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Sep 2021 · 80
I, Smartphone
Shaun Yee Sep 2021
They were big and clumsy,
And also not too handsome at all,
Their movements were very limited,
For they were often stuck to the wall.

The phone invention was really great,
And my ancestors' real main function,
Was to enable folks everywhere,
Have far-reaching communication.

My more modern generation now,
Outstrips all predecessors by far,
All my multiple functions make me
your phone, camera, computer star.

I am streamlined, slick and super swift,
Making those before me look quite tame,
Without me you are totally lost,
Smartphone is my name.
from my "I" series
Sep 2021 · 432
Moonlight Fantasy
Shaun Yee Sep 2021
The dark is bathed in a light so pale,
As moonlight spreads its glowing veil,
Like a bride's silk-covered face,
Tempting with a sensuous trace,
Lights of beauty are dotted here and there,
While unsung music hangs in the air,
Somewhere lovers stroll with expectancy,
As they enjoy their moonlight fantasy.
Jul 2021 · 63
I, Early Bird
Shaun Yee Jul 2021
It is five-thirty in the evening
And I'm already snug in bed
For I have to get up early
To find my daily bread

I have a family to feed
So I start early on my round
for breakfast lunch and dinner
Often not easily found

If you happen to see me
I would appreciate it a lot
If you have a crumb to spare
That would be a kindly thought.
poem from my "I" series
Jul 2021 · 231
Shaun Yee Jul 2021
We must accept that not all of us,
Will always completely agree,
For we are all different and unique.
We are not all parts of the same old tree.
We may sometimes be criticised,
In many thoughts and actions that we do,
But all the decisions that we make,
In our own minds should be true.
May 2021 · 120
Arrogance and Humbleness
Shaun Yee May 2021
Arrogance is the weakness trait,
Of the lout and big bully,
It often imposes itself,
On each and everybody:
Humbleness in deep contrast,
Prefers the state of tranquillity,
It has no need to offend,
It shines with simplicity.
May 2021 · 732
An Ode To Time
Shaun Yee May 2021
I am moving constantly, never stop,    
And no matter what you have to decide,  
I won’t wait for you; so understand that    
I can be, or I can’t be, on your side.  

In whatever manner you are wounded,  
And are hurting inwards or outwards still,    
You can reduce the wounds and heal yourself,  
To help you ease away your pains, I will.  

Along the way if you have loved and lost,  
Feelings which you cannot cope anymore,  
You can depend on me to set you free,  
With the minutes and hours from my store.

I will be your faithful friendliest foe,  
Or I will be a most unfaithful friend,  
I am forever extremely precise,  
Right from the Beginning until the End.    

You can remember me from a clock’s chime,
I am cold and heartless, for I am TIME.
Time moves on forever irregardless
May 2021 · 70
Shaun Yee May 2021
Doing what we like,
does not make us as happy,
as liking what we do,
Though the first thought seems important,
The second thought is much more true.
May 2021 · 821
I, Drug
Shaun Yee May 2021
Hello friend, take me once a day,
And I will keep good health away,
You will find me so very good,
So make me your favourite food;
A drug addict you I will make,
For me it’s just a piece of cake,
You’re so naive you just can’t see,
I am your deadly enemy.
Drug taking is and has always been one of society's major sickness. Stay wise and stay healthy. Flush drugs down the drain!!
May 2021 · 90
Alcoholic Paradise
Shaun Yee May 2021
Paradise looms ahead of me,
When I reach there, so free I’ll be,
It’s only just a few steps more,
I’m almost at the blooming door.
Gin, whisky, *****, lovelies all,
Waiting for me to have a ball,
So to hell with what’s right and wrong,
Just give me alcohol and song !
This poem is written in fun! Alcohol should always be consumed with moderation and not be abused. Cheers!!
Apr 2021 · 85
Afterlife Meeting
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Will I see you in a park,
When life is gone and all is dark,
The last rites have been made,
Final blessings have been said,
The last bells have been rung,
The last songs have been sung;

Will I see you and your smile,
Even if it's just a while,
Or will you be really gone,
When we are finally done?
Never to meet again?
Never more to feel the pain?

Dare I hope that you and I
Will never say goodbye?
Will I see you on a beach,
Waiting for me within my reach,
And will I have a chance to see,
You once more just for me?

Will we stroll hand in hand,
Cross sunny streams in a distant land,
And kiss again just like before,
Love each other forever more?
Will you be there?
Will we meet again .....
Somewhere .....?
Apr 2021 · 71
Depressing Thoughts
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
When depressing thoughts strike us,
Pulling us in a downward spiral,
The whirlpool of sadness engulfs all,
And unless we start to fight back,
We will slowly but surely fall.

So we have to switch our minds,
From negative to positive,
Think of happy moments we've had in life,
Focus fully on all the good events,
whether they be one, or three or five;

Think of all the poor out there,
Those without families, without work,
without future, without love,
without  a cent in pocket,
then thank our lucky stars above.
Apr 2021 · 63
Black Thoughts at Night
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
They come out in the night,
The darkness is where you find,
Black thoughts, dark thoughts,
They crawl into your mind.

