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Rachel Sterling
I'm riddled with things like indecision. I write a bit.
Eliza Sterling
East Hampton   
I am a boy named Rod. I play the guitar, play video games, enjoy my time on the computer heftily, and socialize with my friends, …
I'm just a kid trying to get by, strengthened by those around me and by my ability to escape into a good book and be …
20/F/California    writing is the only thing that currently feeds my soul
Jordan Sterling
Toronto, Ontario    I'm a creative type, and I love to dabble in a bit of everything. Here is some poetry that I've written over the years.
Carson Easterling
21/M    long bio...
J Florence Easterling
15/Gender Fluid/nowhere    I’m sad, but I write happy things. Well, sometimes. Stick around, you might like what you find. Or not, who am I to assume.
Molly Sterling
Canada    Im not sure what to put in my bio yet, but this will have to do for now. Stay gold:)

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