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 Mar 2016 Bones powell
The Ripper
Thrashed interminably
to find a Death
like this,
Death like this;
digs d
to make      room,      for you:
                  ­             gelid;
In the centre of
tranquility lives,
as 393 echos evaporate
                                 amid Amaranth
                                 & Hibiscus,
let the wind wash my face
I want to live for a moment
pause and take in all
that life has to offer

let the seas send its message of love
I want to hear it again and again
slow down and hold in my arms
the message of what is the purpose of my life

let the leaves rustle
to produce a symphony
of the secret of happiness
I want to skid a bit and enjoy its beauty

let every drop of rain touch my skin
revealing its texture and feelings
that reflect its transparent quality
refracting the wonder and beauty of the world

let us move our feet to feel all sand under our feet
and consciously know the different particles
variety richness of its finesse
and admire the great art of the creator

let us move on
exploring and enjoying the richness of the world
find out the purpose of our lives
and remind ourselves again and again.

let us love ourselves and take a little time off
a little drop of everything
the softness of flowers, the fragrance of the earth after the first rain.
let us remind ourselves to move on but love ourselves a bit.

let us love, love a little
take our time stop to pause
and love ourselves and reflect our love for others
let us move on and fall in love...

— The End —