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How do I love thee?........first four words of one of your favorite sonnets.
I could never stop counting the ways or comparing thee to a summer's day.
Te amo bebe....Je t'aime nebe.....Ich liebe dich, baby.....all languages = same.
No duress here.....I choose to live life on a maybe you will or wont love again.
No duress.......I choose to love you and that would be nobody's business.
Goto Nordies, Sharper Images, etc.......any of your favorites to treat.  
Time for annual meeting Mr. Frustration......Pls accept what I'm happy to buy.
Any other lady would be chomping at the bit, thrilled, I'm using no limits cards.

Big surprise for you my Pet.........hope you like and there's no need to ship it.
It's a little something I bought just for me and you with thoughts of our future.
Bought matching wheel chairs so we can ride off into the sunset to Gray land.  
Ms. Betty Ponder, I adore and give you my heart.....I love you and always will.

If you choose to cast me aside.....history will most definitely repeat.......I go   
alone to same place I went the last time you walked out of my life.....
I'll take our happy memories......scent of your body and your perfume.....
sound of your laughter and **** voice forever recorded....visions of eyes...  
gazing up at me in deep passion.......and abundant qualities that make
you my only unforgettable shorty and gorgeous Ms. Betty Ponder.
 Dec 2013 Sheryll H
Matt Morgan
I want you to take as long as you need to decide what you really really want.
I want you to make your decisions without pressure from me .
I want you to know there's no need to starve yourself back to a size zero.
You are special and always the right size to me and I love you unconditionally.
I will love you to my dying day and I've never cared what others thought of me.
I know you know that but I wanted the one who wrote a nasty poem to know.
Not a poet and know it and know what's in your pure and unprejudiced heart.
You are sweetest and the most interesting and fun lady I've ever met and you
still are the only one I want to read to, have snowball fights with and sit by a
warm fire to to stop the chills, spend endless hours talking to, the one with the
gorgeous smile that brightens my day, the one who I love seeing walking in
without an appointment, the one I always put calls on hold for, the one who's voice
makes my heart race when I always answer your calls, the one with the musical laugh
that I can't get enough of. You are the one I want to be in my life even if we are
just friends. You gorgeous one are worth waiting for and growing old waiting for.
All I want for Christmas is your happiness now and forever Betty Ponder.
Never ever forget this, you are the only one I'd eat tofu with and for AND
you are the only one I will ever call a beautiful storm that blew me away.
 Dec 2013 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
You were the rebel, the prisoner, the fighter for a people without rights,
a people who fought valiantly and with hopes and visions of equality.

Such a pity, the greater population of the world lived in ignorance
and denial of the existence of the endless fight and plight of a people.

War in the streets, the blood and bodies of men, women and children
was common sight witnessed and price paid to gain basic rights of human.

After over a quarter of a century and pressures building to gain your freedom;
unconditionally, you arose like the phoenix and emerged to greet sunlight.  

A continuing mission of freedom and liberation of a people oppressed,
remained upper most in the heart and mind of one who would not rest.

You emerged from the darkness, seeing the walls of apartheid standing,
standing strong against your beliefs and be architect of it's destruction.

Who could foresee that the island with bars housing a man with resolve
would foster a journey of a prisoner to wise and great leader of a people?
 Dec 2013 Sheryll H
T Stevens
I'm hoping you have no doubts I'm writing this to and about you. : )
Thank you for finally letting me know you know I'm alive.
Just thinking about talking to you makes the butterflies go crazy.
My heart beats then skips a beat when I see you around town and I
swear it's strictly by accident. I'm not actively following you around.
I haven't been to sleep because I'm up thinking about you
but not in the sick and twisted Bardo way of stalking then killing.
I haven't been searching for your address or where you hang
out like that anonymous lunatic posting that on Craigslist forum.
I still want your phone number but only if you want to give it.
You asked the impossible melting snow against weatherman's
predictions and you got this hold over me like I never felt before.
Are you a keeper of  unworldly secrets of magic or someone who is
quite lovely and is just plain an extraordinarily special and gifted lady?
I'd like to discover that for myself if you would agree to meet me at
Little Bohemia it's aka Lil Bo's by us locals to hear a Jazz band.
It's a public place and I heard it through the grapevine you popped
in a few times but I can't say that's true, I wasn't there and it's hear say.
Person said you entered alone but didn't sing and it looked like
you were having a good time being a chatty patty and hearing the band.
The more I get to know about you lady the more I want to discover.
You got a wish and mine is not as impossible as yours I'm hoping.
I want in my life a lady like you who oozes confidence when she enters
a room and when she's being chatted up by complete strangers.
I will be in the parking lot watching the door and enter if you enter.
Hoping to see you Friday night and hoping to see that gorgeous smile.
Hoping you agree to meet me but if not I will keep on hoping for that.
 Nov 2013 Sheryll H
Oh Venus you man trapping ****, good looking, with
legs legs up to warm part I want - not feeling love for you.
Glad I wont be dad and your fetus went to heaven.
Poking holes in condoms - not good and so not good.
Making man dad who don't wannabe - not good news.
Keep stock of magnums for reason - not getting diseased,
big laugh on your *** got my groove master Johnson fixed.  
Groove master loves having late night lady part visits.
Your lady part - Johnson loves it but I got no love for you.
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