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September Jun 2013
You step forwards—
within my reach
but with every passing day
the dream I've chased
gets farther away once again.
Not you, not you!
But I and my
inevitable leave.

Can we make this last more than just
one night
one night.
September Jan 2016
My body betrays me.

Blood comes to the surface of my skin
—in a testimony of visual court—
where another lover has bit me.
The other lover is the ground.
September Jul 2019
i will be alone now
walking naked from the bush
drunk stumble down quadra st

the *** may have been brief
but the memory of ******* will stay forever
in my wet dreams
bug bites
September Aug 2013
I cough—crimson flowers bloom on my palms,
sooner than the atom bomb can fall.

(Sprawling across
my fingertips, vines licking at my rose-hips, grinding
in a vice grip. I cough—the thorns shoot out of my stem
—cells. I am Eve and I've made my Garden out of spells.)
September Jul 2013
I build bridges
I don't burn them.

And with every bridge I turn to
I look for the white paint lines of
"I Love Sarah Murphy."
Because I find that bridge
is the only road home
September Jul 2013
Like, unlike.
We collide:
head on.
Shooting back instantly,
we ricochet:
never returning.
September Aug 2013
Hell froze over
The Devil stolen in ice
Now I've got nobody
to give my favorite advice
i'm so lame
September Oct 2016
all of me was based almost solely off of you-i don't know if
we acknowledged it or not, but we sure as hell
romanticized it. i still look for you in the places you once were.
i still look for you in the places you once were.
September Nov 2013
you're a
soft one, but dense/
(packed full of thoughts)
and i mean that
in the best way possible.
i can see us floating away
in my favorite direction
probably going to delete this.
September Mar 2013
Will you create with me?
Silence says what silence speaks,
Not what your worries tell you.

I could live a lifetime's worth of lifetimes and still never meet anyone

A millennium from now when
I am buried and you are alive
through the pages of the poetry and letting your voice live through songs or speeches.
You will still cross my mind like our local mountain paths.
September Oct 2012
Cardiac arrest
Read me all the rights I have left.
Cuff me up
In the vein of the law
I must remain silent:
I know to withdraw.
Love, he is a lock down.
"We've got a
Code Red
—blood cell.

Cardiac arrest
Read me all the rights I do not have left,"
he said.
September Nov 2013
Somehow, what I wasn't looking for
is exactly what I need
and what I needed is perhaps
exactly what I was avoiding/

I center this to the right
so I can remind myself
of what I never
had left
And that's o-k.
September Jul 2017
three circles will linger
in my grave when i die
one ring on my finger
two under my eyes
September Nov 2013
Celebrate and Regret

4. Perhaps flirtation-
Music taste, or lucky liquor.
Perhaps loneliness.

5. Never spoke a word,
Until substance set us free
Upon each other.

6. We were nothing more
Than slutty dancing, slurred words,
And a messy bed.
4, 5, and 6. JV, JG, and JR. Put together because it made sense this way, in alphabet and in circumstance.
September Jun 2016
the world turned and
turned and you put
it under your 4th finger
on your right hand when it
was spinning on your
coffee table next to a
carton of canadian classics with
one left in the pack. you stopped
it like a quarter and you put
it in your glass and you raised
your arm and drank and
you made me repeat myself.
and you raised your arm and drank and
you made me repeat myself.  i kept

going until i got dizzy.
September Feb 2016
And for a whole
                    the world spun
          for you.

The world spun
                             for you—
          and you stopped it.

You stopped it like
                                 a dime
                                  ­                                              thumb.
September Feb 2014
You spoke zero words to me, today
But that's okay—
I spoke zero to you as well
September Oct 2012
Change me
Shape me
Meld my core
Carve me out
And hollow me more

Fill up my teacup body
With juice of thought
Nectar of a goddess too
Because I know not
And neither you.
September Aug 2012
War changes.
From rifle ranges
to a poison gas blast,
Not last, an atomic bomb.

Calm is not our future.

War never changes.
A hate between two—
Through working men fought
Caught up in the past
Outlasting hate.
"War, war never changes." It does, and it doesn't.
September Nov 2015
You and I
may not read the same meaning
that God meant for the Bible yet
all I know is that
I went to christian camp, once
but the most religious moment
in my life was last night
when the Sistine chapel doors
of your lips
let me in
September Nov 2013
You come and go
and all I am left with
is a month of confusion—
and 37 songs on itunes.
September Jan 2014
chemical cocktail—
serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, etcetera.
i'd write you a poem but i'd rather
spend my time in bed drinking
this chemical cocktail
with you.
It's all looking up love.
September Sep 2013
Failing class because I'm distracted
Impacted by your body extracted
Mine reacted with you.

