Rain fell like bullets of glass.
The wind blew from the mouth of God Himself.
The cold was suffocating us.
Fragments of a disaster,
and we embraced each other amidst it.
Words like red wine dripped from your lips.
Thoughts like tidal waves crashed in my head.
You were wrapped in a blanket,
and I simply stared at you
as I stood underneath the streetlight.
In moments, you'd be time zones away,
seas of water and seas of uncertainty between us.
We did not know if this moment was the end of the show
or simply the beginning
of beautiful poetry.
So I kissed you to find out.
A one-eighty degree turn on my heels
from whatif to whynot.
My only regret is that
I thought the only option was
to let go of your hands
and simply walk away.
For E.