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Mary Oliver
Oliverio Girondo


I ponder.. with wonder ... I think . Where would we be without forgiveness?
Cascadia    we who share vestige of our intimate uniqueness, are different — just be you, that is your greatest strength —stay strong ... stay blessed — …


Michael D Dowdy Mar 2017
"Just The Way.You Are" (c)-2017
Poetry By Michael D Dowdy

I love you , just the way you are
with all your faults & sins
I'm not sacred off  (by your rebellious attitude)
I'm not worried about  (your past  mistakes)
I'm not going anywwhere- (except into your waiting arms)
I love you baby, yes i do
just the way, you are
just the way, you are

Ive been torn into pieces
Ive been ripped to shreds
for my past mistakes & sins
Ive been rejected
Ive been disrespected
ive been abused
and taken- for granted
too times, for far too long
never feeling like i belonged
except by you, my darling
yes, i know, so have you!
I love you baby, yes i do
just the way, you are
just the way, you are

I'm not perfect, and i know
yes, ive known it- neither are you
we have our emotional scars
we made plenty of mistakes
we have our fair share
-of sins & regrets
we have both  been-(torn to pieces)
by  family ,friends & lovers
i dont understand, why we even bothered
-to try to reach out to them
when they refuse to treat us, respectfully
I love you baby, yes i do
just the way, you are
just the way, you are

Ive been torn into pieces
Ive been ripped to shreds
for my past mistakes & sins
Ive been rejected
Ive been disrespected
ive been abused
and taken- for granted
too times, for far too long
never feeling like i belonged
except by you, my darling
yes, i know, so have you!
I love you baby, yes i do
just the way, you are
just the way, you are

Ive seen the best of you
Ive seen the worst of you
you have seen (the best of me)
you have seen (the worst of me)
i love you baby
just the way, you are
and i know, you love me too
just the way, i am
just the way, i am

Ive been torn into pieces
Ive been ripped to shreds
for my past mistakes & sins
Ive been rejected
Ive been disrespected
ive been abused
and taken- for granted
too times, for far too long
never feeling like i belonged
except by you, my darling
yes, i know, so have you!
I love you baby, yes i do
just the way, you are
just the way, you are
and i know, you love me
just the way, I am
just the way, I am

Ive been torn into pieces
Ive been ripped to shreds
for my past mistakes & sins
Ive been rejected
Ive been disrespected
ive been abused
and taken- for granted
too times, for far too long
never feeling like i belonged
except by you, my darling
yes, i know, so have you!
I love you baby, yes i do
just the way, you are
just the way, you are
Derick Van Dusen Dec 2010
All the years Ive invested in our relationship
Now its just a sinking ship.
Everything Ive given, tried as hard as I know how.
All weve done and we still cant work it out.
She calls on the phone, Hear the steady drone.
Havent heard from her in weeks.
Where are you?
Are you sleeping with some other woman?
I told her if she acused me again then were done.
I cant do this anymore, its not fair to eather of us.
Its not fair to her.
All I gotta do is get a job and a place,
then everything will be back to normal.
But Ive had the job, the place to live, Ive given all I know to give.
There must be something more I can do, I cant hit the floor, I cant loose you.
I am, I have, its to late.
My mistake of the past of come to haunt me here, this is all a lie, I cant hold on, its all gone.
Cant loose you, cant loose me. If I loose me dont know what I will become in here.
Let me show you whats in here.
Let you know my fear, let you see my pain.
Though I tried in vain, tears fall loike rain.
Cant stop this love in my heart for this dove for whom I fall apart.
Though the years Ive come to know her fears.
Through the time Ive come to do the crime.
No matter what I say its the same everyday.
No matter what I do its all the same to you.
Through hers fears Ive come to taste her salty tears.
Through my life Ive come to cause her strife.
No matter what I know I cant ever go.
No matter what her gain I still cause her pain.
Even though I cant hide I still have to face my pride.
Even though I cant run still gotta stick to my gun.
I said the vow now I gotta figure how to make it work feel like such a ****.
Who am I trying to fool, who am I trying to school.
Cant tell me a **** thing Im allways rite.
My whole life is just a lie and Im allways wrong.
I know that now yet somehow Ive got to rite the wrongs Ive caused to those I love.
Knowing Im wrong doesnt make what Ive done rite and it dont make it none the easier for her.
I wrote this back in 2005 so dont no one go reading into it what aint there. You all know who you are...