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Feb 2021 · 97
Most Distressing
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
This is most distressing

That though they know the truths and lies,
The wrongs and rights and all the whys,
Still, many cannot change their lives.

That often heads nod in agreement,
For righteous acts but lack commitment,
To carry them through to fulfilment.

That kindness and generosity don’t stay,
Greed and selfishness always win the day,
Common sense and logic don’t lead the way.

This is most distressing.
Feb 2021 · 99
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
More than enjoyment
Music invokes sentiments
Classics old and new
Feb 2021 · 60
You and I
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
My thoughts did dwell for long on us,
I wondered how our lives would be,
If we lived our years together,
Instead of you with you and I with me.
Feb 2021 · 97
The Last Goodbye
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
We had said our last goodbye
A final kiss and a double sigh
Sadly I watched you board your plane
With trembling heart amidst clutching pain -

Transfixed was I until you were gone
Parting tears were never so forlorn.
recollections ... back to 30 years ago
Feb 2021 · 87
Once A Year
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
If we can meet just once a year,
We can both share a single tear,
I’ll be happy if you are near,
Even if it’s just once a year.
Feb 2021 · 77
Wind Messenger
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I called out your name
when the wind came by
so it would catch it
and carry it away
across the oceans
to you

One day
when you feel the wind
listen to it until
you can hear your name
for that will be me
calling out to you
Feb 2021 · 61
No Regret
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Unless I had reacted hastily
performed without thinking through
instead had used all my knowledge
considered everything before deciding
I should not regret what I had done
For what else could I do?
Feb 2021 · 78
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
A poem s never perfect
Just like everything
The poet has to check
And counter-check
It needs constant editing
Feb 2021 · 975
Crystal Ball Image
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I saw you in a crystal ball
Watching me with a winsome smile
And I wondered if you my love
Were truly happy all this while
Feb 2021 · 70
I, Swan
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Snow-white and very elegant am I,
Whether on land or floating on a lake,
I attract a lot of curious tourists,
A second look of me they always take.

Though I resemble a huge question mark,
Like distant cousins the goose and the duck,
I am however much more beautiful,
And of course that is more than just good luck.

My diet consists of roots, algae and plants,
Insects and worms I do not like one bit,
And as you can see from my appearance,
What I consume do keep me super fit.
from my "I" series
Feb 2021 · 60
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
It was frightening
A thunderclap quite sudden
Cat's under the bed
Feb 2021 · 92
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
He was very calm
He is always very calm
Nothing ruffles him
Feb 2021 · 112
A Dragon In The Sky
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
If you should see a dragon in the sky,
You had better take another look,
Because dragons do not exist,
Except in fairy tales or in a book.
Feb 2021 · 200
A Fairy Tale
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Sitting by my window side,
Gazing at the starlit night,
I saw a tiny glow,
A little shimmering light.

It darted here and there
And its brilliance grew,
I watched entranced and felt
Such joy and then I knew

It was not a firefly,
It was no earthly light,
It drew so close to me
She came into my sight.

Just a fleeting moment,
I felt she could not stay,
A kiss she blew to me
Then my fairy flew away.
Feb 2021 · 112
Shadow Stalker
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I couldn’t hear his soft footsteps,
Though I sensed that he was behind,
Since he seemed very close to me,
I wondered what he had in mind;
I waited till he was too close,
Then I suddenly spun around,
But to my chagrin and surprise,
It was my shadow that I found.
Feb 2021 · 329
I, Flamingo Bird
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Not only am I beautiful,
I’m also an acrobat,
If you have the chance to see me,
You can see me do my act,
I can stand on one leg,
Balanced and steady like a rock,
I am a lovely pinkish colour,
So don’t mistake me for a stork.
from my "I" bird series :-)
Feb 2021 · 346
I, Bat
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I don’t sleep like anyone else,
Turned to one side or on my back,
I always like to hang myself,
Upside-down for I have the knack;

I do have an in-built radar,
So I can see without the light,
For I am really very blind,
In all my flights in day or night.
from my "I" series ... :-)
Feb 2021 · 123
Water Drops (haiku)
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Many water drops
Falling all over just now
A puddle is born
Feb 2021 · 89
Books With Paper
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Books with paper and printed pages,  
Even without the Web we can access,  
At home, at work, in travels, anywhere,  
Without  physical and mental stress,  
With no glaring screen the eyes to strain,  
No radiation to damage the brain.  

