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martin  Dec 2012
Turkey days
martin Dec 2012
There was a young man from Ceylon                                    Another man from Sri Lanka
Whose turkey went on and on                                                Penned an original tanka
Each piece on his plate                                                            ­ With himself he was pleased
He dutifully ate                                                              ­           But his friends they just teased
Till every morsel was gone                                                       And called him a silly old....wally

Turkey in soup, turkey in curry,turkey in sandwiches when in a hurry,turkey for breakfast,turkey for tea, fed up with turkey soon I shall be. Ways to eat turkey different and clever, man this turkey goes on for ever. Can we have something else now please, put the rest in containers to freeze.
A splendid old man from Argyle
Spoke of his ghosts with a smile
'They're like you and me
So I just leave them be
You get used to them after a while'
preservationman Nov 2014
I just saw a Turkey and an oven running down Main Street
The Turkey being the main treat
The oven determined not be a defeat
Trimmings revenge in retreat
The Turkey continues to run
Well the oven and trimmings are all out of breath from so much fun
But they don’t know we are nowhere near done
The oven in a fiery turn
Done or not that Turkey is going to be a cooked urn
But according to a Main Street witness, they saw a Turkey running with a surprised look
Camera’s were ready in took
So much for food for thought
Now what meat will be sought?
However, the Turkey is the tradition
I am on my own Turkey catching mission
After that bird!
You heard!
I caught that Turkey trying to escape
All I had to do was act like an ape
The Turkey is finally in the oven
It’s 9:00 AM for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade to start
Step away from the kitchen and make your mark
A day to give thanks, but on Thanksgiving, I refuse to serve franks.
preservationman Nov 2022
Run Turkey Run
Don’t even go on a prowl
Turkey knife
No cut
No Cook
No seasoning
This Turkey is running for its very life
I am not stopping to see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
This is living that needs to be made
No stuffing
No eating from this turkey, and if you are disappointed, tough
Enough is Enough
If meat is what you want, try duck
I will not be plucked
You are out of luck
I am running as far as I can go
When I become breathless, I will move slow
For now, I am on deadline time and all systems go
Eventually, my turkey legs will thump me for a ride by way of hitchhike
Being a Turkey, I am expected to be polite
I am in a plight
Turkey run on never to be done
I want to live among
I am running anywhere from any oven
I will never be an outdoor cook out
Speedily and Steadily heading about
Give yourselves thanks
This turkey is on the move
No catch me if you can
This Turkey is never on when
What meat will you serve that will be something for you to prove
I am on sooth
Happy Thanksgiving and Turkey legs just move
preservationman Nov 2014
A Butterball Bandit Turkey who entered the house
He was so silent he didn’t even wake up a mouse
So through the kitchen the Turkey went
The big question is why was the turkey sent?
The Bandit Turkey wanted the oven to be unplugged
Get rid of all the stuffing and seasoning in a caper slug
Change the tradition of the Thanksgiving feast
The Bandit Turkey was creating a whole new press release
The Turkey crime being more than just being gazed
The Butterball Bandit Turkey was clever in the amaze
Now he is wanted cooked or raw
He will be captured and that’s for sure
It will either be a seasoned affair
Perhaps to all Consumers in beware
A Butterball Bandit Turkey crime wave
Jail will teach the Bandit Turkey in how to behave
A meaty finish being a crave
No gobble heat end
What meat for Thanksgiving will be in begin
The trail continues with a hungry flow
The evidence being a Bandit Turkey’s go
A scandal being an untimely eat
Will the Turkey finally be a new defeat?
You determine in what meat we should seek.
preservationman Nov 2020
The meeting of Gobble is called to order
We the Turkey’s have a crisis
Every Thanksgiving it is always the same, our meat is priceless
Thanksgiving is coming, and we will be set on dinner tables
As Turkey’s, we are forced in able
It’s the same old routine
We are the Butterball’s at every call
Ovens take effect, but as Turkey’s we can’t stall
We must do something about this situation
The floor is open for conversation
Running away is out
As the Ax in someone’s hand would be moving swiftly about
My suggestion, let’s attempt to push for the Ham’s taking on the task
Now Thanksgiving is only days away, and we must work fast
We shouldn’t be even considered for Thanksgiving
We can thank the Pilgrim’s for that
True with fact
All family household Forks and Knives ready and holding steady
We Turkey’s are fed up
This year no Turkey detail
We will not be stuffed
Enough is enough
It’s time for us Turkey’s to rebel
We don’t have much time
We must have a strategy in place
Otherwise, dinner tables we will us face to face
Let’s protest
This is our right to confess
Who cares about ovens?
