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really all there is to me is a lack of sleep and an excess of love.


Chris Twyford Feb 2012
Format-Contests, word use, count OR time-constraint challenges... time limits - mind limits ~ people and self-imposed reach-for-a-brass-ring-through-the-cell-bars - to prove what?  Inadequacy-ability-mentality or the lack of just... humanity.  I guess when all-is-said-and-undone -Today I am 'something' that apparently yesterday or before the inquisition - I wasn't.

I would guess you can see how I really feel about doing 'challenges' - just for the sake of another's aggrandizement... notice I didn't say I wouldn't - just how I FEEL about doing them.  Chuckling here.  OK, 90 minutes began with the first word on a blank page - go...

"An Hour And 20 Minutes..."

An hour and twenty minutes… sigh.  I’ve an hour and twenty minutes til what?  What will it all mean - then.  The sun might shine or it could be rain, snow, sheet ice.  The heat might kick on all by itself.  A light bulb may actually glow.  I’m listening to the ticks…

Tick…tick…tick - an hour and ten minutes now… Where does the time GO when you’re having such ‘fun’… even pins drop as if encased in molasses pools - soooooooo slowly, barely turning end-over-end-over-end.  It gives an entirely new meaning to a drip-brew coffee maker, and the mind!  The mind races - RACES, in circles yet spirals too… in and in and round and around… but the thoughts - fragments and incoherencies, lost and found then lost and found again and again… threads, so many, many threads - interweaving…weaving…fading into the next construct… tick… tick…

An hour.  Just an hour, another lifetime passed and past and yet to come… a whole **** hour…hour…6o more minutes… then 59… now 58…eventually 57?  57 more minutes… each a little eternity.  Light a cigarette… the flame doesn’t flicker; strange how flames don’t really flicker after all… it’s all in the eye’s sight, what we THINK we see.  Watching the smoke move, inhale and exhale… how does smoke dissipate - expanding and expanding into a universe, a growing ball - ever fading, fading, fading… do we expand and fade-and-fade as well?…

Is it 50 yet?  50, 50, 50… come on 50…will someone give me 50, 50, 50 50…SOLD! - to the young-ole man sitting there in the back row… yay me… 50 minutes… and counting, counting… down and up, and down, and up…

Electricity doesn’t hum you know… it’s the wires vibrating to the electrons racing within.  Some would say it’s the ‘holes’ that flow and electrons just keep falling and falling within… like watching the hubcaps on a moving car - seemingly turning in the opposite direction of the tires motion… like living on the edge of our own universe… like living at all… life at all… flowing, racing, following all the holes, falling within and falling over-and-over and all to get - where?  What was the actual direction of motion?  Where did we go?  Did we go at all?  Threads and threads and threads " weaving, coalescing, expanding, fading… fading…

Its so not easy to lose oneself and yet we try… and find… ourselves looking back from all the mirrors that never were… cascading from all the non-surfaces back and forth and back and forth til we realize the fractals we are… such a pretty design that captures imagination and goes on and on and on til… 35… 35 minutes… 35… then 34.

Strange how coffee too hot to drink is so ****** cold the next instant of awareness… time isn’t linear to awareness ya know?  It has no set place to be or follow.  Awareness is NOW every moment you ARE aware, but not the one - the moments you weren’t.  I’m aware of being me - except when I’m not… threads and threads interweaving.  I CAN feel my fingertips… each ONE… and all of them at once… but not my toes… I can’t feel the smoke I exhale moving through my fingers… I can see it passing through but not feel it… but I AM aware of my fingertips and can still feel each one all at once… and I am aware of the smoke - moving… expanding… I’m thinking, am aware that I’m thinking I’m thinking…but what is it, what am I, in between moments of aware? Of unfeeling?

