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Bob B  May 2020
Bob B May 2020
“I’m not going to wear a mask,”
The man says with a look of defiance,
As he stands in the midst of a crowd,
Defying common sense and science.

"I don't like the government,"
The man without a mask proceeds.
It only comes in handy for him
When it happens to suit his needs.

"The government is not," he adds,
"Going to tell me what to do."
Only his unreliable
Sources tell him what is true.

"The CDC can't be trusted,"
He says with a look of disdain,
Letting too many conspiracy theories
Seep into his paranoid brain.

"No business or place of work
Can make me wear a mask," he declares.
When it comes to the safety of all,
His words show how little he cares.

"Freedom is what it's all about,"
He shouts, but he just doesn't see
That it has nothing to do with freedom;
It’s merely utter stupidity.

-by Bob B (5-21-20)
Brian Turner Sep 2020
Social distance flouter!
Mask avoider!
Isolation idiot!
Covidiot !

I didn't chose to ride on the bus, I have to
I didn't chose to come near you, the alley is too narrow
I have a lung condition, I can't wear a mask
I can't isolate I have to put food on the table

Your view is part of the balkanisation of the Internet
Listen to me, hear my conversation
Listen to me, be human again
Challenges of listening and absorbing messages on the Internet around the current Pandemic

— The End —