still asleep
And all this, but a dream
And if it was, I prayed I’d wake
Atop a bed of green.
Jun 2019 · 427
silentwoods Jun 2019
We all know of someone who's tougher than nails
     Amid sorrow and failure, whose courage prevails
The one who is down but denies his defeat
     The one who will rise back up on his feet,

The one whose voice is as strong as it's steady
     The one whose knees don't feel like spaghetti
Upon whose shoulder we often have cried
     The one who is fearless...
     But shaking inside.
Not everyone is as strong as they seem.
Jun 2019 · 2.2k
silentwoods Jun 2019
Once upon a special day,
Twenty years ago,
God placed a legend on this earth:
Anzhelika Van Gogh.

She's the epitome of art,
Her curls are a sculpture.
Even the coffee that she spills
Creates an abstract picture.

When she walks into a room,
All eyes turn to stare.
It may or may not be because
She overturned a chair.

Eating healthy is a chore,
Water just won't do.
She'll wash down her chicken wings
With a Mountain Dew.

Her fashion inspiration
Is any mom of four.
All outfits are determined by
The options on the floor.

She's wild and chaotic.
But often, so is art.
The more you get to know her,
The more you see her heart.

Fellas, are you hearing this?
She's beauty AND she's brains.
But bring umbrellas with you
'Cause in her life, Christ reigns.

She'll leave an impact on your life,
And shower you with love.
Happy birthday to the gift
God sent us from above.
This is a birthday poem I wrote for my sister.
Apr 2019 · 844
gift of spring
silentwoods Apr 2019
just like
   tree buds
    in the
i have been
  a season
     to grow
Apr 2019 · 12.3k
Circle of life
silentwoods Apr 2019
Winter springs
into summer,
as the setting sun.
Summer falls
into winter
and then all at once.
Apr 2019 · 226
Type Ones
silentwoods Apr 2019
Schedules, deadlines,
Lists, and plans;
We work best
Under demands.

All or nothing,
No mistakes,
Is at stake.

If it’s wrong,
Make it right,
We see things
In black and white.

Inner critic
In our ear,
Correcting us
So loud and clear.

Perfection is
Just out of reach,
We always practice
What we preach.

Just for fun,
That’s what it’s like
To be a One!
This is based on the Enneagram personality type test.
Apr 2019 · 181
silentwoods Apr 2019
It’s going to **** me.
It’s going to cut me up into neat little fractions until I am no more,
It’s going to spread through my body like a disease, filling up every compartment of my being,
It’s going to take root in the pits of my belly like a green leafed plant ,and I’m going to water it with my tears until it grows too big to be contained.
And then it’s going to smother me.
And then it’s going to **** me.
silentwoods Apr 2019
My dearest Prince Charming, am I being stood up?
It's starting to look like you'll never show up.

There's thoughts in my head that are hard to ignore;
Like you showing up to another front door.

Maybe you're hurt, bleeding out on the ground,
Or worse - you've decided to just turn around.

Your horse will not ride, it's dying of hunger,
Or maybe you've met someone else that is younger.

I wish you would send me your current location,
I'd order a faster mode of transportation.

And if you're asleep in the shades of a tree,
I hope that you're dreaming a sweet dream of me.

Keep moving, dear prince, clear the path with your sword,
At the end of this journey will be a reward.

It will be you and me, together at last,
And it can happen soon, if you ride very fast.

But no matter how long your painful endeavor
I pray that you get here, better late than never.
Mar 2019 · 240
silentwoods Mar 2019
first love is
a candle flame
you watch from afar,
admiring its red hues,
by its tenderness,
for its comfort
but then you allow yourself
to get too close,
letting the passion consume you,
not feeling the burn
you are reduced to ashes
Mar 2019 · 163
Inner Critic
silentwoods Mar 2019
Your cheeks are too round and your hair is too flat.
That dress you tried on? It makes you look fat.
Your pimples are spotted a mile away.
Don’t you dare leave the house without make up today.

Close your lips when you smile, they might notice your teeth.
It’s all about looks, no one cares what’s beneath.
Just be more outgoing, maybe then you’ll fit in.
You have to be perfect in order to win.

A good education? You’ll never pull through.
That’s why your mom’s disappointed in you.
Get off your phone and go read a book.
Who wants a wife that doesn’t know how to cook?

You’re not good enough, that’s why you’re alone.
Should’ve just settled, now your chances are blown.
No one will want you, so just **** it up.
You need to start acting a little-

Feb 2019 · 424
cotton skies
silentwoods Feb 2019
a world of cotton
lies above
white puffs
s c a t t e r e d into the blue.
I watch them move
from a world below
and wonder
if they’re watching me too.
Feb 2019 · 250
I am the sea
silentwoods Feb 2019
the deep blue sea is my attire,
I wear the depth I so desire
crashing waves make up my gown
bejeweled brine adorns my crown
my sleeves are trimmed with gentle grace
I sleep under the moon’s embrace
through fingers of a hand I’ll slip,
yet on my shoulders, hold a ship
I am the tide, I come and go
I keep my secrets down below
a current rushes through my veins
my flux cannot be caught in chains
midst calm and rage, I’m never still
I hold the power of free will
I’m partly still a mystery
look out to sea,
and you’ll find me
Feb 2019 · 308
silentwoods Feb 2019
they met
he was
so fine
his words
were sweet
she wished
they'd meet
he was
on guard
she still
fell hard
and then
one day
he did
not stay
he led
her on
just to
be gone
she had
a cry
but now
with time
she is
just fine
his messages
have been erased
his memory
has been replaced.
Feb 2019 · 142
silentwoods Feb 2019
Today I watched you fall again.
I felt your weary heart.
The burden you've been carrying
Was tearing you apart.

