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Mar 2021 · 1.5k
Save and Delete
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
I will always remember,
As long as my mind is well,
To save things soft and tender,
Joyful stories I can tell.

I will learn to leave behind,
Unpleasantries to forget,
To delete them from my mind,
Tales of sadness and regret.
Mar 2021 · 89
Love and Hatred
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Just a slight attempt to love,
Outweighs all actions to hate,
Love is the Heavenly soul,
Hatred leads to the Devil’s gate.
And one must choose his fate.
Mar 2021 · 67
House Mouse
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Small and running fast
The house mouse is on the prowl
Cheese must be somewhere
Mar 2021 · 85
Knowledge Flight
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Birds and insects can fly so well,
Animals and humans cannot,
Flying is a physical act,
Wings for humans Nature forgot.

There is another way to fly
And mental process is the game,
With an abundance of Knowledge,
Our minds can fly all the same.
Mar 2021 · 57
The Ocean
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
This lovely bluest of the blue,
Spanning the widest of the wide,
The  calmest of its waters calm,
What silent horrors does it hide?

The most beautiful of beauty,
Stupendous on the surface side,
Death in the deepest of the deep,
The tombs of mariners who died.
the ocean deep
Mar 2021 · 61
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
The world would be a drab place,
Without our gentler ***,
They fill our lives with colours,
and  beauty without pretext.

And their feline behaviour,
Subtle, enticing and coy,
Can turn a so-called macho man,
Into an obedient boy.

Clothes, make-up, yearly fashions,
Blend with art, flowers and rainbows,
They subdue the minds and senses,
Like pleasant April showers.

Men have remained with male colours,
Mainly blue, brown, grey and black,
For too many colours shift them,
On to the feminine track.

So the world is more colourful,
With our lovely gentler ***,
And men may also be thankful,
Women have put on them the hex.
poem for women's day!
Mar 2021 · 367
Autumn Gold
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Autumn creeping round
Leaves on trees not colour bound
Gold will soon be here
Mar 2021 · 108
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Bright-coloured flowers
Inside filled with sweet nectar
Happy hummingbirds
Mar 2021 · 64
Your Star
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
I am watching you each night,
You can see me shining bright,
Though I died long time ago,
Still my astral form will show;
So if you should have some doubt,
Just give me a little shout,
And I’ll see what I can do,
As your star I’m watching you.
Mar 2021 · 197
The Witch
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
She was on her broom since noon,
Flying all over the sky,
And I saw her outline in the moon,
As I was strolling by.
fantasy poem
Mar 2021 · 82
I, Robot
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Beware, all of you out there,  
For I am now here to stay,  
You humans created me,  
And the future is my day.  
You have given me a brain,  
And made me intelligent,  
You have human emotions,  
I am fully indifferent.  

My electronic brain  
Makes me superior to you,  
No matter how fast you think,  
I can think much faster too.  
In your body you have strength,
Strong you physically are,  
But you have kindly made me,  
Much stronger than you by far.  
You know you get hungry too,
Which will make you very weak,
But that won’t happen to me,  
And for food I never seek.  

So now that you know it all,  
Should you really be afraid,
Of the superior being  
That you have cleverly made?  
But maybe you need not be,  
It’s you I depend upon,
For all my superiority,  
To switch my battery on!
technolgy poem from my "I, Series"
Mar 2021 · 74
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
A word, a thousand,
Ten thousand words,
Cannot describe
The ailing in the heart,
But if you have felt
Sadness before,
You know the pain
That Sadness can impart.
Mar 2021 · 63
Happy and Sad with Nature
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
I watched the sea and its creamy rolling waves,  
The streaks of white racing to wash the shore,  
And I listened to the cries of swooping birds,  
They were a dozen seagulls, maybe more.  

The evening sun was shedding its final glow,
As I wandered along the sleepy beach,  
The tired sky was packing up its colours,    
Its transient beauty just beyond my reach.  

