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Over breakfast
we read the letter we wrote you
I was shaking and he
looked at me with the eyes of a child
the strong one
the Protector
he looked at me with the eyes of a child
he said,
"I never want to get over her."
Me too, Dad.

Me too.
you're afraid

you're weak

probably because
you deny the light
that cast the shadow
Originally a visual/graphic poem.

Were born

To die.

A King

Born in

A feed-box.
If only my mind weren't so critical of every move my heart makes,
If only my trusting heart knew any better,
If only this mind of mine would stop thinking so hypothetically,
If only my heart could find its way to reciprocity,
If only my mind could teach my heart that love is not just something you feel...
It's something you do, something you show, something you prove.
Maybe then my heart will be able to obey my mind's wishes,
Maybe then my heart will know what is deemed acceptable in love,
Maybe then my heart could avoid all of the pain, hurt and damage that it was willing to endure for you...
 Mar 2014 Sharon Carpenter
She's right -
I'm trying to fix you,
But you're broken beyond repair.
That doesn't stop me trying
To glue together your shattered heart, 
 with my love.
Though, sometimes, it may seem as if my love is temporary and that's why the cracks bleed
Of your insecurities;
And once again your heart shatters
Scattering my love with your broken dreams
And once again I'll pick up the pieces and build up your heart again -
With my love and utter devotion.

Anxiously waiting until it breaks again...
© Maniba Kiani

Wrote this earlier today - it's about picking up the pieces and helping to put them into place again - for that special person.
I'm dying
I said to my wife
she said you're right.
She never did editorialize.

I'm dying
I said to my children
my children said
you're funny dad
way too wild.

I'm dying
I said to my job
They smiled
Your job
we have others
we can rob.

I'm dying
I said to the redwoods
they laughed out loud
your life span is the same as a cow.

I'm dying
I said to the owl
the owl said
who not you.

I'm dying
I said to my truth
My truth said
no doubt.

I'm dying
I said to my life
my life said
you're next.
Why is it, we as Christians
At least by words, that's what we claim
Talk so bad of others
If Christlikeness is our aim

Why is it that we
Speak anger against another
If it is we truly believe
They are our sister and our brother

Why is it we utter
Words that should not be said
Against another's soul
And therefore slay that person, dead

This sin I do not understand
For I myself stand guilty to
I claim that I am Christian
But my tounge destroys you

Every word I speak
Should lift up and edify
Not tear down and destroy
And cause sorrows to multiply

If I am truly Christian
Saved by Gods own son
Why do I speak evil
And not control my tounge
I am so unthankful
Lord within my heart
I don't mean to be
But Lord please help me start

Help me Lord be thankful
For all I have received
You have given me much
Beyond my ability to conceive

From the sunrise in the morning
Till the moon shows its light
Your blessings are daily shown
Help my eyes to have the sight

Have mercy on me Lord
For my forgetfulness
I ask my heart be filled
My Lord, with thankfulness
As I look at the world around me
It's present and its past
I ask of you this question Lord
How much longer can we last

Unending pain and hurts
Multiple miseries and dispair
No matter what direction I look
And I see sickness everywhere

I watch and see mankind seeking
Shelter from the calamity
If just a temporary place to hide
From the worlds disparity

Some think they have found the answer
But in reality a peace that's only temporary
Turning from the only Son of God
Believing his help is not necessary

How many more tears must fall
How much more blood to be shed
Before we realize the truth
Of the words of the Christ who bled

How many more men must die
At the hands of mankinds wars
And how long will men still seek
The lies behind the devils doors

Our world is a darkened place
As the devil tempts and tricks
And he laughs when we are splintered
Like so many dried and broken sticks

You are our saviour Lord
In a world of darkness , a light
Our only way to safety
As we continue our earthly plight

We cry out to you Lord Jesus
Help us our burdens to carry
Please come quickly Lord
How much longer will you tarry?
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