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The bacon is all burnt, and the eggs are a mess.
I'll butter the toast and just throw out the rest.
I turned simple breakfast into quite an ordeal.
I ***** up a lot but you love me still.
my mother past away i still think of her everyday
freinds  say i should be over it by now but i just dont know how
i mean ive known her for 44 years my eyes just well up in tears
when i was a boy i never would think she would leave like this into the bliss  
sometimes  i forget how she sounded when she would say i love you why o why did you  pass away
When I was
Probably five years old
I bit into a sandwich
It tasted good
It tasted like biting into something guilty
That was when my mom said
"Rowan, that's ham. That's pig, Rowan."
I spat the piece of pig into my hand
My throat dry and crowded

That was when I knew
Carrick 2010
 Jun 2013 Shelby Laraine
you smell like rain*
i blush.
i have left my raincoat.

and you like tar*
a cigarette always within reach.
 May 2013 Shelby Laraine
Your pale grass colored eyes flickered towards me in the passenger seat;
cigarette out the window
I stare at my ruby colored lips in the side view mirror
You drum your fingers on the wheel to Blue Bossonova
I remember the dream catcher hanging from the mirror catching my eye;
a majestic golden hue from the sunlight reflecting off of it.

We weren't supposed to be driving the car,
We both knew this, but we were rebels
So I had climbed out my window without my parents knowing
ripping my jeans in the process
just to be with you.

Had I known it would be the last time I'd touch you;
Had I known it would be the last time I'd kiss your lips
I would have stayed in my bed
The Shins blaring through my headphones
Thinking about all the things I'm going to do with you

Had I known it would be the last time seeing you smile
The last time hearing you breathe
Hearing you talk
     Touching your skin
I would have obeyed my parents rules for once.

Instead of staring at your pretty green eyes
I stare at the pretty headlights coming our way
I feel the car swerve to the left;
the dream catcher falling
The car spinning like a dradle in the air
It was like everything were in slowmotion
As I look over at you in horror
your pale green eyes flicker away from mine
closing as if to say
"I'm sorry."
The car comes to a hault.
You were motionless as we were upside down
Tears fall down my ****** cheeks
I scream at you to wake up;
but you wouldn't
Then I stopped wasting my breath
I stopped
Like your heart

Had I known it would be the last time I'd touch you;
Had I known it would be the last time I'd kiss your lips
I would have stayed in my bed
The Shins blaring in my headphones
because now I'm fantasying about all the things we could have done

About all the things we could have said
"You're paying for the electrical bill this time."
"I do."
Now I'm stuck listening to Blue Bossonova
blaring in my headphones
thinking about all the things I'd have to do without you

Had I known
 May 2013 Shelby Laraine
I've never been scared in my sleep
My dreams are ordinary reenactments
Of the pain and disorder that is my life
But I do believe in nightmares
The kind you can't wake up from
I met one down the street
Last time I was brave enough
To climb out of bed
A splash of black.
A hint of blue.
A smack here.
A lump, too.

Stuttering tongue,
bleeding lip.
A tear drops.
Get a grip.

One word
was all I said.
Stomp on toes
to get ahead.

was all you need
to hit and
make me bleed.

Outer scars may
show the fight,

but inner pain
is black as night.
I found my way back
back, to that place I go to
When I cry
When I sleep
When I die
High in the atmosphere
into worlds.
I have my own hide away
no one can find me.
I've watched the universe
spin slowly.
Change from dark to light,
night to day,
night to day.
I've seen caves and creatures
roam the planet.
Lush green trees
ripped from their homes.
Giant animals
fall to the ground.
I've called upon the archangels for protection
from the darkness that has covered the earth.
I've fallen out of my hiding place
and landed in the darkest of nights.
Sun that seems too bright.
Nights that seem too long.
Haunted by words that will
But yet, I've always return
to my spot in the sky,
to watch the evolutions,
revelations, the nightmares
and the miracles.
I've watched our
destroy and rebuild.
Destroy and rebuild.
I've seen the most beautiful things.
Even the city lights
look like fireflies illuminating the planet
from here.
I've found beauty in everything.
Every word.
Every taste, smell, touch.
Every third eyed sensation.
I am not omnipresent.
I glow a soft shade of purples and blues.
All shades, with a white crown upon my head
pouring out the purest of white lights.
My head tilts back as I pray for salvation on earth.
Peace among men.
An awakening.
The earth glitters with hope.
I sit and wonder as I mindlessly play
with the token around my neck.
A ring for prayer.
A reminder of greatness.
I gently allow myself to fall,
sink slowly through the atmosphere
like I am drowning during a sunset.
Tragic, yet beautiful.
Again, down, down.
My wings know not to save me.
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