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Yea im ******* trash and i know it
Im a ******* ******* and i dont deserve to live
Everytime i get her trust back
I say one stupid thing
And its gone again
I dont know why i say it
Its stupid, for absolutly no reason
I lied to her face
Because i thought it would help
For some weird ******* reason
Why did i think that?
That is no way to keep her trust

Im ******* trash
And she deserves better
Why do i keep her chained to me
I love her so much
But i keep breaking her heart
And making her question her trust
Its stupid, why do i do that

The other night was amazing
We talked and cuddled and shared stories and it was magical
Things were looking so great
It was the best night of my life
And now its being followed by the worst day
A day where i make her feel horrable
Because of ANOTHER
stupid, inconsiderate thing
That i said

Im ******* trash
And i wish there was some way to make it up to her

And never let her down again
Im ******* trash
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
when the moon is full so are my eyes. when winter seems to be around the corner. something dies in me. a small pach of flower's when it grows cold so dose my soul. when it rains it floods and rip's apart the nartral beauty that lyes in me the gental feeling grows heavy and horrable. what dead floweres in me is whn im dead in side
ment to be peace full guess not
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
last nights date was fullof colors the red wine staining every snoby watreses white shirt
funny how it only takes our little prank to laugh all rest off the night with our sperits high and our thoughts open. we didnt even get in the door till around 2:00 god knows what. we tryed to be quiet but our laughs can quiet last nights date idk what really happened when i just woke up next to my date half way hung over my mind drew a blank. what did happen cause our room is a mess. my hair is mess and my clothes smell like a horrifying. idk where i was last night just the message i read. we went out on a date witch turned in to hellish pranks that waitor i triped making him get covered in food and the horrable thing that makes you laught so hard you cry

what the hell happened on last nights date
no clue

— The End —