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September Jun 2014
"child! you are

so beautiful!

in your waves by the sun

standing like architect pillars—

waiting for time

to tear you down"
September Sep 2016
Oh, my God, who did
Scare. I turn upward my eyes,
Walk, and faith my fears.
and I still am today. But now I write in it.
September Jun 2014
and i am 0912 minutes of wasted breath and second guesses
longing over the lost 0814 days i searched for in other months.
i think of the 0601 seconds i were happy in—
replacing them with 0722 heartbeats trying to scrub the coldness off my fingertips.
0126 lifetimes pass and now i am warm again but unhappy.
reality left me for numbers and birthdays
and now i am alone with my thoughts
"i once was stable
but now i fall"
0912: 0814 0601 0722 0126
a tribute to some past lovers
September Oct 2011
There are skeletons in my closet
And monsters under my bed.
My ears are ringing,
with threats, unsaid.

Voices whisper,
but never caress
my body, no.
My mind they adress.

A thought that always
grinds with frustration.
Is this all real?
     or imagination?

There are skeletons in my closet
And monsters under my bed
But none of them compare
to this demon in my head.
September Mar 2013
My ears ring.
My mind vibrates.
I answer the call of

another life.
You're so attached to this screen... but I post to the public online aswell?
September Oct 2013
It happened again.

I can't remember the last time it happened because my mind
doesnt exist
between milliseconds
I wrote this today
Posted it yesterday
Aug. 21/2013
September Apr 2014
I think of you. Your ******-touch that crosses my eyelids
with chlamydia fingernails accenting in all the
wrong places. The white powder trail leading like a
highway to your right nostril—the unemployment rate
like a dropped lit cigarette in the ******* apartments available. I think of you.
I think of you.
I thought of you.
I want nothing more than to be done with you.
Written about my hometown, Powell River.
September Dec 2014
this sickness isn't just a word better expressed in latin, this
coldness isn't something you can wash off of your hands
i am a block of ice which only melts to freeze again
September Jan 2016
You were the kind of weird
That said hello to strangers
Who did not want to be said hello to
And the kind of weird that
Sat in your mouth for a week
Under your tongue while you stewed the decision
Do I introduce you to my normal friends?
And the kind of weird which
Sat on the couch and stopped talking to me
On our first night together
Just to stare out of my window
In a melodrama fashion that I am guilty of hating
But guilty of once enjoying on you.
The kind of weird which
Intrigued me enough to let you in to
My bed—as well as other things—
After your eyes returned from the window on
That first night together.
You were, however, the kind of normal which
Took me in and never talked to me again. Not kind at all, but normal, very normal.
When I was sad bout a boy who didn't talk to me after we *shhhhh* had ***.
Draft from awhile ago.
September Nov 2015
your third eye opened when you stopped telling people to align their ******* chakras

if you only ever stopped to look at me, if you only ever opened your two—

never loved you.
fv sx svn
September Dec 2014
"cold blood doesn't bleed, but...

yesterday—I felt my heart beat"
looking up.
September Mar 2014
When I was young, my mother told
that "Gods are born in iron molds"
Peers caught hold and then controlled,
they told me I was only stone—
But I see the now—the lies they hold.
The skies turned yellow for all to behold
and I was born
from liquid gold.
Living without a form to hold.
I guess I missed the mold.
September May 2013
Fold me up in the spool of your throat
Rhyme and quote, spun around your voice box
The wheel locks as beauty talks about
singing me out, spinning me out.
All you have said
turns me from wool to
golden thread.
September Oct 2016
I met a girl at a house party, once,
whose boyfriend I had slept with
the previous semester before that.
We looked at each other—never
met—and the gaze held for just
a single second too long than it
should have. I knew, and she knew.
Sometimes you have a secret and
you can see it reflected in the eyes of
someone who knows. Who also knows.