We as turkey’s, we must survive
So Turkey’s unite
All family households are in for a fight
We can’t let this be our plight
This is our showdown
Our message will be spread throughout the town
Turkey meeting adjourned
preservationman Nov 2015
A Turkey that dashed from the kitchen
But there was a good reason
A holiday bird that no one should eat
Turkey’s unite as we need to retreat
Why be plucked like we are a duck
Turkeys run wild as we are running amuck
The idea of the hatchet aiming for the Turkey neck
Why should a Turkey just let
As Gloria Gaynor song that comes to mind with a different version, “A Turkey shall survive”
We are determined to be alive
Gobble your fork for some other meat
Yet its Thanksgiving and please have a seat
As we gather together it won’t be Turkey meat
Since the pig wants to be a ham
The am will be eating a yam
This is the time to give thanks
Reflect on the past, present and future
Thanks to the Pilgrims in making their way
This is a remembrance on this day
As the Pilgrims and the Indians united together
The world shares thanks like no other
But this Thanksgiving will be a feast of another
That Turkey is still on the run
I guess the Thanksgiving dinner will not be fun
As far as my story goes, I am done.
preservationman Nov 2015
It’s that one swing with that ax
A Turkey’s emotion being before feeling perplexed
No place to run
The oven being already prepared
A Turkey in not having a neck
All the other grouping Turkey’s thinking oh heck
What a way for a Turkey to go
However you might see a flying Turkey escape in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
The Turkey only thinks he has made it in the shade
No one at your Thanksgiving feast will ever know
Follow that balloon being the flow
Eat, Drink and be thankful
Don’t drink and drive, but do arrive alive
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all
Just remember the Turkey that you saw
Gobble Gobble Gobble
Anybody for a game of squabble?
preservationman Nov 2021
I happened being an unknown event
That is how the Earth’s Environment went
Suddenly a plight hit the Earth
Transformation into a new species
Living and walking Turkey’s
This is what humans had become
Gobble here and there
Humans could no longer speak the English language
Perhaps it was years on Turkey’s being the honored table guest
Turkey’s warned Earth everywhere and would get their revenge
Through time
The Earth didn’t take the Turkey’s Serious
But now Earth is furious
However, Turkey’s always got the raw deal
Humans now are the element being the feel
Scientist have no idea in how to combat the Turkey reverse
Now it becomes an everlasting curse
Gobbling effect
Forever Turkey’s
No wonder anyhow
Turkey’s say, “That is what you get”
We give you no regret
preservationman Nov 2018
Thanksgiving Main Dish
Turkey has no time for a living wish
Turkey in the oven being the seasoning feast
No need to add yeast
The Turkey will have an axe up to its neck
None the less, what the heck
Family and Friends together giving thanks
The Turkey says, “Are you sure I can’t persuade you to have Frank?”
Yet it’s Turkey Day
Embrace love all the way
Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are
It doesn’t if it is close or far
Eat, Drive and be thankful
But don’t drink if you are drinking
Your life is precious in deserving
So the Turkey will lose and you will eat
It will be the treasured meat
Yet, pray for all the shut in and misfortunate still
But that is a will
The Turkey shall not survive
But then again, it’s never alive
Thanksgiving is about memories and reflections
Enjoy one’s company
Thanksgiving is about sharing, caring and giving
Happy Thanksgiving on this day with many more to follow
So enjoy my friends and embrace until the very end.
preservationman Nov 2014
The message got out
It was one big shout
Thanksgiving coming our way
A Turkey’s running words in what they say
“Let me run before that chopping ax”
I am going to keep running and never look back
The Turkey being the main coarse
This is a Turkey unification being a force
Thanks to the Pilgrims for starting this
This is definitely going to be a whole new twist
There will be a different meat to explore being a switch
The question of what and how
But for now I am giving the ax a pow
Being I am a Turkey on the run
I am writing this quick and I am done
The oven can wait
As a turkey I must hesitate
I decree I will not be the meat that will bake
Perhaps shake and bake for the Duck
This is run Turkey run
I am going to Florida to have some fun.
preservationman Nov 2021
Every year it is always the same
It’s enough to make a Turkey go insane
We are the feast
This will be my getaway at ease
I will hop on a Greyhound bus
I am definitely avoiding the fuss
My travelling is a must
This will be a permanent vacation
I am feeling the appreciation
This will be the Turkey’s thanks
I intend to always be a Turkey among
Greyhound will take me to my journey being nothing but fun
A lane changer being no pun
This Turkey is on a scheduled run
A Turkey only understands
The same old tradition of dinner tables having the Turkey as the main course
I am taking action being the force
Feeling at ease while taking in the refreshing breeze
Lying on a Florida beach
They can’t catch me now as I am hard to reach
The sun will be me a Golden tan
Dinner tables will have to find another plan
Thanksgiving is my take away
I won’t be caught by no ax
This Turkey is controlling the facts
Florida might be my permanent stay
Dinner Tables I will always astray
My leisure moment and I am ok
Being the serving never on any day
Dinner tables can have their feast, I am free to breathe at ease.

— The End —