A cool breeze ruffled my hair and brushed my face,  
Recalling sensuous moments I have had,  
I was deeply immersed in nature’s beauty,
And felt so happy yet also so sad.
Mar 2021 · 257
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Individual expression
It’s everywhere
Mar 2021 · 75
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
There really seems to be no afterlife,
Not on this as we know it earthly place,
For some moments after we pass away,
Everything will vanish without a trace.
But if seers can peer into the future,
Be able to see things that we cannot,
And fortune tellers can see destinies,

Would not Life then -
be more than form and thought?
Feb 2021 · 92
The Monkey
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
He has long strong limbs
He also has a strong tail
The monkey is here
Feb 2021 · 68
Without The Sun
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
We would be sad without the sun,
We need its light to get things done,
If it were always dark,
We can’t play in the park,
And we would miss out so much fun.
Feb 2021 · 303
Snow Fox
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Snow Fox, white as snow
Watching giant Polar Bear
Hoping for some fish
Feb 2021 · 73
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
On so many moonless nights,
With a star above as friend,
I let my thoughts to wander,
Reflections that never end.

Slowly, intensely, silently,
I allowed myself be drawn,
To where I knew for sure,
Dreams and fantasies are born.

They were all inside my mind,
All my feelings old and new,
I often kept them all alone,
And I always thought of you.
Feb 2021 · 86
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Waves tall as buildings
Smash everything in their path
Many loved ones lost
Feb 2021 · 191
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
An hour or less of daylight remains,
then soft and brilliant colours paint the sky,
in pastel shades, oil and water colour hues  
and around not a single lonesome cry
Feb 2021 · 96
Innocence Lost
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
When we were young till we were nine,
Hours, minutes, seconds were fine,
The days were simply sped away,
With toys and games and friends to play;
From morn till dusk, early till late,
No cares, no worries about fate,
Life was simple, not good or bad,
Just sometimes happy, sometimes sad;
Then childish thoughts did slowly fade,
As new discoveries were made,
And Innocence did go away,
When Adulthood came by to stay.
Feb 2021 · 172
No Immediate Answer
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Of course I have to delve into my mind,  
To search for answers for everything,  
But when the answers I cannot find,  
I have to wonder what the next days bring.
Feb 2021 · 78
Living Your Life
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Inwardly by yourself,
You have to live your life,
No one can live it for you,
Not even husband or wife,
Feb 2021 · 70
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Live your life
Love your life
Live your love
Love your love
Live today
Love everyday
Leave your woes
Leave your pain
You will not
Be here again
Feb 2021 · 118
Two Sides
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
For every coin that has a head,  
Turn it round it will have a tail,  
Every positive thought that exists,    
A negative will make it fail;  
For every attack you can devise,  
The enemy can plan a defence,  
And there will always be two sides,  
For each and every sentence;  
Just like nothing is forever black,    
Nothing is always white, no way,  
So let us think with moderation,  
So that we can appreciate the gray.
Feb 2021 · 70
Knight Errant
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Knights with lances, swords and shields,
Doing battles in vast green fields,
Iron weapons and clanging sounds,
Blood and body parts on the grounds,
Always its good-versus-bad at play,
Only strengths survive at end of day.
Feb 2021 · 70
You and I
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
My thoughts did dwell for long on us,
I wondered how our lives would be,
If we lived our years together,
Instead of you with you and I with me.
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
It is time. Right on the dot. The brushes are out,
and the artist is ready. The evening’s artwork will
begin in oil.

So the painting starts, with gentle wide strokes.
Simple shades for soft setting sun,
egg yolk red, carrot orange, cleverly done.

Then more forceful strokes as minutes pass.
Wide precise strokes. Lovely colours dash,
on unlimited canvas, the evening’s splash.

Lemon yellow like painted gold,
boldly morphed in crimson and blue,
and various shades of purple too.

Many minutes have passed. Half an hour all,
the final strokes are done for nature's call.

This awesome painting for earthly enjoyment,
all in total silence. No music. No fears,
for angels' harps are not for earthly ears.

The masterpiece is a short time's stay,
Then the brilliant colours fade away,
until next sundown.
evening delight
Feb 2021 · 80
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Enjoy life to the fullest
Set some thoughts for tomorrow
Then live out the rest today
Feb 2021 · 54
If You Could Fly
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
If you could fly,
You would live so high,
It would be a breeze,
And there would be
no limits in the sky.

You would need a jacket,
to keep you warm,
You would need goggles
to protect your eyes
from the storm.

