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  Mar 2016 Shades31
Your eyes are
my weakness
Your scent is
my proneness

Your lips are
my vulnerability
Your hair is
my susceptibility

Your voice is
my instability
Your touch is
my humility

Your lust is
my inferiority
Your love is
my superiority

Shades31 Mar 2016
Once there was a kid
Shadows consumed his being
From light, you see, he hid
Embraced the dark, unseeing

He knew not what it was
That made it so alluring
But he would follow it to Mars
These shadows felt reassuring

On and on his life went
And less he began to see
He was completely to it bent
He felt that's where he should be

The beings that resided there
Knew pain and destruction well
For no one did they truly care
They were literal beings from Hell

But they promised him all his dreams
Promised him the world
But it is not what it seems
And their true nature unfurled

The world was not his dream and goal
Nothing really was, actually
So they tried to turn him black as coal
So that he could like them be

He had in that instance seen his folly
He saw through the lies and tricks
That was the start of melancholy -
A wall built up of sticks

But the wall soon crumbled, fell away
The demons stormed his fort
He tried to keep them all at bay
They were stronger, he was caught

Ensnared in sin and blasphemy
Destroyed from inside out
He suffered so much agony
But from Hell, you cannot shout

He thought to himself, "I'd rather die
Than suffer this torment"
He thought that he could soar and fly
But now he is dement'

He lost all sign of light and good
He only wanted fun
He struggled long, with all he could
But he could not from them run

Until one day, the demons perceived
The kid was theirs, won over
But it was there turn to be deceived
He shone like a supernova

God sent help to see him through
His troubles and his woe
Beings of light - in they flew
To help him deal the final blow

He had prayed daily for God's aid
Never losing hope and faith
That was his link to light and shade
From the evils - from the wraith
dement' is actually demented, but i needed the rhyme xD
Shades31 Mar 2016
When love does come
And hate does leave
Then you know...
Then you know it's real
  Mar 2016 Shades31
What is it like to be touched
by the touch,

of the one
you have dreamed
of and longed for so much?

What is it like to be loved
by the love,

of the one
you have begged
for to the heavens above?

  Mar 2016 Shades31
Inspiration was never
derived from what I saw
and admired, never
from what I felt
and desired. I found
it in a place where
I was weak and prone,
with broken bones,
unknown to the world
and alone on my own


— The End —