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 May 2013 Shelby Laraine
lament none
home run
silent happiness.

carry you onward
take me further

forget superfluities
guerdon intensifies

look at me
see what lies there
gaze beyond my eyes
it has been there all along

seal this non-promise with a kiss
or stretch hell out on a bleak bank
the likes darkness couldn't feel
nor light shield itself from.

there can truly be only you
along with only me
being only us
only now

S T,  15 May 2013
Oh, what a beautiful day!

Have one yerself :)
The perfect child I used to be went to play one day.
she went down this road so very slow,
and ran into a tree.
She woke up later in a strangers house
sitting by the christmas tree.
Oh the fire, Oh the horror, oh what happened to me.?
The pretty little dress around her waist Didn't cover much
Just the nessesities.
her hands were bound behind her back
oh what happened to me?
Just then a man came to her.
  "oh darling Don't worry, Don't worry I am not that mean."
he said oh so quietly. to me.
he gave me some water and I fell asleep
I wake to him ******* me Oh, what happened to me?
I couldn't see
I couldn't move
I could only feal what was happening to me
Hours it felt so painful to me, My heart was broken in three.
my body went numb so slowly I could't breath,
Slowly so, so slowly something trickled down me,
Oh. whats happening to me?.
Just when I thaught it couldn't get worse he whispered so quietly to me.
"I've opened your'e eyes so look close although you have none have fun with my son"
and he left me with his son ,
he hit me. he bit me. and oh so more
                  Then I heard a click and he cut me so very slowly
                   all over me he slid the knife, Intill everything went black and I died.
written   by  savannah    rawdon  just  turned   *twelve
Two left feet have me
walking crooked
calculated my chance,
took it.
I've always been poor
at math.
© Daniel Magner 2013
 May 2013 Shelby Laraine
She saw him in the hall
He glanced at her
She blushed and walked away

They thought nothing of it

She sat alone in class
He asked to sit next to her
She said 'yes'

He joked
She laughed
He complimented her
She smiled
The bell rang
He gave her his number
She grinned and left.

She texted him
He replied
They talked all night

He saw her the next day
He asked her on a date
She said 'yes'.

They went to a restaurant
They chatted
He messed about
She giggled
He told her she was beautiful
She blushed and thanked him
He walked her home
She smiled all the way

He kissed her goodbye

They talked for days
He fell for her
She fell for him
He asked her to be his girlfriend
She said 'yes'

He spent all his time with her
She felt like the luckiest ******* earth
He put his arm around her with pride

He met her family
They loved him
She met his
They loved her

Things started to get serious

He said 'I love you'
She said it back

They were happy

Rumours started to spread about him
He denied them
She wasn't sure
He said 'do you trust me?'
She said 'yes'

They were in love
They planed their lives with each other
They thought they'd be together forever

Over time she got worried she wasn't good enough
He said 'I love you and no one else, I promise'
She believed him

He had problems at home
She helped him
He broke down in front of her
She comforted him
He thanked her

Gradually, she got frustrated with him
They started to bicker and argue
She got angry
He yelled
She realised what she was doing
He stopped
She felt awful

She started to get worried that he was flirting with other girls
He said he wouldn't do that
She didn't believe him and continued to worry

She told him she had problems trusting people
He tried everything to make her better
She was embarrassed
He helped her
She was grateful

Other girls started to come between them
She got upset
He got angry
She asked him not to talk to them
He said 'anything for you'

Boys did the same
He got angry
He asked her to not talk to them
She said 'anything for you'

He thought nothing more of it

The rumours started again
This time he admitted what had happened
He explained
She cried
He told her he hadn't done anything wrong
She believed him
He apologised for not telling her sooner

More girls came between them
She told them all to back off
He got annoyed with her
He didn't understand

They argued more and more
She said things she didn't mean
He said things he didn't mean
They made up

They did that nearly every day

She found things he'd said to other girls
She was sick of it
He apologised over and over
She ended it in anger
He walked away

She realised what she'd done
She cried
He ignored her
She tried to get him back
He said 'no'
She broke down

He ignored her at school
He called her pathetic
She cried even more
His friends had a go at her
He started getting close to other girls
She was broken hearted

She tried to apologise to him
He wouldn't listen
He told her to stay out of his life

He thought nothing more of it

She called him names
He called her names
They both got upset

He pretended he didn't care
She tried not to care

He moved on
She still cared
He told her he didn't need her
She felt disposable

She was heart broken
She meant nothing to him
She started to hate herself for ever trusting him

He continued to call her names
She spiralled into depression
She stopped eating
She couldn't sleep
She cut herself
He didn't care

He thought nothing more of it

She tried to tell someone
He found out
He laughed at her
His friends called her pathetic

She couldn't tell her family
She couldn't tell her friends
She was alone

Over time, they became strangers

She started talking to an old friend
She told him how she felt
He comforted her
They got close
He came to see her
She was finally happy again

She moved on
He came back to her
He wanted her back
She told him she had someone else
He was hurt
She told him he should have realised earlier

They didn't speak again

Weeks later, she saw him in the hall
He glanced over
She held her head high, walked away
*And thought nothing more of it
First attempt at poetry (sorry it's long)

— The End —