Wash me white as the new-fallen snow
Purify my heart and cleanse me from within
I come to you with filthy rags and scars and sores abound
You wipe them away and they are nowhere to be found
Transform me let me shine your light anew
Though I don’t see, you’re making me more like you
No longer red and filled with dread, sweat upon my brow
Purest white the soul’s delight the color I see now
To find victory I must surrender
Sometimes strength is gentle and tender
A peace sweeps over, brings me to my knees
A door was locked and now you hold the keys
I am found when I lose myself in you
By burden becomes light in the shadow of your cross
To tell you all my deepest secrets though you know them all
Leaves me feeling better and I can once again walk tall
The hardest part is getting there being vulnerable and weak
And every time I’m amazed by the loving words you speak
Each time, I am transfigured; made into something more
Each time you patiently wait for me every time I ignore
I will fall and fall again but you love me just the same
How amazing, how great, is the power of Your name