Tick…tick… 22 minutes… 22… Roses are red, Violets are blue, eternities last just moments - who knew?  22… 21…White noise, echoes without awareness… what really counts? And why?  And to whom?  So many ‘whys’ we have… whys for everything and anything - some our own and some are other’s.  Wise whys, shy whys, lost whys, because whys… ‘it-doesn’t-matter’ whys that ‘mattered-after-all’ whys… and cold coffee… 18…17…

I wonder
at the emptiness
with each breath

because -
its what we do
its who we are
its all there is

its all I have -
just each breath...

to wonder with.

Feel free
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
Forever love is a better love.
It's like no other love.
It's greater like God's love
The whys doesn't matter.

Together love is a lasting love.
You constantly surrounded by love.
And the whys doesn't matter.

Somethings should never be explained.
As long as the solution is a good thing.
A conflict left unsolved.
Makes the peace a little hard.
The whys doesn't matter.

We seek.
We find.
We know.
And the whys doesn't matter.

If someone states love can't surpass hate.
Then they are a lost cause.
And the whys doesn't matter.

We all aware that love last forever.
Akira Chinen May 2016
I will always be yours
Although you may never be mine
But that will not **** my heart
Or chase my soul away
Your heart is numb towards love
I know
Your have days of darkness and  biting doubts
Whispers of failure and loathing echo through your ears
You can walk through a warm pleasent day
Yet your every breath fills your lungs with ice
And everything you do hurts
You could look straight to the sun
And your eyes would still only see clouds of misery
Somedays you have your reasons
And somedays this lifeless blanket just wraps itself around you
Tightly like it is your skin and your soul
Somedays are worse than others
Somedays are not so bad
Some even good
And maybe it wouldn't be so bad
If you just knew what each day would bring
Sunny tuesdays
Horrible saturdays
A black storm appointed
Every third thursday...
If it was predictable
Maybe... maybe it would be easier to bare...
Probably not...
But maybe if there was a why...
A why to the darkness
A why to the bricks in your hands
A why to the wall going up more often than down
A why to the whispers
A why to your lungs filled with ache
A why to the numb
A why to you crawling back into this pit
A why to the again and again
A why to you hurting
A why to you hurting yourself
A why for your loss of lust for life
A why to your reflection not being as beautiful as you actually are
A why to the silence breaking over the beat of your heart
A why to the whys...
But the days are unknown as to what you will wake to find
And the nights are unknown of when the monsters will whisper
Or the demons will be hiding under your sheets
Or what seeds of doubts the devil has placed under your pillow
To rot your dreams and your hopes
From within your sleep
And the whys only echo more whys and whys
And even the days you wake up to a smile
Or fall into pleasant dreaming at night
Not knowing how long it will last is the shadow stitched to your feet
The nagging question of how long before it hurts to breath again
The anxiety and fear of a bad day looming
Only brings the clouds more quickly
You have lost sight of yourself
And its hard to see yourself as anything
Anyone would be inspired by
Anyone would treasure
Anyone would call beautiful
Anyone would love
So you listen to the whispers and the doubts and the whys
And you brace yourself for a bad day
Instead of enjoying the good one you woke up too
And no matter how many times you hear it
Or are shown that
You are treasured
And beautiful
And inspiring
And that you are loved
You still find yourself crawling into your pit and your darkness
I don't have a cure
I don't have the answers to the whys
Because there is not always an answer
And there is no cure
Treatments works to a point
Pills often **** as many if not more than they help
But the greys of the unknown
Are darker than what little light is understood
What I do have...
Is my hand
And my hope
And my love
Every time you crawl into that hole
I will crawl down with you
I will burn my heart and soul
To keep your lungs warm
I will always be here
In the dark
In the hurt
In the doubts
I will always be yours
My heart will not die or break
My soul will stay by you
No matter the weather tomorrow
Or next week
Or at the end of time
I will love you endlessly
And expect nothing in return
My only purpose need be
To show you your light
And your heart
And your soul
To reveal your true teflection
Your true beauty
To show you
You are inspiring
You are treasured
Your are beautiful
And you are