Today, I contemplate the cross and Christ upon it. I contemplate the blood, the sweat, the tears, and the unimaginable pain. If he hadn't, all suffering and sacrifice would be in vain. I want to be closer to Christ and to His Most Sacred Heart. I see the mark of the spear in His side that pierced his heart and from where the fountain of mercy and love poured. His death is on my soul and His blood is on my hands. I have probably broken every one of the commands. Still, He catches my eyes, and I understand? I have been forgiven. I am greatly adored. I am called to a more perfect union of Christ in me through prayer and daily actions. Let me not be led astray by the worldly attractions. I am not perfect, even far from it, in truth, but Christ within me fills me and completes me that His will would be done more perfectly. If, in your wisdom, we must suffer, then let our suffering glorify your Holy Name and may we unite our suffering with your own pain. We pray for the conversion of souls and repentance for the wicked, for such was what you suffered for.
Lord, as I contemplate the cross and you on it, help me unite myself more perfectly, more personally, and more intimately to you. Amen