I have been sharing a secret with just myself but
I saw that look in his eyes last night.
September Jan 2014
i wanted to say "i love you" last night (more than once)

but you are fading, i am opaque
and words will slip through you
like water in butterfly nets
January revival.
September Sep 2014
You yelled for me to
get the **** up off the floor
and smell something other than white powder roses.
I looked up and you had an 80-Watt halo—

*"All I wanted was to breath you in"
September Dec 2017
love a bit
love a bit

you look so good,
look so good,

the eyes relay to the mind
September Apr 2014
*** was a card game—
and you were the player
holding three other queens.
September Feb 2013
Tropic trips are quaint but..
I would rather be in your skin.
I miss you so much, and in two lines I tried to tel you that.
September Dec 2013
Loneliness or luckiness,
Mean or meaning:

I don't know anymore.
I'm ashamed to care so much.
September Mar 2014
saw the stars move in circles last
night. Bright sight with thoughts like no
other. My mother did not
exist. The grass kissed my lips but the only words I could
recite—*I saw the stars move in circles last night.
I took shrooms one night and ended up laying in a blackberry bush stargazing. Stars were kaleidoscoping and all I could think of was how my mom didn't exist.

But she does.
September Nov 2020
pretty white ******* a date
with a lonely man
whose father's funeral
only had three guests:
him, his brother, his uncle.

i can't even pretend
to know how to feel.
***, money.
September Dec 2014
i      have      lines—      i      have     a     title,
i      had     a     head—      i       have     a    body,
but            i     have    no   structure  and   no common themes    to   me
no    hook  and    no  conclusion
i    am    a mess  of      l e t t e r s     and   run   on  sentences and  no       commas      and       no     periods        and       no       pauses
people       like    purpose  and       i       am  a    waste  of    your       i  n  k
i've been dreaming of you again.
September Jan 2015
once red, once blue,
once faded through to you and then white.

and now

i'm black—
only black.
and even i
can't see
i would rather know that i am sad than not know how i am at all.
September May 2017
Oh, whisky and your hips:
Hard as stone on my fingertips
I would put my lips to them both.
September Jun 2014
you did not fill the hole
you were the hole
pretty f*cking basic
September Sep 2013
"Originality is dead."
Said the boy with life inside his head.
Lead to spread the word,
needle and thread it into the verb.
The unsaid is misread.
You're not ahead of your time.
You're behind.
Originality is only dead if you give up on it.
September Nov 2013
And if you find me
(fingers red)
holding onto the side of your
no-vacancy boat—

please, step
on my fingers because
the pain of that is less than the
hope of hanging on.

I've always loved to
It's okay to say you don't want me. It stings, but I can handle it.
September Jul 2013
Letters left me last June
and I soon found myself sticking my finger into the flame
and even touching fire I still don't feel that spark
It's not the same.
It's not the same.
So I stick my head, my shoulders, and my name
into fire.
But still
No desire.
i can write about not writing but it still dont feel like writing.
September Jan 2014
My mom gave me $30 for a taxi as a plan B
in case you couldn't drive me home if we drank.
We drank and I stayed the night—
but I still used the $30 for plan B.
Sometimes I think I **** up just so I can write about it.
True story.
September Jun 2011
A boy in the field,
By the age of eighteen.
A flag for a shield,
And a crowd he's never seen.

The boy whose life was ruined by war,
Passed down a hate he has no use for.
A country scarred by the recent recession,
Houses todays funeral procession.

The boy looks on at his father's new bed,
So many questions, housed in his head.
"Why are we fighting?" he thinks to himself.
His father as fresh as the frame on the shelf.

Hours run by, but the boy is still standing.
Visions in his head of planes crash landing.
"I have nothing against them, but this I must do."
Chasing after his unchangeable view.

He won't stop, until the war is won.
Feeding the fire, like father like son.

