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Jan 2021 · 70
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Seahorse in the sea
Upright it will always be
Friends are all fishes
Jan 2021 · 93
Small Things
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
They are small things but mean so much,  
A look, a word, a gentle touch,  
Unspoken acts that make one see,  
Love, Understanding and Empathy.
Jan 2021 · 86
Squirrels’ Joy
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I carry some walnuts in a bottle,
which are mainly meant to be
fed to the lovely squirrels,
that every now and then I see.
They come around in the garden,
and also spring from tree to tree,
the sight of these playful squirrels,
is always a tremendous joy for me.
Squirrels are really cute
Jan 2021 · 1.0k
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Laziness waits around the bend,
Always ready to be your friend,
Be careful if with him you meet,
He’s not a nice person to greet.
For he’ll remove your zeal and drive,
And destroy all your aims in life.
Jan 2021 · 86
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Eyes are the doorway into the mind,
Study well the eyes and you will find,
Flash lights of truths or shadows of lies,
Smiles of laughter and teardrops of cries.
Jan 2021 · 94
An Impromptu Kiss
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If you should pass me on a crowded street,  
And we had not really made plans to meet,  
If with each other we could still just greet  
With a simple kiss, that would be a treat!
Jan 2021 · 89
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
A most important sense to develop,  
To maintain good rapport with everyone,  
Is to have infinite understanding,  
Even when all our patience is done.
Jan 2021 · 63
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Rain and sun painting
Which end starts and which end ends
Where's the *** of gold
nature's beauty for mankind
Jan 2021 · 89
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
When the sun no longer shines,
And the moon has gone away,
The stars have left the sky,
And darkness rules the day;
I hope that you can come,
To me before I die,
I will kiss you one last time,
Before I say goodbye.
in meditative mood
Jan 2021 · 90
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
A simple nod with the head,  
And a slight wave of the hand,
Add a gentle, sincere smile,
And I will understand.
Jan 2021 · 403
In Sync
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If I fully understand you,
And you really understand me too,
Then disagreements won’t matter,
For we’ll be in sync with each other.
Jan 2021 · 93
Black Bird
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Fierce-looking black bird
Sharp eyes scanning the landscape
Hunger in the air
Jan 2021 · 62
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If I saw a crooked man,
Staggering down the street,
And every now and then,
He has to regain his feet;
Would I be right to say
He’s had too much to drink?
Or should I not judge like that
Much further I should think?

If I saw a shadow then,
Lurking behind a tree,
Could I conclude somehow,
The shadow must be a he?
Or maybe I could be wrong,
The form behind the tree,
Is possible it’s not a man,
The shadow may be a she.

If I were sleeping and I heard,
A gunshot in a house,
Could I think someone’s been shot,
For no one shoots a mouse?
Or could it be that even,
If I had heard a scream,
There was really nothing wrong,
It was just a simple dream.

It’s so easy to conclude,
That white is always white,
And black is always black,
But is this always right?
We cannot always believe,
Our faithful ears and eyes,
Will always tell the truth,
And never tell us lies.
Jan 2021 · 59
Candle Light
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I watch the softly shimmering flame,
feeling its soothing charm transport me,
into the subconscious of myself,
where my thoughts and I become the same;

Then I analyse my wrongs and rights,
all the faults encountered in past days,
when sanity and reasons don't lie,
to raise my thoughts to healthier heights;

Alone I sit, no one calls my name,
in the latest hour of the night,
to watch my friendly candid candle,
and to bond with its flickering flame.
a meditation technique
Jan 2021 · 81
“Too Late” - quatrain
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
“Two late” are two fateful words,
Dreadful to the eyes and ears,
For these little simple words,
Erase smiles and start the tears.
Jan 2021 · 70
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Rockets skywards bound
Exploding colours and sound
Joyous fun all round
Jan 2021 · 501
Mount Fuji (Fuji-san)
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Sacred mountain top
Home of the Goddess Sengen
Are spirits around
Jan 2021 · 198
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Are trees shivering
For snow is covering them
Icicles are cute
Jan 2021 · 64
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
It is always disconcerting,
when one hears a person,
who is finding fault with another,
has the very same fault too,
like the cliché of the ***
calling the kettle black.
somehow one can notice others
but not notice oneself;
So before we criticise,
it is wiser to first take stock
of ourselves, and see if we have
the same falling block.
Jan 2021 · 81
Evening Sun and Moon
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
The sun was sinking in the evening sky,  
The clouds painted in brilliant colours,  
The pale moon lingered closely by,  
To help to clear the final hours.
Jan 2021 · 239
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
We are only drops of water,  
In an endless and mighty sea,  
So we shouldn’t think ourselves,
To be greater than he or she.  

