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Elizabeth Barrett Browning


James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
28/M/NYC    I am a man making his way from this life into the next. Writing poetry until eternity calls for my last breath. All work is ...
Robin  Carretti
F/Hightstown,NJ    Hello Poetry Planet, I am a creative writer. With self expression words well placed using my Inner-voice. Real imagery I am an Author of the ...


Zoe Sue  May 2014
Sweet boys
Zoe Sue May 2014
I read him one of my poems
He complemented my mechanics
And although part of me laughed
Wondering how he heard me breathe the commas
Heard my spelling bee winner's letter placement
The notion stuck
Push-pinned in my memory
In the neglected space where kind gestures live
I told him how I appreciated it
I should've told him
Boy no no
You don't understand
My mechanics need fixing
No not my grammar boy
I should've told him to volunteer
Sweet boy
I know hands are easier to work with than words
Touch me with both
Shhhh sweet boy
Fix me with your good nature
Let it wash over me
Wash away my grime
You needn't a good speaking voice
But a good intention
Warming arms
To thaw me
Couldn't hurt
But sweet boy
Too bad
We all grow sick of licorice
And I broke you
Like the mantelpiece momma told me not to play around
I broke you
For a less sweet boy
With a politician tongue
And words soaked in muddy motives
I broke you
Hardened you
Into a less sweet boy
With a polititia- err
Salesman tongue
And words soaked in muddy motives
I left you
Gone with the wind
You were the Rett
In the search for my Ashley
But he broke me
Like the soldiers countenance heading to combat
He left me
Where all the sweet boys could have gone