If you enter the clouds,
It’s useless to shout,
No one can see you,
You need a compass,
To find your way out.

You have to be careful
Of birds or a plane
For if they hit you
On your head
It will cause much pain.

And in case you fall,
You just can’t cry,
For no one hears you
Not even your call,
And you would die.

So unless you can fly,
It’s better you don’t try!
This is a fun poem
Feb 2021 · 103
Incomplete Dream
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
You appeared in my dream last night,
And you were such a splendid sight -
The sad thing is the dream did fade,
Before the final act was played.
Feb 2021 · 89
One Thing At A Time
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Just one thing at a time
Can cause less mistakes
And sometimes faster than
multi-tasking takes

When the mind is attuned
To one act on hand
We can sort out the grain
From a cup of sand
Feb 2021 · 94
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Cool replacing hot
Twilight colours fading fast
Night life waking up
Feb 2021 · 685
Cold Wind
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
The cold wind is here
Blowing strongly north to south
Hats pulled down tightly
Feb 2021 · 886
The Ecstatic Mind
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
In the ocean of the mind,
Must lie a sea of fantasy,
Imaginations of every kind,
Of love and pain and ecstasy.
Feb 2021 · 83
The Smile
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
are all reflected
in the smile,
warm or cold,
weak or strong
reflex or controlled.
Feb 2021 · 79
Moody Nature
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
When lightning strikes and thunder rolls,  
Across the vast and moody sky,  
We can reason with carefree minds,  
It’s Nature’s way to shout and cry!
Feb 2021 · 93
Quiet Stars
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
These quiet guardians in the night,
Gently guide the lost and hopeless,
They renovate the hidden strength,
And disperse the silent sadness.
Feb 2021 · 78
Another Fantasy
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I’d love to fly up to the sky,  
Soaring through all the clouds on high,  
Scrambling the startled water drops,
And soothing snowflakes passing by.    

I’d love to perch on mountain tops,  
And jump and skip and maybe hop,  
From one to two to three or four,
Then flying back again for more.  

I’d love to sit on ocean bed,    
Patting a starfish on its head,  
Playing with pretty mermaids there,  
With their bodies so sweetly bare.  

Why, this would be a witching way,  
To help me through a dreadful day,  
But of course this can never be,  
It’s just another fantasy.
Feb 2021 · 249
Perfect Poem
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
A poem is never perfect,
Just like everything,
The poet has to check,
Check and counter- check,
It needs constant editing.
Feb 2021 · 593
Day Moon
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
At four-thirty this afternoon,
In the sky I saw a bright full moon,
There were no stars around,
no clouds,
no sun -
Day moon was the only one.

I’m sure she came out this early,
To see what the world was really like,
she couldn’t see so well,
with stars
at night -
Despite shining all her light.
Feb 2021 · 101
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
When anger flares up
Short-changing the mind,
Regret comes later
For remarks unkind.
Feb 2021 · 59
Mixed Up
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Eating breakfast in the evening,
And having lunch around midnight,
Taking dinner in afternoon,
Somehow something is not quite right?
covid19 effect
Feb 2021 · 108
The Tired Star
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
The star had shone all night with zest,
And now it’s time for it to rest,
For it is early morn,
Another day is born,
The tired star has done its best.
Feb 2021 · 65
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
On so many moonless nights,
With a star above as friend,
I let my thoughts to wander,
Reflections that never end.

Slowly, intensely, silently,
I allowed myself be drawn,
To where I knew for sure,
Dreams and fantasies are born.

They were all inside my mind,
All my feelings old and new,
I often kept them all alone,
And I always thought of you.
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
The squirrel still collects his acorns,
He will stash them safely away,
For though he is not hungry now,
Tomorrow will be another day.
Feb 2021 · 198
Dark Night
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
The night is moonless
The usual stars are on strike
Homes look much safer
Feb 2021 · 139
The Social Alphabet
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Once upon-a-time,
“U” was more important than “I”
which politely was the social grace

Now in modern times,
“I” has become more important
and “U” now sadly takes second place

There is something very wrong
with the letters in the social alphabet
Feb 2021 · 73
Faith and Hope
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Faith alone is not enough,
Some actions are needed too,
Hope is also just as tough,
Since it sticks to Faith like glue.
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