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Sebastian Macias Nov 2018
Looking around the room
Buttoning your jacket tight
Feeling the frustration in your palms
As you try to write,
Is the same as it is in life,
Clawing at the brick walls
With your delicate fingers
Hoping to find a way out
And you bleed and cry
An aching body is all you own
The room is dancing a waltz
Not much you can do
Then, the air becomes thin
A loud airplane flies over your head
The only thing you can do
Is just walk through it
Hoping it survives on the other end
Your only tool?
Is remembering everything
You have taught yourself up till now
Sebastian Macias Nov 2018
A love letter does not need
To be to someone specifically
Or to be happy and "in love",
Whatever that even means today
A love letter needs only purpose
Just as life itself needs
There are no rulebooks
When you are born into this
Same goes with letters of love
Love can be about passion
Or an experience long ago
Your love letter can be sadness
It could be expression of fear
Drawing a sunset in words
About a pain felt so hard
A love letter is the feeling you give
To another, the moment you feel it
A love letter is the way you are alive
The words only create the image
It can be your entire soul in 2 sentences
Sebastian Macias Oct 2018
There is evil after each word
Time has lost all value
And Monday's aren't so bad
Funny to think about it
As life has gone, chapters closed
One begins to imagine something
A place that was never told
The hidden face of this world
Simply put, reality - the truths
Not the visual reality of daily life
But the one inside your mind
A reality that is essential
Here we begin to understand that
What makes us so powerful,
Also has the power to weaken us
What we crave like children
Most often surely destroys us
Another day on a calendar
One last chance for good bye
And you begin all over again
Sebastian Macias Oct 2018
Moving forward
At your weakest moment
Surrendering to the truth
And above all,
Accepting the change
Beautiful people,
Doing beautiful things
There's a wild difference
Between what you see
And what you know
Sure a pretty face
Or shiny new car
Even a complete record collection,
I suppose, needed at times,
But have you ever
Sat yourself in a difficult position
To find out who you are?
Sebastian Macias Oct 2018
Ah, don't look at me like that
There's a simple way inside of me
The dark clouds control themselves
So just give me the books
Let the art clean the air
Pour me that stiff whiskey
She flips through the records
"Strange Fruit" please, if you find it
Leaning back in my chair
As my sons 65' mustang
Roars up our drive way
Sebastian Macias Oct 2018
I can only here the piano
And the waves breaking
Speeding down the coast
But the answers are moving faster
The end is only in my head
I'm not old enough to drink
Now I'm too old for this life
I put the music louder
The tears are coming down
I really like this song
So I go faster
Chasing my questions
I can see the end
It's all my beautiful mistakes
Sebastian Macias Oct 2018
es triste
que en un mundo
como hoy
honestidad pura
no es bienvenido
todos necesitan
para convertirse en esta almohada
de comodidad
al diablo con eso
prefiero quemar
y ser libre
que ser

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