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Shaun Yee Jul 2022
He caught a talking fish one day
Which alarmed him in no small way
He was really shaken to the core
Now he cannot eat fish anymore
fantasy poem
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
This morning after I woke up,
In the room mirror I did see,
What looked like a fuzzy stranger,
Staring back intently at me.
He copied all my expressions,
Doing exactly what I did,
I frowned, he frowned, I smiled, he smiled,
So very much like me indeed.
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
I ask of you a hundred questions,
Though it’s not for me to pry,
For there are a hundred answers,
I have to know just where they lie.

There are so many qualities of you,
Of which I feel I’m blind,
For you so deeply do I care,
I need to peer into your mind.

So forgive me if of you I ask,
When and where and what and why,
‘Cos when I have the answers all,
No longer do I have to sigh.
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
He was suspended in flight,
Poised as if time stood still,
Golden wings a fluttering,
Outlined against the distant hill.

Swooping in the evening sun,
Wings outspread in glory;
As our ship sailed away,
The seagull followed closely,

Darting smoothly back and forth,
Following the foamy wake,
Its keen eyes always searching,
For floating morsels to take.

And it grew ever smaller,
A princely bird in flight,
It dipped a final farewell,
Then went in the fading light.
Written during my sailing days in the early '80s
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
When lightning strikes and thunder rolls
Across the vast and darkened sky,  
Some people feel with fearful minds,
Some spirits fighting way up high.  

When lightning strikes and thunder rolls,  
Across the vast and greyish sky,  
Some people think with pensive minds,  
Gods are angry but know not why.  

When lightning strikes and thunder rolls,  
Across the vast and moody sky,  
We can reason with carefree minds,  
It’s Nature’s way to shout and cry!  

So whatever the answer is,
We should relax and be at ease.
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Every evening around seven
From my balcony at back,
I see a flock of little birds
Flying eastwards from the west;
They knew exactly where
They were going
For their evening’s rest.

From my balcony out front
I see a flock of bigger birds,
Flying east then turning south
In the sky over the sea;
Going into the clouds
they knew so well,
Where  they want to be.

(Klebang, Malacca, Malaysia  2010)
written in 2010 from my sea-front condominium in Malacca
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
It’s easy to just follow and just do,  
Every action, everything without a clue  
As to the how things work, as to the why,  
Using brains occasionally by and by.  

From here misunderstandings will start,  
When from reason we carelessly depart,  
Anger, jealousy, ill-feelings will abound,  
We get checkmated at every single round.  

Lots of patience we should not abuse,  
Thinking, reasoning well, we must always use,  
For no matter how we call its normal name,  
Really understanding has always been the game.
the world needs more understanding and less egoism
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