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 Dec 2013 Sebastien
Tessa F
The silence just hung there.
A broken, flickering Christmas light.
We can both feel the storm coming in.
Can it cut the power already?
I've forgotten how to breathe.
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
I don't care about you, but I have to pretend like I do
In all honestly, it's tiring.
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
So many eyes
each and every one judging.

The only way to be free
is to keep
your thoughts
your heart
your words
in a secret
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
Who knows
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
Maybe someday I'll figure myself out
Emerge from this muddled state of mind
With some form of understanding
of where I am going,
What my destination is
What my intended purpose is

But for now I'm wandering
through this infinate maze in my mind
where each dead end is a new idea or emotion
I have no idea what I'm doing with my life or what I'm going to, but I have two small goals, so I guess that's a start...
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
The more you understand how school works, and not just like "ew, I don't like homework" the more you realize what a scam it is. You work for grades, that doesn't even show if you actually understand the subject. And then you have to learn a TON of stuff you seriously will never use. I understand music, English, biology(for me because of doctor stuff) and math(to a very certain degree) and speech and Spanish.

However, we have to learn stuff about parabolas which you only use if you are an engineer or scientist(maybe) and then we waste hours of our life just sitting in a classroom and studying instead of bring out in the world making a difference, which is what I want to do.

And grades... If someone gets c or a b are they stupid? Maybe they just knew they would never use this Information and didn't try, being smart and living instead of wasting hours if their short life. Parents know that grades aren't good measurements, and yet they put so much emphasis on them! Because they, *** this is so stupid, they DETERMINE our whole future!!!! Why aren't we worrying about the kids in drugs and *** and in gangs??? But no, we have to worry for your future that you got a b on a test.

Please tell me how that makes any sense!
I know this  isn't poetry, I apologize, but this is some thing I feel people should truly understand. I was just writing this in my journal but decided to share. Thanks for reading the whole thing :)
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
All I ever want to do is make you smile

I'm so sorry for bringing up a painful past
You deserved better from her, but I should've thought through trying to talk like I knew what to say
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
I have so much to say that I fear if I let myself talk
word will just spill out like a never ending river
Whether anyone listens doesn't matter
It's just writing is never enough,
if I attempted to write all I wanted to say
I would never stop writing

But for now I'll just keep patiently asking questions
the words inside building up
You make me want to tell you my life story and thoughts in everything. But that would be annoying so I'll just stay.
my tears
them with
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