For though electronic books are here  
With ample topics of every kind,  
They have too many optical faults,    
And often a nuisance too I find,  
So for myself, I know exactly why,  
My books with paper will never die.
this is an abridged version of my poem of Books With Paper
Feb 2021 · 80
One Wish
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
If I could have but just one wish,
What could I wish for?
Money, riches and health,
Happiness and all that are in store?

Really all these I don’t need,
Not that I’m very rich,
(No, not in the least indeed)
What comes readily to my mind,
Is to wish for the whole world,
To be wiser, friendlier and kind

For if everyone were to be this way,
We would all be happier every day.
Feb 2021 · 607
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Enjoy life to the fullest
Set some thoughts for tomorrow
Then live out the rest today
Feb 2021 · 77
I, Butterfly
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I am the prettiest of them all.

More colours than the rainbows have I,
With a myriad of designs on my wings,
Four of them for me to flit and fly,
From flowers to flowers and natured things.

I was not born beautiful at dawn,
A crawling caterpillar was my start,
But like ugly duckling and the swan,
I was transformed into a piece of art.

I am the prettiest of them all.
from my "I" series :-)
Jan 2021 · 110
Quiet Beauty (sonnet)
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
In silence I watched the lights below,  
In lonely houses in evening’s glow,  
Other lights were scattered all around,  
North, south, east and west, they could be found.  

A bike was passing and then a car,  
Tall buildings were standing not so far,
Silhouettes they formed against the sky,  
And somewhere uttered a lonesome cry.

The summer’s night was cool and serene,
With its portrait of a country scene,  
And I felt so peaceful, I felt fine,  
While slowly sipping my glass of wine.  

Quiet beauty there will always be,  
For each of us who will really see.
Jan 2021 · 117
My Mind
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
My mind Is a traitorous thing,
It's my slave yet again my king,
I shall be master of my fate,
I shall love, I will not hate.
Jan 2021 · 73
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Neither here nor there
Duly entrapped in nowhere
No way to get out
Jan 2021 · 78
Twilight Paradox
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Setting sun and dwindling daylight¸
celestial colours fading fast,
the horizon a delightful sight,
with the growing greyness,
the beauty only minutes will last;
Mysticism mopes the air, and
tinges of sadness and happiness
everywhere, and homeliness,
while seemingly serene,
morphing with memories,
sentiments and thoughts,
rend a numbing nostalgia of sorts;
Thus will twilight gradually present
the grimly gentle night’s descent
Jan 2021 · 97
Heavenly Stars
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
The nights when heavens switch on the stars,
Lighting up the blackness way up there,
This celestial beauty is for us,
To fully enjoy no matter where;
Stars rekindle our thoughts of love,
Spreading silent serenity plus,
So stop and relax and look above,
The nights when heavens switch on the stars.
Jan 2021 · 271
Wind (haiku)
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
It is really strong
Everything is blown away
I’m chasing my hat
Jan 2021 · 82
Sammy’s Car (limerick)
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Sammy bought himself a cheap car,
Then found he couldn’t go too far,
Its gas tank was too small,
Its engine seemed to stall,
Now he’s getting drunk in the bar.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
There was a fierce fighting kangaroo,
Which punched people until they were blue,
Though he was very strong,
He stayed in rain too long,
And now he’s down in the bed with ‘flu.
Jan 2021 · 105
I, Virus
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Beware all, you human kind,  
I and my virus friends you'll find,  
Can destroy your body and your mind.  

Know that we are not a flu,  
There is nothing that you can do,  
And we will strike down animals too.  

Find a cure to save your race,  
We will give you a few years' grace,  
Then we'll wipe you out without a trace.
Covid threat
Jan 2021 · 67
Singing Birds
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
In early hours of morning,
Still in darkness at break of dawn,
I am roused from sleeping by birds,
Singing in trees across the lawn.

The hidden birds are waking up,
Each feathered friend has its say,
They are now chirping what to do,
Before they fly off for the day.

