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llcb  Nov 2015
llcb Nov 2015
Kafferinge på skrivebordet, hænder på gelænderet, for lange bukser, fransk om onsdagen og cigaret til frokost, AT og NG og NV og AP, krudseduller på bordet, børster tænder i bad, kold kaffe i stuen, kruseduller i mit hoved, 10 minutter i tog, 6 timers søvn, et kvarters grin og et par sekunders gab, knækker fingre, kysser kinder, skriver beskeder, hvide gummisko i støvregn, capri Sonne på stationen, en god snak, Naja Marie Aidt, søndagsmiddag, aflevering på lectio, lektion ved min computer, møde om innovation og introduktion til AT konklusion, smukke mennesker, januarudsalg, skilsmisser, nye mennesker, øhm og det er så fint.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
ale czysto w tej E - U - Ρ - Ω - Π - J - Η.

islam leiben historie, nicht Ottoman,
Ottoman pseudo Khan, islam leiben historie:
eins, zwei, drei und vierte maulkor'bzeugè'naussagé
(sausage marathon); they love their history
mind you ψι and τρι...  kaganiec u stóp w
krok stu odpowiedzi w jedną droge:
raz jeszcze, w las i w cienie iglą tej tętnicy wybryk chęć
na gre, by zadać zbyteczne  pytanie! na odpowiedź
oskarzyć czas z wiedzą zegara,
i tą ostateczną, wartą końca, namylsnością...
ponownie oskarzyć jako począt narodu -
tylko golasa, warte imie kroka ka ka kar Kasymir'ah!
wedle Tsara, czołem w tło wymagań na wyryte
zapomnieniem lat: oddech'u Uzbeku chafta
wspomnień wiatru i chorongiew latawcy
jak niby urojen konceptu narodu...
ja człek tylko w psiarni! i tak powiem, tak,
wiara, panem na zbyt wiele pamięci Janosika
i Radio Maria;
o tyle czerpie zgon, ponownie, ponownie,
by ocalić, niby swiętego, i pogrzebać swój naród...
ale wstyd! wstyd! by ocalić jednego niby
swiętego, lecz nadać obszar rodem Polak'a
ponad Polske i w ramach Irlandie; jaki to wstyd
nawet ten mnie wart, co nie nada snu!
co za wstyd - nie warto umierać wiele razy,
kiedy ten ostatecny oznacza raz jeszcze -
                      *quo vadis, qua lectio?
ten raz jeszcze, i ten ostatni, o tyle wiele poradni
przed wieloma nocami snu.
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2017
i think it's called the art of reading... so i'm reading this book, and i'm noting it's a semblance of some meaningul aphoristic tactic... headphones, sunglasses... and the bookmark lodged in between my skull and the sunglasses... but i'm thankful in that i indicated ᚱ on one side of the bookmark... and ᛚ on the other side... just so i known what page i left my reading attention span on... it really has become an ars lectio - the art of reading... me? oh i can stomach heidegger's ponderings... all i need is some whiskey, a packet of cigarettes... an uncomfortable position: akimbo on a windowsill... and comparative literature, usually in the form of the sunday press... the magazines of a leading newspaper... i have no idea why i'm big on sunglasses... blocking out the u.v. rays? ****'s sake! 'ere comes pete and his ice-cream van with that horror-movie equipped jingle... it's sunday, and he drives into a cul de sac... wallace way... that's what it's called... and off he goes... a music box akin to a cheap-*** fabergé egg... spot me a porcelain ballerina twirling? might be that... but it really has become a case of ars lect - reading difficult books becomes bearable when appointing yourself having read them in uncomfortable positions... + some idiosyncratic ape-**** behaviour... like lodging a bookmark behind your ear, with one side having the rune ᚱ designating: you finished where we finished off on the right page... and then the rune ᛚ deginating: you left off on the left page. well... there's that... and there's also balancing a pen on the peacock of a book that's nothing more than... simply open... oh look! the it's exfoliating! but of course it would... it's giving it the peacock whiff of its tail by being opened by a keen reader... i agree though... god is dead... so much so that i'd say: poetry is dead... but was it kept alive is the art of reading... and it really has become an art form... i can only equate this consideration to picasso's blue period... just before cubism and the revision of geometrical archetypes, i.e.
          .                         .         .                                .
                                                                           .       .
            .      .
            .      .                  we playing ******* dominos
         or somethin'? basically that...
ooh... i have something king solomon would appreciate,
i call it the solomon's star....
                                  .            .
                                    .       .
                                   .          .
now that really is a ****** representation of
two squares ******* each other... david's?
   the star of two triangles?
                                       sure... but solomon's star
is that of one square on top of another...
                      i'm really going to try and draw this
symbol in pixel:  
                                  .           .
                                .               .
                                  .           .
  now all you have to attach is two squares
          set against each other...
                         and forget the star of david,
and embrace the star of solomon.
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
I'm coming from above
The metaphor is flight
Rocky Mountain Higher
Sor Juana, Mohammed's steed

The Eagle and the Hawk
I just wanna talk
And I wanna ...
A pal's last need a thing to heed

Home is where the Air Force sends you
Patrick for my father
Water for her daughter
Silently I plead

               Please read.
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2023
Stockholm was lovely
Oxford twilight
Help me not fear
The terror in the night

Europe, O Europe!
Italy, Greece
Vienna in snow
Sting and the Police

I'm tired and lonely
Sleep late and long
Mr. Harry Wong

        St. Benedict
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Lectio Divina
Father Peter, Thomas Merton

Sometimes curious hints
But no, I am not certain

2 years of Latin
Dr. Lisle at JMU

Ubi caritas
Is where I think true blue

Et amor
I still remember you
Qualyxian Quest  Apr 2021
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
Our Lady of Guadalupe
        Twice today

— The End —