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September Jun 2016
you loved me good, but
he hated me better. i'm
a sucker for passion, oh,
the thought of him still
September Feb 2016
You   feel   it
coming. You
can    always
feel   it  com-
ing.  It's  here
again. Maybe I would rather be low. Here it is, again, the plateau.
Maybe I would rather be low than at a plateau.

Good things come in 3's.
September Jul 2017
oh hips, i'd gather all them,
(your spine i deserve).
i'd much rather call them
a coastline than a curve.
ur body is my pacific northw0nderland
September Feb 2017
i keep a secret
on the inside of my bit-
ten, ****** cheek. ow.
i remember it fondly
September Nov 2015
sappy lately, maybe happy lately,
maybe lately just greatly lonely?
September Nov 2014
if i could
i'd spend the world
with you.
i would
if you wanted
but they say
that's a pretty **** big
part of my plan—
your yes or
your no—
and i haven't yet
figured it all
out yet
if you
i am a hopeless romantic and i will never love again
hopeful hopeless
September Sep 2012
On rainy days
I clear my face
And enter in
The cold embrace
Of a false name,
And faux life too,
That sit atop
in Ocean's view.
I'm in the Hotel Addiction and I've got the keys to the penthouse suite.
September Feb 2013
Your existence is drowning—
Possessing your breathe in depth
Spanning a minute into a lifelong
And only when your lungs collapse do you
Fly and break the surface into another new world
Another new ocean in which you will hide:
Close your eyes and refuse to inhale the tide.
September Feb 2012
My people, I
Am tired of grass,
The blades are tasteless
And it takes much too long
To fill this growing flesh.

Let us eat the bugs
That eat the grass;
And save ourselves the time.

My people, these crickets
Are too crunchy,
And once again,
I am eating for days to fulfill this need.

My people, we
Have grown so big
That we must go
One step above
And pierce the sky
And eat the Gods.
September Dec 2015
I could not be with you so I became you.
Force_grav = Force_pressure
September Mar 2013
Oh, the ego of the English
Who have devoted to themselves
1/26th of all they know.
September Mar 2013
One day I will
Publish ten books of poetry and
Burn eleven of them.
I, 11.
I am my 11th book of poetry.
September Nov 2011
Can you sense me in your stomach?
I am that little colored pill.
Are you aware of my presence as your blood-alcohol level?
I am rising with every sip you take.
The cigarette which seeps into your lungs and infects your system like a snake:
That is me.
No matter what you do to your stomach, lungs or iris.
You cannot escape.
I am a violet-tinged virus.
September Apr 2014
I'm not ideal—I am irritation.
The words are steel with implication,
Bite my heel for malformation.
I am not real—I am animation.
I am not real.
September Aug 2014
stuck between polarities
between loving whenever you are gone
loving wherever you have gone
September May 2013
I am your eyelids and the train-tracks of your stitches. I am the cracks in your bones and the wealthy mind riches. I am the fluid of your language that speaks in every sentence of your prose, I am the syllable you cannot speak though your tongue still knows. I am the chapel of your rib cage and the rage that it slows, closing the gates to the crosses in rows. I am the dirt under your cuticle and the follicle of your skin, sprouting a thread of your body within. I am the anxiety of your brain and the ecstasy of your flesh, crawling at the sense that you attain and possess. I am your lost baby teeth and the way that they chatter, I am the neurons, the synapses, the white and grey matter. I am your saliva burning caverns in the cave of your time. I am the line of your lips and the lungs you call, "mine." I am your soul, your secrecy, your sanctity. Your spine.
September Nov 2014
I have always had demons in my dreams
but I never knew I would see them out of sleep

I have always had demons under my eyelids
but I never knew I would feel them between my ribs

I have always had demons under my skin
but I never knew I would try to befriend them
it's physical, tangible. i touch you everyday.
September Nov 2012
I could not make
it through the day.

I gave up at noon—
came home.
Lay in bed for twelve hours straight,

Why am I not happy?

I tried to solve my problems
But then I realized...
I don't have any.

If I am sad with no means to be
Is that not a problem?
Why am I still in bed?
September Nov 2011
You put together words
and syllables
and sounds because they
ring a certain bell in your ear.

You pause for a moment, an ominous drawl.

But is there any meaning?

Any meaning at all?
Odd how I could be doing the exact same thing?
September Apr 2016
Tears—from, or in front of, or in the arms of
My mother, oh God, do I love her,
Breaking down faster than gravity can act on salt water.
The words dissolving under my tongue—
quicker than I can spit them out.

It hurts.
It ******* hurts.
Listening to Stairway to Heaven alone in my room.
My mother told me she has cancer yesterday.
September Oct 2015
It's not morning sickness if it only happens when I wake up next to you,

September Feb 2013
I drink away my problems
I drink away my happiness
I drink away my wallet
September Sep 2015
I waited forever, but there was never a "right time" to tell you.
I think I found the wrong time, however.
and it was April 2014
September Dec 2011
If I could travel through time,
I would go back to when I first met you.