In a vast and endless desert,
We’re only tiny grains of sand,
So we better know for always,
We are all equal in this land.
Jan 2021 · 98
Child's Full Moon
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
When I was six or seven or eight,  
I loved to see full moon shining bright,  
Sometimes went to sleep a bit too late,  
Staying up watching its brilliant light .  

Then I wondered often how it was,    
Wherever I went,  it I could see,  
Finally I  knew that was because,  
The moon was always following me.
my childish fantasy
Jan 2021 · 65
Catching a Star
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I love to catch a falling star,
From the heavens up above,
Then I can carry it with me,
And always treasure it with love.

I know the star be magic,
Or else how can it fly,
So very high above,
Shooting through the sky?

So I will look up every night,
And wait until I see,
A star that falls that I can catch,
So I can carry it with me.
When I was a kid, I had always dreamed of catching a falling star (child's fantasy!!) Till today, sun, moon and stars always fascinate me :-)
Jan 2021 · 59
Daily Call
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Be kind to everyone, be fair to all,
This should be our simple daily call,
If wiser in thinking we really are,
More understanding we should be by far,
Many people don't have a lucky star.
Jan 2021 · 165
Colours and Lights
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Sadness, happiness, loneliness, joy,
I felt colours when I was a boy,  
Tinted lights and flashes, rainbow shades,
My youthful fantasy never fades;
For each time when I see coloured lights,
Or each time I dwell on starlit nights,  
A peace and calmness I always find,  
And empty moments I leave behind,
If you feel the lights and colours too,
Then I will share my colours with you.
Jan 2021 · 63
The Owl
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I wake up when there is no light,
When everything to me is bright,
With big eyes I can see,
Everything around me,
I hunt small creatures of the night.
Jan 2021 · 87
Black Clouds And No Rain
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
She saw there were black clouds in the sky,  
Opened her umbrella with a sigh,  
But then it did not rain,  
So she closed it again,  
And rushed home while she was still quite dry.
Limerick fun poem
Jan 2021 · 81
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Violent storm and wind
Destroying all in its path
Rooftops flying high
Jan 2021 · 112
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Water cascading
Flashing silver in sunlight
Rainbow is somewhere
Jan 2021 · 84
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
It is not really pointless,
To daydream now and then,
For daydreams at times awake,
The creative mind of man.
Jan 2021 · 79
Starry Night
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Bright stars in the sky
Trying to outshine the moon
Difficult to count
Jan 2021 · 75
Snow Bird
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Tender creature in the cold,
Snugly small and black and bold,
No warm refuge have you found,
Perched five feet above the ground,
Snowflakes are still floating down,
Do I see you with a frown?
I should have some crumbs for you,
If I’d known I’d see you too,
But If you will come with me,
In a nice warm cage you’ll be.
Jan 2021 · 167
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Just a gentle breeze
But so delightfully cool
Flower stalks dancing
Jan 2021 · 55
Shooting Star
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
A streak in the sky
Of fiery diamond dust
Wishes everywhere
Jan 2021 · 85
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Ducklings on the lake
Lilies floating on water
Postcards and photos
Jan 2021 · 63
Enjoy Your Life
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Go through each day with sparrow’s eyes,  
Which can see a crumb from afar,  
Look for crystals in waterfalls,  
See the wonder of night time’s star.

Catch the rainbows in soap bubbles,
Hear music in chattering streams,  
Enjoy the sound of falling rain,
Marvel each evening’s sunlight beams.

Inhale the fragrance of flowers,
Share all moments of joy and pain,
Live your life each minute fully,
For you will not be here again.
Jan 2021 · 73
The Seasons
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Summer is bright and sunny,
Its days are long and hot,
Gaiety and festa fill the air,
Cold days it hasn’t got.

Autumn days are really nice,  
They’re neither hot nor cold,
Life outdoors is simply pleasant,
Amongst the trees of gold.

Winter though is cold and grey,
A warm sun may appear,
Winter snow is very pretty,
Though sidewalks disappear.

Spring is cool and sun is warm,
Flowered scents fill the air,
Animals awake, birds return,
Freshness is everywhere.

So each season weaves its charm,
Casting its spell on earth,
In varied ways it spreads its joys,
Since its time of birth.
Jan 2021 · 93
Snowflakes in the Night
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I watched the snowflakes falling in the night,
And was thrilled with such a simple splendid sight,
All was changing slowly to white and clear,
And a breathless silence hovered by my ear.
I watched the snowflakes for minutes more,
I could see the beauty grow beyond the door,
Then I went to sleep with a happy heart,
Loving the feeling that snowflakes can impart.
Jan 2021 · 231
Winter Snow
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Cold crisp air, wet winter snow,
Whiteness sits on leaves and trees,
In fields, gardens, country sides,  
No birds, butterflies or bees;

Snowflakes change to crunchy ice,
Evanescence everywhere,
Nature waved its wondrous wand,  
With an awesome actor's flair.
Jan 2021 · 63
Enjoying Nature
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Listen to singing birds in trees,  
And chirping crickets in the night,    
Follow the flitting fireflies  
flirting their lanterns burning bright.