I longed to take your pain away,
I longed to make you whole.
If you would just look up at Me,
I'd surely mend your soul.

But you continued steadily,
Relying on yourself.
Pushing every thought of Me
Onto the farthest shelf.

You thought you had everyone fooled,
You put up a facade.
But you can’t hide even one tear
From the Almighty God.

My child, why are you ashamed?
Why do you hide, unspoken?
My job is not to heal the whole,
I’ve come to mend the broken.
Feb 2019 · 186
yellow heart
silentwoods Feb 2019
the keeper's yellow canary dwelt in her cage,
          her smooth, silky feathers untouched,
    tucked gently to her sides,
as she listened to the soothing quivers of her own beating heart.
and when came morning,
her joyful song echoed all around,
illuminating even the darkest shadows
of her beloved keeper's heart.

but alas, the day had come:
      the keeper left the gate unhinged.
it beckoned freedom,
   whispered chances,
and with a ruffle of those dainty wings,
the keeper's yellow canary
fled home.

days, weeks, a month had passed,
the keeper waited for her return
       searching for a glimpse of yellow,
              the only color he had truly known,
    but afraid
his heart has found another home.

and then, come nightfall,
he saw the bird under his window
  the perfect feathers he once knew
        were torn and mangled,
stained deep red.

he lifted her
and cradled her broken wings in his palms
until they were whole again.
and then he placed her gently in her cage,
sealing the gate forever.
vowing never again
     to let her taste her freedom.
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
silentwoods Jan 2019
I stare at my reflection,
You're staring back at me.
A flaw so insignificant
And yet, it's all I see.
There's no way you define me
So why don't I agree?
Why is it that I still fear
It's you they see, not me?
Dec 2018 · 539
an unwritten story
silentwoods Dec 2018
when will you read between the lines
of the words I’ll never speak?
Dec 2018 · 591
sunken chances
silentwoods Dec 2018
they fell into
a sea of words
and drowned side by side
in silence.
silence is heavier than words.
Dec 2018 · 404
silentwoods Dec 2018
i am the sea
and you think you are a submarine
completely submerged
in the deepest part of me,
but you are a boat
barely touching the surface of the water.
and the only way to let you in
is to fill you up
with me.
Nov 2018 · 325
silentwoods Nov 2018
unspoken words
are black smoke
spreading slowly through your body,
filling up every inch of you
until it’s hard to breathe.
it looks for a way out,
and when it doesn’t find one,
it seeps, stains,
and destroys
everything inside of you,
bit by bit
until you are reduced to ashes.
Nov 2018 · 266
silentwoods Nov 2018
and then you cry.
you cry so hard, and for so long,
depleting yourself of every emotion.
you cry until your eyes burn
and your chest aches.
until you feel hollow
and nothing matters anymore.
until you are so numb, that for a split second, you think you are okay.
Nov 2018 · 358
Crazy About You
silentwoods Nov 2018
I cannot help but think of you
And though it’s been a while,
When I remember times with you,
I cannot help but smile.

I know I’m just a friend to you
And that’s okay with me.
But still it makes me sad to think
That’s all we’ll ever be.

I overthink each move you do
And every word you say.
Looking for the smallest hint
That you feel the same way.

I’m driving myself crazy here
And you don’t have a clue.
One question keeps me up at night:
Would you care if you knew..

I’m crazy about you?
Nov 2018 · 385
silver lining
silentwoods Nov 2018
gloomy days
soothe my soul
by reminding me
that nature has off days too.
Nov 2018 · 308
Please Watch your Step
silentwoods Nov 2018
Welcome to my home, where

The foundation of my house is strength,
The walls are painted with a thick coat of perfection,
Comfort is my source of light,
Grace spills out of intricate vases,
The refrigerator is stocked with love, commitment, and loyalty,
Financial stability is boiling on the stove,
A photograph of trust hangs up on the wall.

Beneath the floorboards is a flight of stairs
leading to the cellar below. Please watch your step.

Down here,
The air is damp with disappointment,
Rusty old shelves line the walls of despair,
The shelves are stocked with labeled jars of
Tears i haven't cried,
Pieces of a broken heart,
Clouds of regret,
Pages of words I haven't spoken,
An empty jar of loneliness,
Pins of pain,
and so much more.

Each jar is tightly sealed.
Some are damaged,
Some are broken.
Few people have handled them,
and some remain completely untouched.

Welcome to my home. Please watch your step.
Nov 2018 · 180
a wave of loneliness
silentwoods Nov 2018
in the vast, blue sea
a ripple is born.

it churns,

onto the shore.
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