If I could stop time,
I would stay there for ten years,

If I could control time,
I would have never met you,
And still have grown up in the process.
It's a shame we can't control time, no?
September Mar 2013
Life handed me two boards of wood and a bucket of nails and now I can't tell if I am suppsoed to be Jesus or Huckleberry Finn.
September Oct 2016
if the world before us were a binary search tree—
you and i can't carry on.
parent to nothing;
we were born leaves,
we stay leaves.
September Aug 2016
First comes love, then

              she does
September Apr 2014
I don't know what I want but—
I know I don't have it.
I know it's not here.
September Jun 2011
I jumped.
Not off a cliff, building or plane.
The distance isn't even that high.
I wasn't pushed by the person,
who wished me to die.
I wasn't pulled by the Heavens,
or any other force above.
I'm not falling in air.
I'm falling in-love.
September Nov 2015
I act, I react—
I did not impact your life the exact way you did mine.
You attract me.

I act, I react—
You were the one fact
I could never forget
and I was abstract.
I know I was only there to distract you
from your other lover
who did not love you
as much as I.

I act, I react
and I follow the path
that subtracts
September Sep 2013
I am the problem of my creator
I am the creation of my problems
I'm the only one responsible. Just me. I make my problems up myself so I should solve them myself. I'm the only one who can help me.
September Dec 2011
I locked you in my closet,
And put your memories under my bed.

But now,
the flesh has fallen
and you are the skeleton in my closet
and beneath my bedframe,
your memories have spawned
a monster.
September Dec 2015
Your third eye, your two eyes, you're I, you are I, I,
Yes you.

Late night in Rome listening to Photosynthesis by M3CCA
September Sep 2014
can't live in the past
can't live in the future
can't live in the present

can't live
can't live
can't die.

*(i am alive)
September Mar 2012
You and I
It's impossible.

It is like imagining a new color:
That nobody else has seen.

Because we can only think,
only see,
that which has been previously thought or seen.
We can never be.
It's impossible.
I don't even know
September Jul 2013
I wonder if you hurt to see me love another
          I hope you
                  do              a nd
                                            d o                          no    t

I want you to know,     I
    wonder too.
        What life is    to    have
with                    y    ou.

I don't look back.
I look sideways at
what could have been.

I don't look back.

I see you in the pupils of
my lover.

I wonder too.
I wonder.
I wonder
if also
September Aug 2014
true love doesn't die

true love doesn't die
but it ends
and we look through glass windows
at a time we both wonder if we can touch again—
but we can't.
if we break the glass,
our hands will bleed
and happiness isn't worth the hurt again.
happiness isn't worth anything to do with you
In case of emergency, break glass.
September Nov 2011
I could decipher your writing,
Every loop, curve, and line.
I know all of your secrets,
and you know all of mine.

I picture your past
as if I have lived it instead.
Your voice is my conscience,
Guiding my head.

I know how you died,
On that night, all alone.
But your favorite color,
I never have known.
If I had to guess, it would be orange.
September Nov 2014
You called yourself a philosopher—but
The only depth you cared about
was intravenous.

*The boy who loved God too much,
he tried to find Him

in his head.
September Feb 2013
September Jun 2011
I tried to push you away;
to deny your voice.
    You make my mind sway.

New phases came,
and I got hooked.
    I forgot your fame.

But then I heard you, from her.
And I remembered us.
    You make my thoughts blur.

The last time I heard you, I don't know when.
But now I've tasted your song;
    and I'm in-love again.

I listen to you, as I go to bed.
Your rightful place,
    is in my head.
September Dec 2011
In past I have met a man,
Who sold his youth to sea
Now withered, before old age began
Tells tales of only memory.

I've also found a girl in ache,
Wronged by a single soul.
The past, tainted by a single break—
A future taking toll.

However many memories do invite—
I see no calling in yesterday's light.
September Sep 2016
I tried to write of you.

I really tried to write of you.

\i don;t know Why i't didtn work---

I tried so hard, I tried
so hard, but it
was just a sign--
just a sign-just
September Mar 2015
You don't sleep well, but I rest forever—
however , I'd trade sleep to never lose sight—
Oh, just to see your face
for every second of the night.
Trading health for insomnia
September Aug 2014
I  miss  the  way  you
talk          to          me.
September Apr 2014
I woke up warm today—
and your skin smelled like

I have always
the sign of caffeine
in the morning
(and you know this).

but one day you will be gone
and all I will crave
is your coffee skin
in the morning.

I woke up cold today—
like the *** of coffee
you left on the counter
last monday.
you left last monday
you have not returned
September Sep 2012
He took me to the river,
Said that careful phrase.

"We were never lovers"

Laid me on blue haze.
Like a floating flower petal,
I skim atop his grip.

"We were never lovers,"
Said the water on his lip.

"If only in the next life,
My words will become true."

As my lover closed my eyes
And plunged me into blue.
I'm on a strict diet of teenage angst and hormones.
September Dec 2015
If you love something,

let it go.

If you are hurt by something,

let is go as well.

Does this mean that everything I love is supposed to hurt me?
Stop teaching that love hurts.
September Jul 2013
so we pour salt on slugs and watch them shrivel away
'cause you used say, "let's be human here."

disappearing was never our forté
but we could make it his.
September Nov 2011
In your depths
Between tissue,
And bone.
An ache of none other,
Red-rimmed unknown.

In your depths
Each blood cell that you do obtain
It's caging vein.

A corridor of your heart
The only way to rid yourself of it
Is to dissect your whole.
And rip apart your flesh,
And tear apart your soul.
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