Dance with the dancing butterfly,
Bond with the buzzing bumblebee,  
Sing together with the seagulls  
screaming shrilly over the sea.  

Be charmed by rainbows in the sky,
And brilliant bluebells that you see,  
Enjoy those refreshing raindrops,  
Nature is here for you and me.
Jan 2021 · 227
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Green leaves turning brown
Trees discarding their old clothes
Lots of leaves to rake
Jan 2021 · 64
Black Thoughts at Night
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
They come out in the night,
The darkness is where you find,
Black thoughts, dark thoughts,
They crawl into your mind.

When the night is long,
When all seems very ugly,
Dark thoughts sap your strength
And leave you sad and lonely.

So that’s the time to think,
Of joys and happiness you’ve had,
All the good friends in your life,
Then things won’t seem so bad.
Jan 2021 · 76
The Doubt
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If the seers do know and do really see,  
Our lives in stars, our lives to be,  
Then surely we would really like to know,  
Which roads and pathways in life to follow;
But if everything that is true were told,  
And we then know the destinies we hold,
Would we be much happier and more sane,
Or would we find our lives more profane?
Perhaps in life we need some darkness still,  
To balance our minds and hearts and will?
Jan 2021 · 65
A New Day
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Bright and early up with the birds,
Still chirping, singing in the trees,
Do insects wake or go to sleep,
Like small mosquitoes, flies and bees?

The stars and moon have retired,
Probably half hour ago,
While the waking sun is shining,
Starting off with a warmly glow.

Each day awakes with innocence,
And a beauty healthy and sound,
A shame that often these won’t last,
Throughout ‘til nightfall comes around.
Jan 2021 · 96
Inwardly Alone
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
So we came into our world,
Each of us, inwardly alone,
Even if with a sibling twin,
We're alone in mind, flesh and bone

All throughout our daily lives,
Living with families and friends,
Together for many a while,
Outward company never ends

But when we get to near the end,
Beckoned  to a different zone,
We will then exit our world,
Each of us, inwardly alone.
Jan 2021 · 289
Cold Star
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
On this cold, silent winter’s night,
I looked and saw a lonely star,
Shining fiercely with all its might,
It seemed to call to me from far.

It seemed to read my inmost thoughts,
I wished that it would help me find,
All the answers to the problems,
So vexing in my troubled mind.

Then reality beckoned me,
And the star that was shining bright,
For all its celestial beauty,
Could not care was I wrong or right.
Jan 2021 · 200
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
The saddest thing in Life,
Is unable to communicate
With friends and loved ones;
Words and feelings come too late.

We think, we feel, we love,
But if somehow we can’t transmit,
Then all the actions that we have,
We will lose them surely bit by bit.
Dec 2020 · 94
Lonely Paths
Shaun Yee Dec 2020
I drew the paths that I should walk,  
Through countless barriers on the way,  
The ideas mine were not in vogue,  
They were not ideas of the day.  

‘Til now I have survived the fears,  
Of loving friends who had in mind,  
The wellness of my well being,  
All their doubts were meant to be kind.  

But I have walked the paths alone,  
My final stop nearly arrived,  
My alien ways have cost me dear,  
For some loved ones have been deprived.
Dec 2020 · 586
A Summer's Evening Sky
Shaun Yee Dec 2020
Summer's heat lingered in the sky,
The setting sun no longer bright,
Distant buildings like sentinels,
Were outlined in the dimming light.
Alone in my back balcony,
Nursing a dwindling glass of wine,
I felt a welcome breeze blowing,
Keeping the evening cool and fine.

A night plane winged across the sky,
Its twin lights blinking from afar,
I could see it drawing closer,
Twinkling like a lonely star.
And slowly I was drawn again,
To these thoughts of living and why,
All of us are here and there,
Beneath this lovely evening sky.
Dec 2020 · 398
An Act Of Kindness
Shaun Yee Dec 2020
Should you see a wet-looking bird,  
Pecking outside your window pane,    
You can easily make a guess,  
He wants to get in from the rain.  

Go and open the window wide,  
And let the feathered fellow in,  
Then you can give him some dry crumbs    
And corn bits on a plate of tin.  

This simple act of kindliness,  
And seeing him picking his food,    
Will have you more than satisfied,  
And leave you feeling very good.  

And the wet bird that cannot speak,  
Will no longer be feeling weak.
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