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Sharina Saad Dec 2013
Sombre is the night
The moon is lazy to shine
The stars are hiding the lights
The sky is the darkest
The night is the coldest
Everything looks frozen and cold
Gone are the nights of joy and laughter
Now just nights of sad sombre moods
Sharina Saad Dec 2013
I'm gonna tell god
You killed my mom
I'm gonna tell god
You slaughtered my dad
I'm gonna tell god
You ***** my sisters
I'm gonna tell god
You tortured my brothers
I'm gonna tell god
You burned down our village
I'm gonna tell god
You bombed the whole Syria..
I'm gonna tell god
You tore our lives apart
I'm gonna tell god
You painted Syria red..
the precious blood of our Muslim brothers
and sisters...
I'm gonna tell god...
You broke my arms and legs
I'm gonna tell god
You made me permanently paralyzed...
but my heart is still alive...
and I 'm gonna tell god everything.....
Sharina Saad Dec 2013
There is no need...
To try to be a Superhero
Be satisfied by just giving
someone's the light
Be their light in the darkness
So their life is brighter
is livelier
than ever before..
Free someone from their darkest life
The best deed you do indeed...
Sharina Saad Dec 2013
Zooming in your inner self
Self reflection
a mandatory
Self realization
to know whats best
To realize your weakness
To reveal your mistakes
So you'd be wiser
as you experience
progress in the life journey

a quiet moment for yourself
for once....
the clock ticks slow...
in the wee  hours of  silence
the night is getting cold
You weep yourself
as you put your head down
your forehead touches the praying mat
say your prayers between your breath
asking god to forgive your sins...
hoping god to listen...
begging god to fulfill your wishes
drench with honest tears..
tears is soul purification
tears can cleanse your soul...
to make it as pure as gold..
Sharina Saad Dec 2013
A sorrowful story to tell
Be strong... Be tough...
Promise... don't break down and cry
Perfect illusion of love
But why... can't you tell
The feelings...
like we are living in hell...
Faking love is a silent crime
An endless silent cry...
A never ending sorrowful story...
Sharina Saad Dec 2013
If I could cry my heart out
You would  see nothing else
except for rivers
the river of my tears...

If I could cry my heart out
You would hear nothing else
except for the rhythms of my sobs
a sad orchestra all through the night

If I could cry my heart out
You would feel nothing else
except for empathy, compassion...
perhaps a little love
rather than keep wondering...
why and why she ever did cry?
Sharina Saad Dec 2013
If the best thing to do
is to hide
Why must you stay
any longer
Why must you make
empty promises
It is impossible this year
It may be impossible next year
Perhaps a year later,
and many more years to come...
The impossible remains...
so negative thinking...
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