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Sienna Burroughs
Bellingham, Washington    Feel free to leave pointers, opinions, or any thoughts\connections. Someone once told me poetry couldn't really be enjoyed until shared. So here it is.
A Michaelle Yarbrough
Nominated in 2007 Poet of the Year by the International Poet Society, recently published in the Poetic Bond II and by The Society of Classical ...


Johnny Words Apr 2016
Those hands those hands
Those rough rough hands
Beating and punching
Scratch when touching
Those hands those hands
Those rough rough hands
Calluses from the friction
All thickened and hardened
Those hands those hands
Those rough rough hands
Calls for control and demand
Hands like paper of sand
Those hands those hands
Those rough rough hands
Of a everyday hardworking man
There's a story behind those hands
Those rough rough hands
Gwen Pimentel Feb 2016
My hands are rough
From doing bars
Doing pull ups
Putting chalk
Wearing grips
Constant contact with rough wood
My hands have to be rough for my sport

My hands are rough
A sign of what I've been through
Of how hard I work
Of how much I push myself
A sign of bravery and courage

My hands are rough
Blistered from holding on to people that have already cut me off
Scarred from trying to piece my broken heart together
Callouses from building on one sided relationships

My hands are rough
Something to be insecure about
Something I keep to myself
And I didn't really care
Until you

My hands are rough
And I've been worried
That no one would want to hold on to them
That they'd be hurt by my hands
That they aren't the hands they want to hold on to
And so I warm my own hands

My hands are rough
But you choose to hold on to them
Despite the blisters, cuts, and callouses
I know it might not be the pair of best hands in the world
And I'm sorry I can never give you those
But I have never felt safer and more secure
Than when your hands are interlocked with mine
thank you
manicsurvival  Oct 2013
manicsurvival Oct 2013
How many times do I have to hear
"You're going through a rough time right now"
Because I can understand a "rough time"
How long can this rough time possibly last
I spoke to my mother last night
and she told me that things are bad right now but eventually it'll go away
So I asked her
"How long has it been?"
And all she could do was bury her face in her palms
It's been four years
Is four years a rough patch...
When I'm not even 18 years old
Four years isn't a rough patch
It's a rough life