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b more Mar 2016
My grandmother likes salami, God, and bougainvilleas
I like to think she likes tenuous pink things-
but then there’s the salami.

One day she taught her daughters to string neck-
laces from bougainvillea petals

I think I chewed too much bubblegum in mass
because I picture God pink
an ethereal globe of a poppable pale pink.
And for some reason, I like to think Brother
Charles saw that too

I bet my lungs are somewhat pink:
more pink than my berry red blood
but less pink, sweet and/or hairy
than a cotton candy poodle.
I forget if they were strawberries or rasp-
berries too

There are things that are pink
but then there are things that are pink
and shadowless.
Like subterranean lungs,
God, the future, and
the smell of flamingos in the dark

The future is still pink and
somewhat fruity
like a lukewarm strawberry milkshake blushing,

or was it maybe just the taste
of my pepto-bismol stained lips.

One of those ponies was my mom
Aaron McDaniel Oct 2012
I’ve been labeled with a term that begins with P and ends with oet
But I owe it to to those listening to explain the steps I’ve taken
225 days of mistaken tippy toes and battles fought arresting a demon to keep him caged thirsty
He stays thirsty
Drips of thick liquid that bring cure to others make his body sick but his mind goes at ease
The random shocks of pain that jolt throughout my body telling me to get more is a reminder that this struggled battle will never be over
This devil on my shoulder is whispering terms of endearment while the angel is tirelessly hanging off my biceps trying to whisper his words of truth
There’s no other way around it
I live by the standard ‘once an addict always an addict’
I am an addict
Before that fact jumps down your throat to join the heart that jumped up in it, let me explain
Addicts like me work long *** days breaking their back to break bread and emerge victorious in their ocean of mistakes
Instead of treading H20, it’s theraflu and pepto,
I used to be drowning but now I’m only waist deep
Slowly, day by day, the drain taking it away makes the level of pepto low
Soon, maybe I’ll be able to say I’m in a puddle getting my tippy toes wet in OTC’s
Then it’ll dry
My tongue shall stay dry
Like that of the demon that stays
Waiting for a day that my mentality meets frustration so great that I’m attempted to sling that syrup down my throat so suddenly that my stomach acid is left in wonder
Silently slipping into a comatose state that no soul may recover from
To prevent this, I’ll pin praying hands to my nose and speak to a God that I’m not even sure is listening
As I apologize from straying away from the path he’s set for me, I’ll look forward and realize that the hurting is gone
Indeed, more will come
But there is no fear in these eyes
My mother’s soft touch on my shoulder
Friends cementing their hands to my spine to make sure I stay standing
I feel safe and secure to stand on a cliffs edge while the oceans muddy water rushes at it’s walls
I will not fall
Because I just showered
And I intend on staying clean…
Mike West Jan 2014
Animal Crackers and my soup
Undigested in my ****
All the food I ate today
Coming out in the same way
Uncontrollable urge to strain
Even though it causes pain
My poor sphincter it does burn
And my guts just churn and churn
Pepto Bismol my old friend
Go right now and put an end
To the horrible, rancid flow
Burning my **** as it does go
Cramping spasms all day long
Something I ate went horribly wrong
Could it be the salad or bread?
Or maybe something not quite dead?
Perhaps it was the chicken or stew
Or the fish, boo hoo hoo!
I'm just praying for an end
So my **** can start to mend
And then suddenly to my surprise
That nasty flow simply dies
Gleefully I start to wipe
But then as I start to swipe
I hit a very tender spot
That feels like it is now red hot
Now the Charmin feels real rough
Like tree bark or abrasive stuff
I finish wiping with great care
While the pain I grin and bear
At last I stand and flush with glee
That nasty stuff that came from me
A moment later to my shagrin
I feel the urge to sit again
Rj  Oct 2015
Pepto Bismol
Rj Oct 2015
Behind closed lids, my eyes darted back and forth
As if trying to see something in the darkness,
As if the dreams were real, the thoughts, the tales
I knew from that point, sleep would not come easily
Suddenly the posters on my walls flew about,
Trying to confuse me, just like the furniture,
I rehearsed the words I would say, if suddenly, one day
And I tossed and turned, wide awake, eyes shut tight
Hiding my face from the furniture, and posters
And eventually I shakily tip toed to the kitchen
And gulped down two giant table spoons of pink liquid
As a last stitch effort to remind myself I was not being watched
When I was little, I had nightmares, and insomnia really. Just couldn't sleep because of the bad guys. So I would stay awake shaking until I got the nerve to get my numb body out of bed and beg my mom to give me something to cure my made up stomach ache. Every night, I would drink pepto Bismal so that I could walk hand in hand with my mom down the hall and through my house, and I would hesitantly check every corner of the dark house to make sure everyone was safe. Last night, embarrassingly enough, I got scared, and for the first time in a long while I drank some more of that comforting liquid
Wayne Pritchett Nov 2010
im stuck in this reality
that either way i go
nightmares will come to life
worst fears leaving the dark
coming to light in one side
on the other one the happy
heartfelt dreams from years
of courtship come true.
living in this maze
of decisions i could make
leave me sick on a good day
and others pretty blue
cause breaking hearts
never was my thing to do
its happened to me
in the past till recently
now im in the seat
to stop someone's heart beat
a sad proposition
my mission nonetheless
the very thing i hate
smashing a heart
thats in my possession
is now my task to fullfill
believe me theres no thrill
in makin a woman cry
cause the woman she
once aspired to be
my future wifey
is something she wont
witness first hand
dont think for a second
that im a bad man
i just fell twice
the second time left a wound
a bad case of heartburn
that would bring certain doom
from my girl named Spice
girl could shoot some dice
gamblin wit my love
twistin it to seem right
suckin me back in
time and time again
with seduction at a new height
*** therapy like no other
like a poison poppy
lulling me to a stooper
till i get a picture
then mouth gets sweet
cause i remember
the night one November
when my Sugar came to me
that my bestfriend
my homie of all homies
i was sittin in her car
i leaned to the drivers seat
kissed the sweetest lips
both pair believe me
then i smile
from cheek to cheek
she gives me relief
like pepto
but she looks better in blue
shes my little smurf
that turns my heart to goo
the strongest power
a woman can ever hold