When the night is long,
When all seems very ugly,
Dark thoughts sap your strength
And leave you sad and lonely.

So that’s the time to think,
Of joys and happiness you’ve had,
All the good friends in your life,
Then things won’t seem so bad.
Apr 2021 · 70
I, Diamond
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
They all know I will never let them down,
Women love me, and in turn I love them,
I make sure with me they will never frown,
‘cos to all women I’m a precious gem.

Many female hearts melt at sight of me,
And most wives all over adore me too,
Since such a cool seducer I can be,
Most men will select me their brides to woo.

I can really be a large, dazzling stone,
Or maybe just a tiny sparkling bit,
But no matter what form when I’m alone,
I will always be a favourite hit.

For I am a star that is never tame,
So now I tell you, diamond is my name.
from  my "I" series
Apr 2021 · 61
Thoughts at Sea
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
I walked the cold and lonely deck,
As we sailed on the midnight sea,
All was darkness for miles around,
As far as my eyes could see.

A few stars glittered in the sky,
There was no moon, just stars in sight,
But I saw a distant lighthouse,
Flashing somewhere to my right.

My thoughts did dwell for long on us,
I wondered how our lives would be,
If we lived our years together,
Instead of you with you,
And I with me.
Apr 2021 · 602
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
If you have lived with suffering and pain,
thinking that all your life has been in vain,
You must re-think from these thoughts to depart,
and really hit the option key re-start.
Apr 2021 · 107
A Hidden Paradise
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Somewhere within the world that we live in,  
Secretly hidden fully to mankind,  
Is a beautiful, magical domain,  
Almost impossible for us to find.  

Leprechauns there plant pots of gleaming gold,  
Reigning rainbows shine continuously,  
Butterflies and singing birds entertain
Sunny days and starry nights serenely.  

In this unchanging peaceful paradise,  
Mystic elves, gnomes and fairies frequent there,
These tiny folks live in honeyed houses
Amidst bright flowers blooming everywhere.  

So if by chance you spy a gnome or an elf,
Try to find out where he’s taking himself.
Apr 2021 · 84
One Day We All Die
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
One day when I am dead
I know that you will cry
But when all the tears are done
Do accept that one day we all die

Yearn not for me in vain
I rather you don’t try
Be happy and live again
Just accept that one day we all die
Apr 2021 · 71
I, Lighthouse
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
I shine my light to warn seafarers,
of all the rocks and reefs around,
And if they don’t heed my warning,
they will for the ocean floor be bound.

It is a long and tiring job,
because I cannot sleep all night,
I’ve got to warn all ships nearby,
to be on guard, hence my flashing light.
Apr 2021 · 110
Mountain Stream
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
I like to chatter,
with all my watery friends,
as I stream along;

Sometimes I will sing,
and if you will listen well,
hear my mountain song.
Apr 2021 · 80
No Rain
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
The sky is so blue,
And the clouds are very white,
It won’t rain today.
Apr 2021 · 294
Waterfall (2)
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Falling from a height
Crystal clear and sparkling bright
No swimming below
Apr 2021 · 80
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Weather getting hot
Shops selling out of swimwear
Seasides getting packed
Apr 2021 · 82
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Mini explosives
Celebrating fun events
Dogs are terrified
Apr 2021 · 212
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Tremors all around
Huge cracks open everywhere
Landscapes change again
Apr 2021 · 266
Paloma Blanca
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Flower stalk in beak
Bird of love and bird of peace
A world wide symbol
Apr 2021 · 77
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Right across the sky
Awesome electric sparklers
Don't stand under trees
Apr 2021 · 98
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Pretty clouds up high
So soft and white and fluffy
Birds are still flying
Apr 2021 · 290
Written Letters
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
So sad will be the days
when people don’t write letters
with pen and paper anymore

The beauty of hand-written words
and uniqueness of style in script
will be eroded to the core

The warmth and human closeness
of letters scripted by the hand
will slowly cease to exist

For they will be replaced
by the uncaring coldness
of set types of the computing beast
Apr 2021 · 181
Crow on Antenna
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
He was perched high up in the air,
Sitting on an antenna there,
Amidst a soothing summer's breeze,
Distant from future winter's freeze;

He was cleaning himself calmly,
With half-spread wings uncaringly,
Then smoothing all his feathers down,
Looked around with a birdie frown;

I wondered what his thoughts were,
Was he scanning the scene for her?
Outlined he was in bright sunlight,
And then - he flew away from sight.
a bird poem
Apr 2021 · 52
I, Easter Bunny
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
You will see me only once a year,
When I come to spread some Easter cheer,
You won’t really know where I’ll be bound,
For I hop around without a sound.

I will be bringing some gifts for you,
Sweets, caramel and chocolates too,
Unlike yellow chicks and coloured eggs,
You will know me by my ears and legs.
watch out for me!!
Apr 2021 · 311
Elfin Land
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
If you have some free time,
You can come with me,
I’ll take you to a tiny glen,
Behind an aging tree.

