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Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Little Monkey was mischievous,
like his other monkey friends,
he liked to throw things around,
from the tree top or on the ground

He would throw fruits at the dog,
which barked and growled in vain,
and threw more fruits at the cat,
which mewed and hissed and spat

The elderly monkeys did nothing,
to teach him right from wrong,
they thought it was a fun thing to do,
and they joined him and threw things too
this is one of my monkey poems -)
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
To whom it may concern

at night I go to bed I hope to find,
ways to leave any daily ills behind,
to just get a healthy refreshing rest,
and to wake up the next day feeling best,
so I can duly face my daily task,
and surely this is not too much to ask?
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Little Monkey was mischievous,
like his other monkey friends,
he liked to throw things around,
from the tree top or on the ground

He would throw fruits at the dog,
which barked and growled in vain,
and threw more fruits at the cat,
which mewed and hissed and spat

The elderly monkeys did nothing,
to teach him right from wrong,
they thought it was a fun thing to do,
and they joined him and threw things too
Fun poem from my Monkey poems file !!! If you like the poem, I will tell the monkeys. If you don't like the poem, I will also tell the monkeys!! Keep smiling :-)
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
I think we’re in a fallen world,
If not we are arriving there,
Decency has been eroded,
You can just see that everywhere.

What happened to Intelligence,
That which has always existed?
And why in so many areas,
Love has given way to Hatred?

Decency and  Understanding,
Wherever did these fellows go?
Patience for us selves and others,
Is becoming lower than low.

Courtesy is on its way out,
And Rudeness is taking its place,
Thinking is getting ever warped,
Vulgarity has kicked out Grace.

Greed has constantly been the king,
Stupidity is on the rise,
Idiocy is born each minute,
Few things now are happy or nice.

So with all these thriving Madness,
That is exploding everywhere,
I think we’re in a fallen world,
If not, we are arriving there.
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
So many worldly millionaires,  
More cars and yachts they have to buy,
Their moral ties they sacrifice,   
Are not truly happy when they die.  

They chase after material things,
Many follow a lifestyle wild,
To have real happiness in life,
Take the example from the child.  

He’s not corrupted with money,
He’s happy with a little toy,  
He doesn’t need expensive things,  
His simplicity brings him joy,  

We should live with what we really need,
And just forget about our greed.
Greediness is the downfall of many
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Will I see you in a park,
When life is gone and all is dark,
The last rites have been made,
Final blessings have been said,
The last bells have been rung,
The last songs have been sung;

Will I see you and your smile,
Even if it's just a while,
Or will you be really gone,
When we are finally done?
Never to meet again?
Never more to feel the pain?

Dare I hope that you and I
Will never say goodbye?
Will I see you on a beach,
Waiting for me within my reach,
And will I have a chance to see,
You once more just for me?

Will we stroll hand in hand,
Cross sunny streams in a distant land,
And kiss again just like before,
Love each other forever more?
Will you be there?
Will we meet again .....
Somewhere .....?
Is there life after death?
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Once again I watched the ships from far,
Steaming into the evening's crimson sky,
While passing closer to sandy land,
The fishing boats were slowly sailing by;
Some old folks were strolling on the beach,
And the quiet beauty of land and sea,
Brought back memories of simple joys,
Once again they awoke the child in me.
simple nostalgic seaside scene
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