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September Sep 2012
I am nothing compared to your past.
You are everything, even with your flaws.
I love all of you.
Every problem and addiction,
makes my love dig deeper another foot.

My favorite is your insomnia.
How we stay up talking—
albeit on the phone.
Hours go well spent as we break the midnight barrier.

I am not your lover.
I am not even your best friend.
But I love you.
I love your random fits of ADHD,
and your strength through your past.
I love your drug addiction and insomnia.
They make you, you.

And you, you are beautifully flawed.
I found this on an old site from 2010. I loved him so much. If he sees this, then oh terror, the embarrassment.
September Apr 2014
You're not my first or my final
but you can be my favorite.
you don't want this to last.
you don't want me to be your last.
September Sep 2013
I hope it hurts again
when you drop your vice.
I know it certainly burned when
you let me go.
There's still a hole
in your heart.
September Apr 2014
Being half-happy reminds me of you
When we'd talk on the phone and I'd write you poems
Comparing you to the pills I've never done
and the powders you described to me
I never went to Florence, but you did. I miss the half-happy, half-sad days.
September Jul 2016
I'd give up used bookstores, libraries,
old love, and free chai tea lattes
to be alone with you.

All of the things I once believe caused feeling—
Just moments and memories

in a great spectrum of
*"I forgot—just being happy. being happy.

So I prioritize
and keep going,
close my eyes.
close your eyes."
September Jun 2011
I've never truly believed in love.
Playing Coldplay in the mountains above,
An inch from the edge of the atmosphere,
you told me not to give my tears,
you told me not to cry.
"It's weak," you said, drilled it into my head.
I did something I believed I never could,
You might not know, but you changed me for good.

I've never truly believed in love,
The mountain air, or lack thereof.
I tried not to fall as best as I could,
Did everything a blind girl should,
But I stumbled, and I tripped,
I fumbled, and I flipped,
Not off the mountain that we were part of,
but into the abyss that one calls 'love.'
At the edge of insanity, where we once stood,
You might not know, but you changed me for good.

But does 'for good' mean 'for better,'
or 'for good' as in 'forever?'
I tried to find out as best as I could,
but all we'll ever know is that you changed me for good.
September Jul 2013
but really i was always too afraid to say
"be my tonight and you'll be my tomorrow"
and i don't know how long forever is but
we can find out,
September Sep 2013
I sip my drink in waterfalls
looking to fill a hole
whose origin I haven't quite
yet figured out.
I make the same mistake
because maybe I can fill this void
with all the luck of the 3rd time
with all the regrets of the coming 4th.
coming forth.
September Jan 2016
"You don't think it's bad, do you? That I keep
Finding myself in the people
I find in my bed on Saturday morning?"
September Feb 2015
never wanna be an addict
but i got no qualms against *******
just don't want similarities to you—
n' you had the nerve to call me vain.
ease the pain
September Sep 2014
life is cycles and so is death
addiction is the quickest form of slow suicide.
you never quit—
you only take breaks
and i will always come back home
it's not a problem—its a cycle.
September Nov 2010
Quickly cunning,
armed with a witted tounge.
Eyes of a murderer,
    with the rope already strung.
Coat of copper,
lying sweetly as it promises,
the appearance of a dog.

The fox feeds once again.

He runs through the brambles,
reminiscent of an open door.
Eats all the farmer's poultry.
His mouth waters no more.

As quickly as he came,
the bushes he now does part.
He has stolen a living.
He has stolen my heart.
September Sep 2016
"Yeah, why don't I tell him that I ****** you too?"
I don't care if it hurts
September Jul 2013
Chalk, felt, feather-pens.
construction paper ends
glued to gift you a shift in-
to happiness:
You need bliss.
You don't have bliss.

I can give you this.
September Mar 2018
tired because of the things he does,
always remembering where i was.

these fickle things nostalgia brings,
icicle fingers touching ribs—stings.
September Mar 2018
this ship merits no singing of sad songs
cleaned my decks, the salt water is gone.
September Aug 2014
i can't let go of the past if i am surrounded in it—
watching the old and blowing off the new.
From second to seventh, all i can recall has left me
counting months until it means something
i don't like this.
September Dec 2013
Language is painless—
but somehow, we're
afraid of the words
that we painted.
Just a thought. Pain-less/Pain-ted.
September Sep 2014
push me down the stairs and pin me to the wall
we ****** on someone else's floor and i woke up with no regrets and a ****** nose
the only thing that clouded my judgement was my old life.
i live in constant fear that i will find myself
i live in constant fear that the old-me will find the new-me
that the new-me will find the old-me

that i will see what i have and have not done
September Dec 2013
**** will never release
the way our eyes touched—
and held between them:
those worries in your fingertips.
vous avez peur.
September Nov 2013
here we are again

as we count the new day away/
one, two, three
in the morning.

four, five, ***
seven days in a week.

playing on our words.
we're weak.
i'm weak.
so weak.

here we are again.
September Nov 2013
your apartment is a glass bottle of ***** and we're drowning in the bottom of it
and the only way to save ourselves is tip the world over
and sip.
September Jul 2012
I am

Watching adventure
Through my glass bedroom window.
What more must I say?
If I don't like the lifestyle I'm leading, why do I continue it? I don't understand!
September Jan 2017
not i, i am not prolific, of late.
i lack no creativity, only desire.
such expansive palate but no taste for creation.
i have words in my cupboards but i
go grocery shopping for a different hunger.
i am hurting for a different world.
September Apr 2013

Playing both
red and blue.

