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Filmore Townsend
"Again she saith: I give unimaginable joys on earth, certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death."
E Townsend
I will write happy things once I am happy.
Bryan J Townsend
Houston, TX    Ill try, but know I'm not perfect.
It goes round and around, never leaving me alone. I can't drink enough to shut it off that way. As he said: 'sometimes we need …
Look inside me, find something I haven't yet.
Wolf Towne
21/M/Costa Rica    American living in Costa Rica writing poetry as a form of therapy.
Kristie Townsend
Leicestershire    Holistic and Beauty Therapist recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder
Kristie Townsend
Leicester, UK    Fully trained and qualified Holistic therapist, Beauty therapist, Counsellor, Tarot Reader & Lecturer. Specialised in teaching & mentoring students aged 13 - 19 years old. …
Patrick G Townsend
Having lived in Louisiana most of my life, I surprisingly speak with a northern accent. C'est la vis...
35/F/Selma, Alabama    I'm a writer. I'm a random crazy person living in the Heart of Dixie.
Town Fool
Nix Townsend
18yrs of Life with a love of poetry while trying to escape depression.
Kayla Townsend
Oklahoma    I came from a dark place, with little glimpse of hope. I flourished like an electrical fire that started in the cold dark corners of …

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