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Brittany Leigh Feb 2010
'So It Begins...'

once upon a time
there was a girl
who always ran around in circles
figuratively, of course
not literally, because if she was literally always running in circles, she'd pretty soon be dead
but that's neither here nor there. back to the girl
she had no idea that she did this
but everyone around and about
was painfully aware of her issues
she was convinced that she was always coming up with new and exciting ideas
when really she just spent all her time recycling her own idiocy
and she became increasingly irate as all the things that she kept around
even though she would never admit that she intentionally kept them around
started to seem wrong
or used
or just completely foreign
until a magic prince
with a magic want
who totally dug the fact that this chick was entirely self obsessed and weird
and pretty much certifiable
snuck in the middle of the night
and robbed the ***** blind
because the guy took all her worthless
and in the end
meaningless baggage away with him
she replaced her former obsessions with stalking him
and he became her magic want
which he severely regretted soon enough
because with her circular habits
her stalking efforts were not unlike being relentlessly pursued
by a small
but not entirely unaffectionate
he fully intended for her to stalk him from the beginning
but unfortunately
as he had been raised in a pseudo-feministic
yet highly romanticized society
he was under the false impression that once this chick started pursuing him
she would give in to her basest wants
and deep seated but repressed desires
that every girl has but doesn't admit
to ending up with a magic prince
he was wrong
and once she caught up with him
the relationship that ensued
became a vicious cycle of marriage, divorce, and remarriage
because he had been ****** in
to her circularity.
the end
I am fifty four
She is forty six
She is waving
Should we go for a fix
And break away
loneliness stings
As per Indian philosophy
this is time to
go for solitude
But I can't follow
this attitude
How would world
react to this decision
While we both
have two children
Feelings are young
but conditions are junk
One addicted to dwell in city
while another for a village
How can we cover
this long mileage
This is a forum of tender heart poets
Kindly suggest your viable logics
Mark Tilford Sep 2015

I write this respectfully,

As I have followed your (story) if you will
I  had to wonder where is the disconnect in
Church separated from State
I must say it was easy to detect
Your reason for refusing
Could it be? For what you think in the future what you
will collect
I have a feeling you knew what you were going to affect
I think you clearly have not read the Constitution because it clearly directs
That is something you may not reject
or disrespect
As I watched you with your so called fan mail, thinking how much could really be hate mail , at your kitchen table
I hope the letters were filled with words that would help you become more stable, not so unstable
Then maybe you can  stop some of the hatred that you have helped to enable
I was set back when I heard you are on your forth remarriage
From a lack of commitment?? Of your vows
They are not like throw away towels
Then when you were released from jail
Honey I think you forgot to wear your veil
Maybe then you would have been more hailed...(your thought)
Then when you and your political FRIENDS? ran upon the stage to eye of the tiger
The song is for a winner of a fight not for someone who caused a fight
out of sure spite
Then to hear you say all this was out of the highest respect to God
Ma'am in church and state there is no connect
Something I think you should have checked
With much respect

SC  May 2015
My Ex
SC May 2015
There are not many souls as beautiful or broken.
Tormented by depression no one completely understands,
you fight through the fog of every day.
I wish you could see what I see.
You always remembered my birthday-
even though you were self medicated with beer.
You took me to dances
and always gave me the most beautiful corsages -
each and every time.
I dried all the flowers you gave me
and kept them through the divorce and my remarriage.
(now our son sends me flowers
that I dry and keep with yours-
he truly is the better part of you)
I also remember the fights -
only now realizing you weren't fighting with me,
you were fighting your demons.
I think I will cling to the good.
Our son is one of the most amazing men on the planet.
You predicted he would be an athlete -
when he took his first steps.
I only wish your illness would have released
its grip long enough for you to make his games.
High school, college, two years pro ball
Your illness only released its grip once.
One game out of hundreds.
Your excitement to see fans
wearing the name you gave him with his number.
If only you could experience joy-
without the deadly combination
of alcohol and meds.
Zoe Sue  Aug 2018
My house
Zoe Sue Aug 2018
Theres always lights on in my house
A few dishes in the sink
A pile of clothes here and there
Some folded
Some furrowed in baskets
Hiding under beds
You can find drawers of everything and nothing
Half missing decks of cards, candy, broken crayons, photos flooded in boxes and albums of our lives
You can find pieces of my mother
Scrawled in notebooks from freedom times of her youth
She would never tell you about
Youll be greeted by a wriggley pug with shoe or couch cushion in mouth
No, she will not stop kissing you
Theres always food in my house
Fancified labors of love
Shoved in saved salsa jars
Theres the old fireplace wrapped in wooden shelves and books and books and books
Drafty walls meet creaky aching wood floors
My house was warped with time
The attic is twenty degrees hotter than the basement
Likely from my pubescent years there
Sleeping at night you can hear mice or birds or bats in the ceiling
Scutterring a rhythm of cohabitated life
Id beat on the walls
Theres been renovations
Live ins
Move outs
Break ins
Move back ins
Dead plants fake plants and growing gardening
My house is a changing ecosystem
Bustling beside main street
With a cemetary stare past the back yard
Buried lives and versions of mine
Youll find life and love history and family
Holy hurt with
Heart and soul
Best thing is
The doors always unlocked

— The End —