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imposter artist
M/Vancouver, BC    Uncomfortable in my own skin
Víctor J Martínez Camposeco
22/M/Guatemala    I'm born in Guatemala below the moon of Xelaju.I lived in Mexico for 13 years, but now I'm studying film in Guatemala.
Nina Campos
21/F/ILLINOIS    My inadequate suffering for your enjoyment.
Christian Campos
30/M/South Jersey    I'm a poet....very misunderstood for my way of poetry....
Stephany Campos
F/Houston    I only hope for the best.
Simone Campos
sean pomposello
Redding, Ct    Sean Pomposello is a screenwriter, playwright, street photographer and poet who currently writes for A+E Networks. Currently a resident at Project Y Theatre, his many ...
Jillian Campos
Luz Campos
17/F/Phoenix, AZ   
Luz Campos

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