Generations of hate, forever to come.
Like father like son,
     Like father like son.
A boy avenging his father who is a boy avenging his father—
September Aug 2014
what words?—she stands
behind me, come out
from there. next—waiting—watching
what words?—gazing—what
collaboration of lines?—come as language—he frowns
it is not your best*

my gift, my time, my blood—
my gift, my time, my blood,
all yours.
September Dec 2014
halfof   the appeal   isthe f o r m a t    !
         ((cold blood doesn't bleed
         if your
         heart doesnt beat))

the    snow
is falling—

(my blood runs black_)

the snow is
f a l l  i   n     g
September Oct 2012
Even though the touch of your skin will fade away,
Wrapped in mahogany curtains,
Your mind will linger on in mine.
Like the smell of gasoline
In the city we were raised by.
September Jan 2016
The cancer girl who wrote about the boy who wanted to throw his life away.
******* the way things work.
September Nov 2014
in the middle of the road,
you said you wanted to be a canary—
"because God doesn't have eyes
in the coalmines
It doesn't take much
September Oct 2015
Oh, look at us
who have burned entire cities
just to hold the sun in our hands.
I have an astronomy midterm today.
September Nov 2015
you turn around
and my eyes
traverse your spine.
your love touches
mine. life is fine.
life is fine.
you rolled around in your sleep last night.
September Mar 2013
She asked what my
"SPH" was?

*(Smiles per happiness)
Little kids are so intriguing.
September Oct 2012
Little slow suicide boy
Has lips tainted frozen blue
From threefold the norm amount
Of ecstasy's strong hue.

Little slow suicide boy
Has lungs of ravaged tar
*** combined with cigarettes--
Mind gaining ground on a star.

Little slow suicide boy
Finds sunshine in the rain
Happiness in depression
Places the needle to his vein

Little slow suicide boy
Scorns the girl with a slashed wrist
Scorns the boy who is dying to exist
But one fall into a lifeless choke.

Takes another drag, blows out smoke.
September Apr 2014
for a year all i knew was
cut knuckles against torn cheeks
your blood in my blood
*you told me we
were becoming
love me now, hell is here.
September May 2014
Your found your wings
passing the forty-third floor
but (like a baby bird)
you couldn't figure out how to use them yet—

and you used them, then
on your way to
the heaven that you had never
believed in.
Little yellow bird because God doesn't have eyes in the coalmines.
September Aug 2013
Sitting, I
see a spider married to air. I
wonder what it'd be like—
creating something only I
can see. And then I
realize. I
already know.
I know.
September Aug 2013
Looking over my course guideline for philosophy 100 and all I can think of is how I could combine you and documentaries on Plato and Leibniz to cover both love and homework. My mom always told me to "work smarter not harder." The thought it always turning to you like (hour) hands on my (clock) face.
I'm not allowed to talk to you so I'll just write about you.

I've gotta learn about Hume, Locke, Mill, Plato, Decartes, Barkeley, and Leiniz.
September Sep 2013
Fighting was beautiful while it lasted.
Appreciation stems from things contrasted.
September Mar 2017
german cologne still lingers
on the buttons of my collar.
funny, i don't remember
wearing my shirt when we embraced.

i didn't wash you for
five days. i didn't wash
you for five days.
living in a stale memory of terrible eurotrance.
September Oct 2013
"Munro, one day you're gonna hate the world"

For a reason you never told me, you always called me by my last name.
Maybe you were avoiding the same name of the girl before me
(who loved and was never loved back)
And saying it made the truth so much more real.
You're a murderer.

"And it'll all be because of me."
I'm still waiting to see if your ego was lying or not.
Poem about an unrequited love stuck in 2010.
Sick symmetry.
September Dec 2014
bite my nails and blow my nose
forget my name while forgetting yours
all for you
oh, all for you.
breathing, barely
September Jan 2012
Love faked his name,
and past but not personality.
Heart-splitting talks of sentimentality.
In the shallow depths of my heart's sea,
Your voice is merely a memory.

Entrapped in your thoughts so discretely sublime.

You told me,
*"Love is the only conqueror of time."
September Nov 2012
my hand to my heart
fingers on the needle.
Plunged it
(My hand
hit yours
on its path!)


Do you not
feel as good
as I do
right next
to you?

When I tell
you of how
I feel, you
say, "shut up.
You're not

Does that have
something to
do with this?

I love you
still in the high.
In the morning
In the crest of
waiting for my next

If I were sober
for a straight amount
of the little time
that we have,
I would love
you then
like I love
you now.
Can you tell
what I
am on?
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