now i have sugar and spice
two polar opposites
i stand on the equator
migrating from the later
cause i love hot food
so i slid back like a fool
ended up with a stomach ache
acid reflux and an attitude
something i havent suffered
since i distanced myself
i started feelin brand new
shootin for galaxies
farther than science can see
cause the sky aint the limit
thats what my sugar believes
as she energizes my soul
with sweet bursts of encouragement
Pure Seduction from Vicki's Secret
turned to ultimate attraction
her scent makes it happen
my mouth begins to water
strawberries dipped in chocolate
her flavor is what i savor
pleasing her is what i enjoy
thats what i plan for life
we have a mutual understandin
i do me and she do her
but when she in town
or when i come around
our teeth are super sweet
and Sugar is all i can eat
the greatest thing to me
is i can feast with no crash
no indigestion or gas
but ill take the cavities
thats what the dentist is for
having sugar and spice
is far from anything nice
its time to choose
lifetime of loving lust or
eternity of love and trust
no brainer
Sugar is the one for me
cause in the end
she still can get spicey
Be afraid.
The breakdown of civilization
is at the hands of our well-meaning,
overly thrifty,
spoon-wielding  mothers.

Be very afraid.
They are entranced by spices
and covering condiments,
pepper and powder,
onion and garlic galore.

Gingerly they add cumin and dill,
cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves
with thyme to add sage and curry,
parsley, paprika and allspice.

Their casseroles become
zombie food
as the dead

These cheese-added monsters,
hungry for mystery-meat,
render brains to mush
and bind our bowels.

They stiffen our gait
with numbness and nausea
until we are rendered victims
of another pepto-pandemic.

And in the night
of the living dead,
feeding us salt
in a casserole apocalypse,
we panicked victims become
the casseroles we consume.

Now paralyzed
in fear
by the light
of the open refrigerator.
Wellan Xi Nov 2014
There is a storm.
Raging in my brain.
A **** storm.
In my **** brain.
Torrential diarrhea.
Tangential galleria.
I’m gone.
Beyond Pepto-Bismol.
Nothing to be done.
Too much to wipe away.
Poetic explosion.
Pathetic implosion.
What are you feeding me?
spacedrunk Aug 2016
ive got a bad case of earphone head
added to the laundry list of reasons to commit suicide
im not the outline i was born to be
josh says he's talking to voicemails
n i guess we all kinda are
my legs are melting, dripping from telephone babies
i don't want yr hours i want socks without holes in the toes
i keep forgetting to bring the tea that reminds me of her soft skin
i think she is an angel
either way ill end up like the bride ghost
i would run away with you if i could // jesus died on the cross so i could quit my job
Emily Jones  Nov 2012
A Dream
Emily Jones Nov 2012
It came like a sudden darkness, storming up and snuffing out the already fading light of dawn,
When I found myself floating, above the ground suspended on the backs of blue clouds that kissed the purple sky like a clinging lover
Chasing the movement of birds before my eyes I turned to stare down at the blackness beneath my toxic cloud of color, at the puke green sea covered in the orange foam of soda where what looked like the remnants of my breakfast that morning road the frothy waves.

Pepto-Bismol stained whales attacked the early air blowing bubbles filled with what looked like Oreo cream screaming happily the music of contentment
A cry a loud mewling filled the acid induced happiness of the moment, yowling agonizingly, as if possessed by the spirit of pain itself.
Thumping, Screeching clash and the ***** of nails had me blinking away from my floating tea party within the sky and looking rather questionably to the hunky dream boat pouring me a fresh glass of tea,
His smile plastered by the very gods themselves didn't waver, and in my dreamlike stupor I thought nothing of it
But the terrified yowling, hissing, strange purr-mewl didn't stop.

The sky no longer a pleasant purple faded to a nasty shade of plum conjuring two disembodied chillingly green slated eyes
Frantic with irrational fear I panicked falling off my blue cloud to plummet towards the angry green sea below
Falling, Falling ever faster staring up at the sinister glowing ambient green eyes, whilst hearing that terrifying screeching yowl, from the Cheshire maw
Slamming awake with the tingling sensation of a ghostly belly flop, I find myself still staring up at those eerie green eyes.

This time surrounded by a flowing mane of toffee fur and speckled with tan zigzagging stripes of inky black,
Buddy, with his demanding meow of attention, insistently pawing my forehead with the command of a gentle rub,
Plucking my wings, and crippling me with a cuteness that only he can have.
A silly poem about a lovable cat and what he interrupts on a daily basis.
Ansley Sep 2018
The sentence looks like someone who's sibling I used to be,
smells like sand and Pepto Bismol.
and is wet and warm and sticky.
As it sounds like a gun shot in an apartment in Virginia,
The sentence whispers to me a time of death.
I despise being the next of kin at a funeral filled with people I do not know

— The End —