If you own all the railroads is there really any point in travelling?
You'll just stay in your own hotel.
Sick, pervert.
September Feb 2013
I flew through one.

Clouds hang in suspension in the sky.
Special effects may or may not be used.
September May 2014
Love is the death of man and I,
I am coated in a lacquer of immortality.
September Feb 2016
You mistook rock bottom for a mountain plateau, but you were happy, so we decided not to tell you for awhile.
"Tell you how great it's all gonna be."
September Apr 2016
I wish I could show you all the words I wrote on my body
That you probably wouldn't approve of
(you enjoy the meaning—but not the idea).

But you don't want my skin anymore.
And that's fine.
That's just fine.
September Nov 2013
Graced to know that
you still lie through your teeth and

(I hope you get a cavity)
September Oct 2011
You stand on the edge
of my vision.

So tantalizing.

but you manage
to radiate
with a perennial odor of:
And bleach?

You are too far
for my arms to reach.
September Nov 2014
"but you're so beautiful"
we kissed in the alley off burrard
"shut the **** up"
by the bush where i hid my *****
"touch me"
it was raining when you told me
"i love you"
September Jul 2016
So pleasure twists to grief—
Sweet Eve looks for just relief.
We were looking only for release.
Because Adam died.

Adam died.
Last conversation we had was about green tea frappucinos.
September Sep 2013
I sit on a long wooden balance beam
Asking *"please, just give me a break."
September May 2013
Sadly, an
"I love you"
and a look into your iris
isn't strong enough of a cure
for this virus.
I would rather you
hit me and make
me realize
that the only way to fix the problem
is to revise my mix of overwhelming
string-of-something-mood-swing so
I am sorry,
Kyran King.

I've always hated how
love can sting.
I'm sorry.
September Mar 2014
In front of her, lies—

                  are you looking at

"Nothing, dear. Just
the clouds against a seventh
day's barrier."
The storms may not happen for seven day's in the myth of Alcyone but they're certainly waiting.
September Sep 2016
We head to visual court to give our testimony.
Blood rush to the podium of my neck
where another lover once bit.
I keep these bruises for you and I
to remember why we can't be together.
September Dec 2013
Hardened hearts drip black paint.—
even bleach couldn't soak you out
so I dyed my soul
black to hide the stain.

Hardened hearts drip black paint.
I found that out last night
when I tainted my first white shirt.
Hardened hearts drip black paint.

I'm sorry.
September Mar 2013
You smell like green and brown and taste like cotton swabs and trees. When I see you I don't see you but I see rhythmicity. Your skin is liquid chocolate and your eyes are hot green tea. Your mind brings mine to philosophy and not radians nor degrees. I find you in the clouds and in the cycles of the sea, seeing that you say that we're just God in hide-and-seek.
September Jun 2016
she looks like me, but she does not
hate like me. she loves,
and she loves you, but you
have always wanted to be hated. and i
can hate you.

and i can hate you.
litl brokn boi
September Jul 2014
you were the greatest catch of my life
but i am no fisherman
i was never meant to reel you in
i was always meant to throw you back
shark in the head
September Dec 2012

Maybe                   everythings                   taken                   higher
Carrying  out  capsules  across  illegiment,  narcisstic  ­exhaustion.
Another                                       new                                          day?
Help! Everything rhetorical or insane now                             exists.
An acrostic, using the first letter of every word in a line—starting at line 2. You: are ****, *******, and herione.
You claim to be addicting. I find you quite the opposite. You are an inflated ego. You say I can never quit you. I am proving you wrong.

But in writing this, I fail.
September Jan 2013
There's a world that sits
in the tip
your cigarette.

There's a city in
that spark.
That amber ember. I've told him once before.
September Dec 2014
I was sent to Heaven when I realized
I am not Jesus
and I cannot walk across the ocean for you
—but I can sure as Hell drown
September Oct 2013
She found heaven
and it was no bigger than
the ***** of a pin

because that's exactly what it was—
only hollow.

*And angels are running into my veins.
September Aug 2013
I wish I found you before your first rolled 5 dollar bill
your vertebrae goes viral into a double helical spiral.
acid dripping from your spinal— tap.
tap. tap. tap.
i am knocking on your door.
"must i never see your youth again?
just live this age still useless."

you're calm but

your mind is ruthless.
September Nov 2013
I'm standing above you like a mechanical crane
you reach up your iron bars and I rotate away—
working on the next steel work frame of my life.
you are irreparable, and I am not strong
enough to carry
even the pieces of you.
I am building a beautiful tower, and this time, it has the framework down.
September May 2013
I love you.
I love you like oxygen, like my lungs.
Pulmonary. Coronary.
And although it may make me dizzy,
I love you like my blood.
My veins, venules, arteries, arterioles.
Blood epidemic. Systemic.
September Feb 2017
when the humble
bend their necks
we show to them
no humility.
open yr wings
nd fly
sweet creeture
September Mar 2013
My        God        is
mathematics    and
mental   aerobatics.
1.618   is   a   spiral
curved    to   follow
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