Captured in the psych ward, Jesse Jameson' entry
Today Ron went into his usual cafe to buy a coffee and cake and
While he was in there he met Jesse Jameson who was in the store
Hiding from the police after robbing the local bank, and Jesse proved
That he was a nice gut, ya know too nice for prison and as soon as
Ron heard about the bank robber being Jesse Jameson, he tried to
Convince the magistrate that Jesse needs to be put in the psych ward
Instead of prison, and when Ron did the medication rounds, he gave Charlie
His, and Charlie said, I heard on the news that we might be getting a bank robber
In this psych ward, and Ron said, well, yeah, we could be, it is up yo the magistrate,
And you do know that you have to behave yourself if he does, because he could turn
Nasty, and as Jesse was in the holding cell, he was feeling the hooligan in his feet
In the form of an itch and Ron came in to say hello, and talk about,what the lawyers
Have planned for you, you see, what you need is, you need to be on your best behaviour
You don't commit any crimes between now and next Monday and, there will no problem
Of you going to the psych ward, you see I am bending over backwards and Jesse sat there
Scratching his toes, and Ron asked have you got tinnea or dermatitus in your feet, and
Jesse said no, it is the fact I am in here, instead of the psych ward, you see I didn't mean
To rob that bank and I can tell you why I did it, and Ron said, well, why did you, and Jesse
Said, well, I was hearing voices that I couldn't control, and before you say it, I am not
mentally ill, you see I am just a man who needed a few dollars to feed my family and Ron
Said, well, yeah, we have to get a psychiatric examination anyhow, because you broke the
Law, Jesse, you had a gun, you could have killed someone, you are risking jail time, and if
You pass the psych test, you could go to the psych ward, for as long as it takes for the
Medication to work and Jesse said, ok, so, if I pass the psych ward I get off in a psych ward
Instead of jail, what about my reputation with my mates, we used to laugh at the mentally ill
And Ron said, yeah, so I will come 2 hours before the court case, to give you a psych
Evaluation and then we'll see whether you pass to come here, but Jesse, I am sorry, you
Ain't fit for society, the psych ward is the safest place, for you, so psych test is your best bet
Buddy, and then Ron went home and ordered a pizza and fell asleep in front of the box
And woke up, and had to miss his cup of coffee, to go to the police holding cell to give
Jesse his psych test and after he did that, he gave the test results to the lawyer and went to
Cafe to have his cup of coffee and vanilla slice and said, ya know, that guy who was here
Yesterday, the big day has arrived, and hopefully we will get our wish of having him in the
Psych ward, but, I glanced at his psych test, it looked normal, and I said, this guy was
Hearing voices, and as soon as he had his food he went to the court to find out whether
Jesse will be sentenced into his care and Ron arrived at the holding cell, to pick him up
And drive him to court, hoping that he will get the chance for Jesse to join his HDU and
After 3 hours of being in the court, hearing god knows what, and when the magistrate
Came back, he closed the case, and said, I sentence Jesse Jameson to the care of Ron
Coopers HDU, suffering from schitzophrenia and Jesse thanked Ron, and for the first 2
Weeks Jesse, was isolated from the others till they have his medication right, but Jesse had
A TV in the room and he lied on his bed and watched TV and then Ron brought around the
Night time medications and that was including Jesse's and then Ron clocked off and
Went home to make spaghetti bolognaise and watched TV and then fell asleep on the couch
And Jesse was making noise all night, so much in fact the nurses need to give him ******
To settle him down and the next morning Ron got a phone call saying that Jesse needed to
Settle down, so we gave him a ****** and Ron went straight to the HDU and gave Jesse his
Morning medication, and said, you need to relax at night, and Ron left after Jesse said
I will try, try ******* you
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