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Maddii Lloyd
Australia    Losing everything, but weight...
Tiana Lloyd
25/F/Murfreesboro    English Grad, Poet, Author.
Christele Stacey Lloyd
Pretoria    Written word is the only immortal thing on earth and I plan to live forever.
lloyd britton
Lloyd Johnson
Wisconsin    I'm barely alive.
England    Just a kid struggling to live with existential apathy and social anxiety. I cant write well so my poems are poor, but i hope they ...
Alexander Lloyd Twyman
My name is Alex. I read, write, enjoy photography, and am quite partial to a good drink with friends, or by myself to unwind.
20/M/Philippines    Average Guy that likes to write stuff i guess.
S.Wales uk   
You're probably looking for another Iwan Pitts, it's a very common name. I am a writer and a poet. I'm also a bar-tender, podcaster, film-maker, ...
I'm a father and grandfather looking at life differently than I did in my younger days. I have 3 children and 4 grandchildren that inspire ...
Jordan Lloyd Price
David lloyd
50/M/south Wales    I am a good person at heart I suffer with severe mental Illnessess, and writing poems helps me to get through some of the bad ...
Kelly Lloyd
Philomena Lloyd
Lloyd Hargrove
Monroe, LA    Born, will die (maybe), staying busy meanwhile.
Lloyd Evans
London    Visionary Poet lyricist producer in training Creative
Swansea    I like words and photos

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