Their singing seems to never end,
And their chatter I faintly keep,
In the drowsiness of my mind,
Before I drift off back to sleep.
Jan 2021 · 69
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Short three line poem
On various topics or themes
Cousin of haiku
senryu dealing with different topics and not following set style
Jan 2021 · 63
Haiku Classic 575
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Short three line poem
Dealing with love or nature
Loaded images
Jan 2021 · 74
Haiku 575 Restaurant
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Let’s go to 5 Beat
Restaurant on 7th Street
After 5 we’ll meet
classic japanese haiku 5-7-5 structure
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Blue and white bird you cannot fly
Unlike the birds up in the sky
Half your life is in salted sea
And half your life on land so free
Fearless you are being so small
For you stand only one foot tall
Jan 2021 · 54
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
It is really strong
Everything is blown away
I’m chasing my hat
Jan 2021 · 98
Dream Call
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I woke up in the middle of the night,  
Lay motionless and wondered was I right,  
That my name I had heard you faintly call,
But all I heard was the ticking on the wall.  
Alas, it was maybe a dream I had,  
And I was happy and then I was sad,
But your voice so loving for me to keep,  
Lingered in my mind as I drifted back to sleep.
one of my nicer dreams in place of my nightmnares :-)
Jan 2021 · 89
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Out from the trees he came in sight,
Weaving lightly and blinking bright,
I watched it drawing ever near,
A tiny phantom of the night,
And the thought wandered in my mind,
With its tiny lantern did it find,
Whatever it was searching for,
Before it joined its ghostly kind?
Jan 2021 · 106
I, Poetry
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I am like a chameleon,
I can change from form to form,
Sometimes I am a haiku,
Or maybe a senryu,
At times a classic sonnet,
Or a funny limerick,
And then I’m a lengthy ode,
(Your patience I won’t erode),
But whatever form I be,
You can always share with me.
from my "I" series :-)
Jan 2021 · 92
I, Kite
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
With the help of a friendly breeze,
I can easily soar up fast and high,
and fly around with abandon ease,
all over a windy sunny sky.

If I were reeled out a longer string,
And the line was really long enough,
I will fly into the clouds, and then -
you will see me really do my stuff.
another fun poem
Jan 2021 · 93
I, Crab
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I don’t walk forward like everyone,
I just don’t know how,
I always walk sideways from side to side,
Like what I am doing now;

My eyes are not inside my head,
I can’t keep them there,
They protrude out a bit instead,
But I can still see everywhere.
Jan 2021 · 80
Written Letters
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
So sad will be the days
when people don’t write letters
with pen and paper anymore

The beauty of hand-written words
and uniqueness of style in script
will be eroded to the core

The warmth and human closeness
of letters scripted by the hand
will slowly cease to exist

For they will be replaced
by the uncaring coldness
of type writes of the computing beast
Jan 2021 · 239
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
With sleek widespread wings
White gulls skim over the sea
The fish are hiding
beautiful birds
Jan 2021 · 75
Playful Rain (Sonnet)
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I am falling all over here and there,  
To my delight I see the people run,  
Everyone is scurrying everywhere,  
And I am really having so much fun.

A lady is frantically searching  
For something to cover her pretty head,  
While a man under a ledge is ducking,  
And a young chap is racing home instead.  

The cars around are switching on their lights,  
And households rush to close their cleaned windows,
When I do perform, these are common sights,
Though many drenched people don’t like my shows;

Because many people try to escape in vain,  
Though I wet everyone, I’m just a playful rain.
Jan 2021 · 93
I, Scarecrow
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I’m propped up here all day and night,
Can’t sleep, in darkness or in light,
The crows I have to chase away,
No time for me to rest or play,
When the black birds no longer caw,
I’ll be fed to the cows as straw.
life of a scarecrow
Jan 2021 · 189
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I am looking at him
He is looking at me
We are both wondering
What the outcome will be

I think that he is wrong
He thinks the error's mine
Both of us can't be right
The ending won't be fine
Jan 2021 · 76
Walking Birds
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
See how pigeons and parrots walk,
Strutting around without a care,
Just like their fellow humans do.
With one foot here the other there.
birds nature some birds hop and some birds walk
Jan 2021 · 101
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
“My name is Bond, James Bond”

With that said, the scene is set,
For violent villains to not forget,
That universal crime does not pay,
When Double-O-Seven is on his way.

And female hearts will flutter,
Their defences melting like butter,
Watching their hero battling world-wide,
With a walther ppk by his side.

At the end, the whole world can then relax,
When all the bad guys have been taken,
With ice-cold ***** martini,
Not stirred - but quite well-shaken.
for all James Bond fans, and in memory of Sean Connery
Jan 2021 · 94
Destiny Doubts
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If in the stars we are destined in life,
Which means our fate is already sealed,  
Do you think you can really be happy,  
If all your life’s events were then revealed?  

Good events more than welcome they would be,  
But all those other situations bad,  
The ones that you would now constantly see,  
These would truly, cruelly make you sad;  

Since our destinies we cannot turn,
Then it’s better that we don’t want to know,
All the things that are fated to happen,
So knowledge will not deal a deadly blow.
Slight variation on my other poem The Doubt :-)
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