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My name is newton from Ireland, I have great joy in me as i am writing this testimony about the great woman called Mother Esango. ...


Jude kyrie Nov 2015
Man Finds peace .                  Man loses fun
Man finds woman--                Man loses freedom
Man finds Freedom---            Man loses innocence
Man finds riches---                 Man loses friends
Man finds love----                   Man loses mind
Man finds truth-                 -- Man loses the deal
Man finds Christianity-        Man loses atheism
Man finds atheism-----          Man loses soul
Man finds girlfriend---         Man loses wife
Man finds wine--                - Man loses sobriety
Man finds contentment--- -Man loses drive
Man finds anger.              ---Man loses cool
Man finds gambling.        --Man loses money
Man finds sickness--         -Man loses health
Man finds old age---           Man loses hair
Man finds death---             Man loses life*

Newtons Law -
-For every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction-
-ie Newtons *****-
No not that  the eight on string
that click clack both ways on execs desk-
- LOL Jude
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
How many people have I disappointed?
I do **** and maybe I like it
I don't.
I search for nothing
I grab an apple from the ground when it was supposed to be from a tree above
So I'm hated for being naive
But convincing is good
Good for the mind; functioning but discombobulated
Convinced equals the force of what the mass equals in Newtons?
Oh **** it. If it's balanced I'll take it.
I guess that it's better when it was never known.
maybella snow Jun 2013
i personally believe in magic
but newtons 3 law...
i believe that also, more than anything          


a little pond
picturesque in tiny detail
  short cut grass surrounds it                          
the water reflects the flawless sky
the small cheeping of water birds                        
partly submerged water ferns

a duck                          
brightly colored
on the relatively small side
paddles free of worries                
joyfully, around the pond

the ripples it creates  
rebound, hitting the edge multiple times        
lapping up the embankment

i'm the pond
you're the duck
your actions hit me          
multiple times
a day
a week          
a month


"for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"