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mac azanes Nov 2013
Warning and signals;
Are not enough.
For us to suffer less;
And Sleep at night,
At peace.

Your wind blows like a bullet train.
As it passed every town,
It leaves a devastating traced.
Roof's are like crumpled paper in the air.
Trees are like's matches sticks scattered in streets.

We are a country,
Of Hope,
And Happiness.
But in every tryst you visited,
You can't see a smiling face.

Broken Houses and families,
Is all that you can see.
for some of it's members and pieces,
Are still missing,
And not in place.

Bodies lies in streets.
Kids are crying,
Craving for some food to eat,
A place to sleep,
And a shelter for them to take a safe rest.

We will stand after this.
and clean the mess that you've left.
For tomorrow we all know,
That sun will shine in every heart,
Of every FILIPINO people that you've hurt.
Please pray for my countrymen whose lives are taken and families that has been broken.
Jose Carlito  May 2020
Jose Carlito May 2020
"Strength in numbers" as the American says
The Great Unity (dàtóng) the Chinese prevails
"I am because we are" the Ubuntu in Africa
We, the Filipinos, we have "Pagkakaisa"

Houses lifted and moved through "bayanihan"
As solidarity bolstered during typhoon Haiyan
By peaceful revolutions, ousted miscreants
For we are but red ants and we bite as one
#Filipinopride #juan #Philippines #makabayan #oneness
Larry Potter Nov 2013
Here we are standing still
At the tail of a rumbling storm
Beyond a sea of wrecked homes.

But even if the thunder rolls
Above the graves of a thousand souls
Our faith will light a beacon of hope.

We will not feel our body ache
From the shattered glasses
By the surge of raging waters.

Our feet will wander restlessly
Until our hungry hearts will find a home
To slumber in the restless nights.

Our heads will still look up to see
The present covered by clouds of grey
Open to a future of the bluest skies.  

Our voice shall reach the heavens
Until the endless drops of rain
Wash away the tears in our eyes.

We will wake up to the warmth
Of all the love we've lost
That we will keep in our mending hearts.

We will step towards a brighter day
And soon all of these shall pass
Like a glow of rainbow after the  rain.
Eric Nov 2013
Cultured from the same petri dish of indifference that provided the
Comfortable Wall
Of willful ignorance for Bergen-Belsen’s neighbors,
The nation tunes in to another weekend of football and half-truths.
I lead the charge.
Jodie Addams Nov 2013
Thank you for all the helping hands that try to reach us after the super typhoon Haiyan.
Thank you for saying your prayers even before the storm hit our country.
Thank you.

To the writers and editors who put an effort to research the ways to donate,
Thank you for filling the white spaces the verbs of hope
The words are too powerful
Blessings are literally pouring  right now.

These articles are the counterpart of the devastating reality the news is feeding us.
Yet, we must know reality
Thank you for all the journalists who brings these stories in our household.
Unconsciously, you are answering our questions.

To all the countries,
Thank you for loving our country
Thank you for sharing a piece of your nation.

To all the anonymous people who sent their donations,
To my clients,
Thank you.

To all the people who created pictures of hope
Thank you for sharing your talent
Love is felt.

In behalf of my countrymen,
Thank you.
Kitty Prr Nov 2013
As  houses
That   used   to
Mean...    something
Stability, security, reliability
Safe   as  houses.  Then  there was
Katrina,                       Haiyan
The                                Christ-
Church         ­                    earth-
quake,                                   the
Japan            tidal-            wave
Land-          scapes­      flattened
For              mi l es.              Safe
Secure         houses              now
             f  l  a  t
the ground.
Yes relationships,
i n v e s t m e n t s,
g o v e r n m e n t s,
p l a c e s,   can   be
Safe     as     Houses.

— The End —