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Matthew Berkshire
Chicago    From Miami, studied in New England, live in Chicago. Inspired by everything, awed by most, saddened by little.
Léia Cheshire Estérel
24/Two-Spirit/Lalaland    I am but a masterpiece of miscreations, existing from day to day, on a plateau of nothingness.. ღ ღ ღ These words hold my broken …
Harmony Sapphire
42/F/San Diego, California    © Harmony Sapphire.All rights reserved.
Isabelle Hampshire
Rome    “And in the end, we were all just humans..drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.” -Scott Fitzgerald Please give feedback …
Meister Lendonshire
20    I paint through words. Through words I show. Through showing we connect. Through connecting we understand. Through understanding we unite. Through uniting we create. Through …
Dry Saphhire Gin
Pennsylvania    Love to read & Love to write. School ruined both for me.
Joan of Arc had style - Jesus had style
58/F/Pakistan    I write poems for my channel. If you like then click the like button. The Legend of Cleopatra Silence to strength
eliot darbyshire
MNL PHL    everything is just so confusing / so I write
South Jersey born and raised. Any feedback is always welcome.
Chandigarh    Trying to collect all the thoughts and pen it dlwn
Don Cheshire
60/M/California    If I told you I was from another star would not believe me.. If I told you my wife is now behaving like someone …
24/M/India    I am a writer.
19/Intersex/Kalamazoo Michigan   
I love creative writing and I am looking to improve my writing skills
Detroit, Michigan    I find it curious that here, on this website, where I publish the deepest thoughts and interworkings of my heart and soul, I feel the …
new york   

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