We will follow a stream,
Hidden in a valley,
And we can find the little men,
If we are really lucky.

‘Tis said they don’t exist,
That it’s a fairy tale,
But I have really seen them,
They are fast and small and pale.

So when the time is right,
You can come with me,
And we will go to Elfin land,
Behind an aging tree.
I have a love for elves, fairies, witches , and all things mystic  !!
Apr 2021 · 74
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
When temper is held in check,
Fights and quarrels lose pretext
Peace and harmony remain intact
Apr 2021 · 83
I, Goose
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
I am a gooze,
A perfect watchdog,
Or call me a watchbird
for I don’t fear anyone,
as you have probably heard;

I can run as fast as you,
and bite more painful too,
So if you invade my ground,
Remember you’ve been warned,
I’m fiercer than the hound.
from my "I" series
Apr 2021 · 72
I, Frog
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
I really wish I could sing,
Like some TV starry bloke,
I’d tried  many, many times,
But all I can do is croak,

There is one thing I do well,
That will give you some goose bumps,
When I have to travel far,
You’d admire all my jumps.
from my "I" series
Apr 2021 · 48
I, Dolphin
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
I wear a permanent smile,
So when you see my friendly face,
You’ll think I’m always laughing,
But that’s typical of my race.

I’ll show my aquatic skill,
Jumping way up into the air,
Doing flips and spins and turns,
With a natural actor’s flair.

I socialise well with man,
In water I am his best friend,
so if we should meet at sea,
a friendly wave to you I’ll send.
from my "I" Series
Mar 2021 · 74
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Weather getting hot
Shops selling out of swimwear
Seasides getting packed
Mar 2021 · 238
Breaking News
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Never was it this way before,
Spreading news in daily’s store,
Telling the truth was duty’s call,
News were gladly shared by all.

Today the scene is very changed,
Many news are now deranged,
For lies have joined the info game,
News reports are not the same.

All the news that are fed to us,
We just cannot fully trust,
The breaking news for goodness’ sake,
We don’t know if true or fake.
Mar 2021 · 98
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Humility is not weakness
There is no shame to be humble
It’s just a sign of acceptance
Mar 2021 · 52
Lack of Common Sense
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
It is always disconcerting,
How some people can simply make,
Thoughts and actions so plainly dense,
And one gets really lost for words,
For actions lacking common sense.
Mar 2021 · 430
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
The seven-forty leaves from platform one,
I see people rushing round like mad,
The train does not wait for anyone,
If you miss it then that is just too bad.
Mar 2021 · 82
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Hot summer days here
Light cotton clothing to wear
Ice cream or iced tea
Mar 2021 · 81
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Cool awakening
Flowers blooming all over
Where are all the birds
Mar 2021 · 204
Knowledge Flight
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Birds and insects can fly so well,
Animals and humans cannot,
Flying is a physical act,
Wings for humans Nature forgot.
There is another way to fly
And mental process is the game,
With an abundance of Knowledge,
Our minds can fly all the same.
Mar 2021 · 63
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Humour is the fun side of life,
And a daily generous slice,
Will squash most suffering and  strife,
It's free for all without a price.

Sad is the one who knows it not,
He will be stuck in misery,
For the mind needs a balanced plot,
To maintain it fresh and cheery,

So open up and see the joke,
Laugh and enjoy the funny side,
Give your gloominess a hard  poke,
Don't let your humour be denied. .
Mar 2021 · 58
The Search
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
I keep treading the lonely paths,
Where all signposts are vague or worn,
Hoping to find that mystic place,
Where truths and destinies are born.

The paths are too faint and many,
Like wide-spread branches in a tree,
And it would be a miracle,
To find the correct path for me.

For now I just keep plodding on,
til l find the answers at last,
Then I can rest my wearied bones,
When no more far-off dreams are cast.
Mar 2021 · 55
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
The waves race to shore
Undercurrents strong and fierce
No swimming today
Mar 2021 · 89
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Dense as it can be
Nothing can we really see
Better wait awhile
Mar 2021 · 97
Dark Clouds
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Dark clouds gathering
The sky slowly turning black
Picnics are cancelled
Mar 2021 · 75
One Lovely Morning
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
One lovely morning in June at dawn,
A songbird awoke me with his song,
His music filtered into my mind,
Telling me to leave my cares behind.

After breakfast in the yard outside,
The squirrel was trying not to hide,
With the nut that he had found from me,
Left the night before under his tree.

Just two of nature’s simplest creatures,
They formed my morning’s shining features,
Gently did they set myself aglow,
I wondered what other joys would show.
nature's joys
Mar 2021 · 194
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Glistening pearls of water drops,
Gathered early hours at dawn,
Perkily perched on flowers and leaves,
And like a damp blanket on the lawn,
Freshness fills the morning air,
Which will fade with the rising sun,
For when heat rays are razing on,
The fragile dewdrops’ lives are done.
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