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 Apr 2013 Selena Grace
Ayaba Babe
Sprawled out across his back.
Contouring the bean bag chair into something shapely beautiful.
Knees expelled in opposite directions,
Expelling my imagination into a furious sea of frenzy.
Except for the constant clicking of the video-game controller.
The constant flicking of his fingers soon lead my imagination
The traffic-jam of words inside of me soon slip uncontrollably to thoughts
As I sit behind him.
My heat undecoded.
Legs crossed, just as a lady should.
Girls from all over must tell him he's beautiful.
But beauty in itself is a limitation.
I'm not sure if he is aware that he is beyond
The liberal definition.
I find myself soon forgetting the awkward of the situation,
Instead savoring the surreal reality of such a moment.
"Are you winning?" I shortly ask him, breaking the heavy incredible silence.
But I had to know.
He can miss as many goals as he likes. Laugh it off.
Because inside of me he's scoring.
who will ever understand boys and video games?
 Feb 2013 Selena Grace
Andy Cave
Believe in yourself
take hold of the wheel
let loose your emotions
feel feel feel.
Let out that sadness
you hold deep inside
and let your happiness
rise and climb.
Don't let others
put you down
be who you are
and be it proud.
 Feb 2013 Selena Grace
Ayaba Babe
If you've wondered why I shy from bathing in your eyes
-it's because I'm terrified of where you'll drain me.
From explaining why my brain chains itself to the thought of you.
The thought of you-
Remains coursing through my veins like heavy doses of *******;
I can not restrain the rain that steadily maintains its downfall along the inner walls of my thighs
If I jump inside your eyes,

Will you bathe me?
 Feb 2013 Selena Grace
Andy Cave
Crippling words you spout from your lips
breaking my spirit, sinking my ship.
Your words are so hurtful, they tear me apart
if they were a game I'd be sent back to the start.
Your words leave me empty, I'm dust in the wind
but your words read the truth, this is really the end.
 Feb 2013 Selena Grace
Andy Cave
Red roses
violets so blue
the perfect gift
from me to you.
With candy of course
you have to have that
and a Valentines card
with a cute kitty cat.
This day is so sweet
but I just wish it would end
because I almost forgot
we are only just friends.
I found myself on a cloud.
Surfing the skies with the wind on my hair and life in my veins.
I knew the trip had to reach and end, but I never knew when.

And so the day came when the trip ended.
The cloud just vanished under my feet, and I fell,
and fell,
and fell,
but just as I was about to hit the ground
a strange force kept me from it.

I wasn't moving.
I was just levitating.
Not in the sky anymore, but not dead either.

Numbness surrounded me.
A cold chill invaded my body, and I shivered.
I was gently laid on the ground, and lights went out.
Not a sound was heard. Not even the beating of my heart.

Suddenly a bright light pierced my eyes.
When I could see again, a feminine silhouette was drawn before me
yet I could not see who it was.
She lent a hand.
I grabbed it, and she helped me up.

She spoke to me in the sweetest voice.
Singing like a choir of angels.
I felt safe again.

She wrapped her arms around me.
Her skin as smooth as silk, her touch as protective as a mother's.
I was safe again.

She flashed a smile,
but then it all faded to black.

I woke up... alone.
No one near my hospital bed, but something caught my eye.
A "get well soon" card next to some flowers in fresh water.

Again I felt warm, happy, alive.
My journey had reached it's end, but I was safe again.
It was safe to begin a new journey.
Comments, anyone?
I go to bed thinking about you.
Thinking about what you said,
what you did,
what we were.
Why can't things be like they were a week ago?
No tears, no pain, still us.

Now I don't know where I stand.
Should I go back or should I keep walking forward?
Should I risk my heart for something uncertain?

Truth is my heart's still with you.
Question is, will you break it again?

I can't bring myself to say never more,
but I also can't find the strength to ask for one more time.

I'm confused. I'm hurt. I'm in love.
Distance was what killed us.

I don't know if I can trust this way.
Can we forget the heart wrenching memory,
Of the day I came out and said you weren't good for me,
The day I set out to change my destiny,
By deciding you were no longer a part of me,
That was what my head was saying anyway,
My heart was singing a completely different melody,
But it was high time we said goodbye,
For it was only getting harder for me,
But I'm still really sorry,
I had to be the one to deliver the heartbreak.
I'm gonna be posting a lot of random "farewell relationship" poems for the next couple days. Don't mind my tragedy. I'm okay. I promise.
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