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People plugged in everywhere
To ipods, games and phones
Like non-existent robots
The world is full of drones
We're now made up of circuit boards
We've lost all of our bones
Be different, and unplug yourself
Grow a pair of stones

Your life is electronic
on a tablet or a chip
You run your life remotely
you give people email lip
you wouldn't dare go jogging
you might fall and break a hip
Be different, and unplug yourself
And give technology the slip

A record made of vinyl
now it's just some bits and bytes
It's a relic in an antique store
Along with other sights
Like cameras using flashbulbs
when taking shots at night
Be different and unplug yourself
Show digital your might

It doesn't matter where you go
A text, you have to send
If you're going to the shopping mall
Or just walking 'round the bend
You've more holsters on your belt loop
Than gunfighters would depend
To hold onto their weapons
Before they met their end

Turn off the boxes, read a book
Do something that's old school
Don't follow all the others
Acting like a dumb pack mule
Don't rely on electronics
Just use it as a tool
Unplug yourself from everything
Be a leader not a fool

People plugged in everywhere
To ipods, games and phones
Like non-existent robots
The world is full of drones
We're now made up of circuit boards
We've lost all of our bones
Be different, and unplug yourself
Grow a pair of stones
Jay Jimenez  Feb 2013
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
A thousand years will pass
And someone will stumble upon my corpse
I'll have one of those bank tubes tied around my neck
And in will lay pages that I've written on here
The person who cracks open that seal
Will first be surprised the paper didn’t fall apart and blow into the air
The pages they read will be astonishing they will read about
How the society I lived in cared more about a value meal and a good deal on shoes
Then the planet and how it was destroyed by our gas ******* monsters.
They’ll read on to see that in this world lived a man
Who saw the world as it should be seen
(A young child that’s been constantly ******* abused and screaming for help)
That’s how I see the world now
As we pour our maxim sized sodas and flip on our mind ****** television
This society and culture is being suffocated of all its creativity and imagination.
This person might not even understand what the **** is going on
Who knows they might even consider it a grand artifact but honestly
When they decipher this language they will come to see that the world I lived in was
Dying faster than I can even imagine. All I hope is that they won’t follow in the way our world is going. WE need to stop sitting in front of our televisions and get out into the world we need a renaissance of ideas we need a revolt we need a savior (but not like a religious one) we just need to all team up and take our minds back. We just need to take our minds back. We just need to take our minds back. UNPLUG PEOPLE UNPLUG
Nicole Feb 2019
When did things change so much?
When did I get so encapsulated
Into the world of technology?
When did I stop listening
To myself and my own thoughts
And instead add another view
To some article or YouTube video
Just to reach some spoon-fed "opinion"?

When did we stop engaging
In life and with ourselves?
When did playing video games turn to
Watching other people play them online
Numbing our brains to the world
And "filling" our social needs digitally?
When did watching television turn into
Binge-watching an entire series in one sitting?

With this much constant stimulation
It's no wonder we're bored so easily
And that no one goes outside anymore
And that I don't feel alive anymore
Because one of the first things I do
When I get home from work or the gym
Is turn on the smart tv so it can warm up
Because the apps on it take time to load
And I already know that my free time
Will be spent in front of that screen

Lately I've been nervous about
Eventually moving in with new people
Primarily because I spend a lot of my time
Passively using the television
I was concerned with how we'd balance our usage
Instead of considering changing the way I spend my time

When did I start placing my use of technology
Above my own self-care?
When I spend hours watching YouTube
But still forget to take a shower sometimes
And I truly wonder if my recent urges
To leave the state to work on a farm for a month
Are more indicative of some deep desire
To unplug and reset my energy and priorities
Than my interest in agriculture or
Learning to live off of the land

When did I start to feel the need
To take such drastic measures
To change something so simple
Something I could choose to disengage with
At the simple touch of a button?