There was nothing I could do.
There was nothing I could do.
September Nov 2011
Your absence is  a jagged cliff  in
the  corner  of  my  mouth,   like
an  accidental   chipped tooth.   I
notice you  have  fled and I  can-
not  help but  toy   and   cut  my
tongue  on the  sharp   reminder
of you,  what was once a part  of
me.  But soon,  I will  wear away
the hollow nothing,  grind at the
initial sting into a mockery edge
And  only  when  this tooth does
fall,  are  the   memories   finally

September Nov 2013
who told you that you could say that
there's blood and ***** and drunk tears on the neck of your sweater
and in the corner of your eye.
substance lettering not making any sense.

who told you that you could say that

Christmas lights are beautiful
But only out of season

I sure as hell didn't.
September Jul 2014
i want a christian boy
to gift my skepticism
a rosary
September Sep 2012
Boy of my dreams,
On the night of my life,
Offers me my first,

You've got
A campfire-made halo.
Such a beautiful smile.

I carry only one around,
So when I see you once more,
I can offer you (not your first)

And use
Your beautiful smile
And hope
You feel like I

"I quit."

And this cigarette goes,
Back into my pocket,
And I do too.
Silly, stupid, and something-ly so.
September Dec 2014
I've tried to die seven times and succeeded in all but this one.
September Aug 2014
Cycles always tend to repeat themselves in circles but
I find myself standing in the corners of them.
September Nov 2014
she had eyes like diamond

i kissed her lips
and she sighed

it echoed in
the coalmine
September Jan 2013
******* on sale at the supermarket
Boxed in warning
But still
You got out your credit card

Does this even make sense
September May 2014
Coins with one side
live forever
on the side
of the street
and are stuck
in the corners
of cedar-topped tables
you never clean

Give me two faces and
place your bets on me.

Give me two faces and
spin me in the air.
September Oct 2013
Cold blooded creatures need warmth to live
Shiver without a light to feed.
*Is that why you call me
your sun?
I'm only here for your warmth.
September Dec 2012
Cold hands, I trapped on the side of my cheek.
From frostbitten fingers, bruises leak.
Cold hands, I locked in mine to make warm,
Whose ice seeped into me as you harm.
I tried to warm you, but your ice only spread into me as well.
September Apr 2013
The addict and his needle
She holds him by command.

Love, infectious as she comes..
concrete is like her hand.

and still he picks her up again
and still he holds her close
Still he puts her to his vein and both
They overdose.
avec kyran king.
September Jan 2016
We split ear buds on
the smooth rhythmic train ride of
my hips against yours.
September Oct 2013
you tell me i—
am spiraling downwards,
but why do i—
see clouds?
September Feb 2016
All three lights were red
but we kept going—
afraid of the silence that would settle
between us if we
were stationary.

In silence
there would have been truth:
We have no common conversation.
Do not read between the lines—there is nothing written there.
"Wake up slow"
September Feb 2014
i wish i could close my eyes to the ghosts that haunt me
whose sting feels like sleeping with contacts in
and having nightmares about the words she said

both of which make me wake up
with red eyes—and
pupils made of
I slept with my contacts in again.
September Feb 2013
Poet, so silly, doesn't realize
or recognize
I have put him to idolize.

There's a reason that bird was yellow.

Caged inside a coal mine.
Told to do his job and die for society.

Merit, melancholy. Contagious.
September Jan 2016
The history of your heart strings,
The singing of angels,
Stained glass, church bells.

You call my name and I am found:
Retracing all of my steps until I find
The ones I took beside you.
4 more nights
September Oct 2014
i didn't want to watch the opportunities turn onto the highway
i wanted to experience the world running down the I90

you were in the way of all my couldhavebeens,
but looking back i think you're the only thing that shouldhavebeen

maybe the grass is just greener on the other side of the city
maybe i'm just lonely.
September Nov 2013
Critic, cynic, skeptic.
We see the same thing differently—
That's relative
not relevant.
September Dec 2013
I am
the butcher who chopped apart her soul—
Drained blood into words.
Ground the bones into a bag and
Fed it to the birds
Excerpt of a poem from Nov 2012
September Sep 2014
high and dry
sober, sober, sobreity
all i ever wanted was to feel

slowly dying
but finally alive
September Mar 2013
My body once was black
with ash and sadness

And I plead
I beg
and now I confine you
To a tattoo.

Shedding slowly off my sin.
September Nov 2015
ninety-six percent of all matter is unseen, but acknowledged.
I call it, "the second greatest taunt from god"
the first? to create you—

and take you away
still miss you
September Sep 2014
days will come where i forget your face
and all the words that we have made
and i will wait
for them
to fade you
September Oct 2012
She called from the hospital payphone.
The little genius girl who wanted to be a marine biologist
Now wanting to die?

I stood by the reciever,
My legs snapping like elastics to the ground
In an awkward embrace with the wall.
That was the last time I cried.
We were thirteen, then.
That was four years ago.

My best friend who I could have helped,
She is breathing right now
but I am not with her.
The death of my childhood.
When is the exact moment that a friendship dies? When did we go from childhood friends to strangers? If I had helped her, maybe spoken to her more, would she have not gone into the hospital? Would she have been happy today?
September Dec 2014
your face was familiar when i first met you
we traded words until noon the next day and never touched anything more than our fingertips as we passed a plate of ******* between us
i guess i've known you forever if i were born this morning
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