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Capitolism, n.

A system of Bankocracy tending towards Bankigarchy wherein morality is second to profit and people are worth less than their money, especially so the less money they have.
Bankocracy: Like Democracy, but with Banks as the units of voters rather than people.
Bankigarchy: Like Oligarchy, but with specifically few Banks effectively governing and enforcing.
Don't practice
and **** up
and acquire finesse and skill,
but, rather,
pay a fuckton of money
and get some gimmicky ****
to fill that void
in your ego instead.
"Please? I'll pay you back!"

"You know, if I had a nickel
for every time someone's told me that,
I wouldn't need to be paid back."
Michael Marchese Feb 2018
The boots and bombs
First dropped in Nam
By order of the best of us
The king-elect who earned our trust
With pacifistic vision quests
The family values kind of guy
Was old and rich
And still you people wonder why
Demands can not be met with this
Greatness cyst

— The End —