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Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
Lazer *******
Got me spilling my blood
Onto the messiah.

Lazer *******
Got me lick sphere on
The ghetto miscarriage.

When the well of your libido
Becomes the price you live for
There is no turning back
You have reached your exit.

Lazer *******
Got me dying in the underground
dressed as the leather

Lazer *******
I owe nothing to Jesus Christ
So I will ******* until my own

When your life and your memores
Are bartered for one minute of heat
And you keep wondering how they heard about it
                                         In the church
                                         On the street

When the 'roaches speed in the ****** of your soul
You are thrown down and wasted
In torment.

Lazer *******
Selling faster than equinox
Justice melts in pig money
From Bermuda
And if art must wear
The recline against life
Then it is truly wondrous.
The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                            A hard-on
                        doesn't  count
                      as personal  gro
                     wth.If  you  want
            ­         to  hear  the  pitte
                       r - patter of littl
                       e feet,  I'll put s
                       hoes on my cat.
                       This isn't an off
                       ice , it's hell wit
                       h florescent lig
                       hting.How do I
                       set a lazer prin
                       ter to stun? I m
                       ajored in Libera
                       l arts. Will that
                       be for here or t
                       o go? Too many
                       freaks, not eno
                       ugh circuses.  I
                       have a comput
                       er, a ******* a
                       nd pizza delive
                       ry .Why should
                       I leave the hou
      se? Stress is wh   en you wake up scr
eaming and you re    alize you  haven't  fal
*** asleep yet. I like  dogs  too .  Let's  exch
  ange recipes.  And   yo u r      c r y b a b y        
    whiny- assed   o      pinion      is?      Al 
      low me to intro       duce my selves.
vanessa fonseca Sep 2014
oh wow, i luv u
normally i’d be eating pizza but i luv u
i luv u too much to eat food
but i dont luv u enough to not think about the food
(which makes me sad)
i luv u so much that i wish i looked like u
because i luv ur looks more than my looks
yesterday my mom bought a lazer pointer for my cat to play with
this morning i used tht lazer pointer
and the cat went wild n chased it up the stairs
the cat is me and the lazer is u