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Prabhu Iyer Feb 2015
Mystery girl, let me make an ansatz about you:

You are like an anti-gravity wave -
the farther I go, the more I pine for you.

Some kind of growing exponent:
yes, you are the solution I ignore in my

quotidian root-finding mission;

Ah, the annihilation, those killer eyes!
Now I see, we inhabit orthogonal planes.

Your *uv
, to my uw, you are IR to my ivy.

Wonder-woman, let me make an ansatz about you:

You are elegance. Ripple-play at pebbles,
those dimpled cheeks.

Deliciously symmetric. Alpha 180,  no Beta
at all - well not Cartesian.

Guess it's subterranean, Artesian,
in the k-space, transform domain,
my mind-space, where, girl,
you are a wonder of beauty and grace.

Magicienne, let me make an Ansatz about you:

You are the particle for Love waves. A lovelet.

Dressed in that kaftan when you walk in,
I will sublimate. Ether-maker, you solve
the Hamiltonian, I see now how matter's made.
To all the mushy geeks out there...happy Valentines! If you do read this to your Lovelet, do quote this quotidian verse-maker!

Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2019
I saw the Silver swan
Open her wings, glistening
On the top of a white stage
It was noble, stately, nightly
And the stage a circular pond
Let me flow softly, smoothly
Watching the Silver swan glide
Mysterious, beautiful
Silver swan I will swim to you
For with you I am entranced
Mounting a lovelet of songs
Under a starry sky.

Love Mary
Written in hospital just recently.
M  Dec 2022
some days
M Dec 2022
i just want you to tie me up
while you stand in front
holding me down
with your flustering stare...

you'd tease my weary mind,
bringing us closer
to the summits of cloud nine
but never quite actually there.

but at the same time
on other days,
in just as frequent that occasion,
i just want to hug you
and nothing more--
to litter our days with sweet exchanges of affection
while we toss around wholesome words of endearment--

my sweet lovelet,
my pretty darling,
my caramell...
how i love the way we love
hi :3

— The End —