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In halls of wisdom, where thoughts take flight,
A scholar stands, seeking truth's pure light.
Pr. Naceur Ben Mesbah, philosopher's name,
In the realm of ideas, he's gained his fame.

With mind as keen as a blade's sharp edge,
He delves into thoughts from every ledge.
Exploring the depths of thought's vast sea,
Guiding his students to ponder and be free.

Philosophy's tapestry he deftly weaves,
Asking questions profound, the mind he cleaves.
In lecture halls resonates his voice,
Provoking minds to make their choice.

With intellect like a beacon's glow,
He lights the path where thinkers go.
Through Socratic dialogue and discourse rare,
He nurtures minds with utmost care.

In pursuit of knowledge, he leads the way,
Challenging minds to explore each day.
Pr. Naceur Ben Mesbah, a philosopher bold,
Whose teachings and wisdom we firmly hold.
Edward  Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
Hellopoetry has the greatest poets of this time.
I am so bless to know them and to share too.
On the site that has the very best of them all.
There are so many to name on here  right now.
Brandon Nagely, TheRaven,CJLove,White Wolf.
Vicki,Bijan Rabiee, Darrell Landstrom, Patty m.
Openworldview,forgotten, samanthax,Arianna, Fawn.
Dennis Willis,Evangeline Ruth Hope,Muzaffer.
Naceur Ben Mesbah, Faizel Farzee, Dan Hess.
Crazy Diamond Kristy, Katja Pullinen, Deb Jones.
M-E, Long Rager,Amulya,Pradip Chattopadhyay.
Madison,Joanna,Sally Bayan, Wendy ,Izzn,Fredrick N.
There are many more praying Blessings upon your works.

— The End —