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Omar Abo Shama May 2014
It's sad how the things go like this today ..
I've thought about it hundered times ..
The words that should be said ..
Before reaching this pointless point ..
Time won't always heal your pain ..
Sometimes , the pain will always haunt you ..
Listen to my unspoken words ..
Hear my unheared scream ..
Stare at my eyes and you'll find the answer ..
It's sad how the things go like this today ..
This pain inside your chest , i feel it ..
This pain that lead you to carziness ..
This craziness that i can handle ..
It's me , It's your home where you're always safe ..
I will be there away and you'll replace me hundered times ..
Until you realise that no one can handle you but me ..
Not because you're hard to handle but because it's me , it's your home where you're always safe ..
I will be there away and you'll comeback ..
Until then , i will be in another place where i didn't use to be in ..

I will be

In the corner of your eyes

And you'll always look at me


The world killed by
Its own time and ego’s.

It naked everyone’s’ alive
To remind, the greater course.

Its time to listen and be guided by
Natures, speaks not the terms of man.

It even conquers the heights and below,
Thus, let the nature’s have its rest.

So, for those in sciences have rest
By no all means, just rest in time.
Mary-Elizabeth  Mar 2014
the lies
Mary-Elizabeth Mar 2014
The lives we lead
The lies we tell...
A glimpse to the real us?

"I went here,
I did this,"
we all know the truth
It's all lies

I see it true
I see it know
Everybody lies.

Behind each word we speak,
Smile we share,
A glance encountered
Any true?

This is who we are
You, Me, Them
you may find this wierd
But this is the truth

The lie behind your smile,
I can see it.
The lie in every word you say,
I can see it too.

No lie unseen,
because i know the real you!
Just random
Marina Valere  Jul 2015
Marina Valere Jul 2015
hello, helloo,hellooo
can't you hear??
are you deaf??
i'm screaming at the top of my voice
listen to me
don't you dare ignore me
this most be the smook house another voice unheared
by the tragic sounds of humanity
your doing this for spite
don't you care anymore
was i a one deal??
do not play me
i've much to do dan
stand hear waiting to be heared
you go ahead
leave me here
i'll wait til your all done
doing whatever is so important
that u cant stop
and listen to my sad story
i'm lost cold
and you just stand there
as if i wasn't wont nothing
more than
a piece of trash
unseen my society
bye now
sorry for wasting your precious
devi  Oct 2023
Songs of a Bird
devi Oct 2023
“The heart is born ageless
put to test against time

How can love know an end
when infinity fills the cup of life

The body a mere instrument
boundless atoms we call mine

Like a fresh morning during spring
dew spreading without any strife

There is no secret in the circle of life
by knowing both sides of a dime

The beating heart turned to a relic
bound to return without asking why

Protest is futile, so is denial
upon the arrival back to the divine”


“The bird of the night has come
speaking of ol’ wives tales

Disappears after losing its feathers
after catching the Mother’s tears

Her hand is clutched tight
together withstanding the fire

The songs played so mercifully
making the soul weep so quiet

Bouncing drops of harmony
gathered together for the fight

Knocking the wooden door rhythmically
unheared while dancing into the night

Dawn was calling out for a break
covered in the ashes of the light

And so continued singing aloud
till all of our cups dried out”


“Filled with glee and joy
was the garden to explore

The flowers fragrantly bedded
the trees home to one-stop passengers

Looking for a place to stay
scavengers of food, hiding in the shade

Or for shelter, to keep dry
lay under a roof full of leaves

Together with the forget-me-nots
and a sky full of stars to believe

Gifted a million chances to see
all that is when one is open to receive

Tomorrow’s wishes may never be again
today is already granted to thee

So when the rooster sings its melody
let the heart dance as in your dreams”
Akta Agarwal May 2021
A life of woman is full of struggles.
She was always blamed for everything,
But with time everything started to change,
Then why not yet our society have accepted a girl with their period,
Why she have to locked in a room for atleast 5 days,
Why her pain and agony left unheared by everyone,
Why a people treat her as a curse on these days,
Why can't thinking may also be updated with time,
Why a people says her shameless when she discuss about period even with her husband,
Just why when we says red is the colour of love and of a married woman then how came its become bad when a girl is having periods,
Just think what will even heppen if she was not blessed with this curse ,
Just think its really curse,
Just think it and try to change the cheap mentality,
Try to see her pain and agony in this pendamic,
Just try to think once about her periods in their pendamic

— The End —